Goal 6 and 8 U.S. History Key Terms

  1. Imperialism
  2. Jingoism
  3. Alfred T. Mahan
  4. Anglo-Saxonism
  5. Annexation of Hawaii
  6. Rough Riders
  7. USS Maine
  8. Platt Amendment
  9. Panama Canal
  10. Yellow Journalism
  11. Spheres of Influence
  12. Open Door Policy
  13. Boxer Rebellion
  14. “Big Stick” Diplomacy
  15. Dollar Diplomacy
  16. Allies
  17. Central Powers
  18. Lusitania
  19. U-Boat
  20. Isolationists
  21. Woodrow Wilson (in terms of World War I)
  22. Zimmermann Telegram
  23. Fourteen Points
  24. Treaty of Versailles
  25. Herbert Hoover
  26. Espionage and Sedition Acts
  27. Eugene V. Debs
  28. Schenck v. United States
  29. Palmer Raids

  1. aggressive nationalism
  2. The idea that all countries should be able to trade with China, not just the Spheres of Influence
  3. This said that Cuba could stay independent after the Spanish-American War, but would still be tied to the United States
  4. Made it illegal to interfere with the war effort or speak against the war (during World War I)
  5. ran the Food Administration during World War I
  6. This structure greatly increased the ability to ship goods and military between the Atlantic Ocean and the Pacific Ocean
  7. Foreign policy of using economics and business to keep peace
  8. Sensationalist, biased, often false reporting used to attract more readers
  9. France, Britain, Russia, and other countries that fought against the Central Powers in World War I.
  10. Germany, Austria-Hungary, Ottoman Empire, and Bulgaria (fought Allies)
  11. Those who believed in avoiding involvement in world affairs
  12. Supreme Court Case that limited free speech during war
  13. He wanted to “make the world safe for democracy” and asked Congress to declare war on Germany, bringing the United States into World War I
  14. German submarine in World War I
  15. Woodrow Wilson’s plan to bring and maintain peace in Europe and create a League of Nations
  16. Socialist leader who was jailed during the Red Scare
  17. The destruction of this passenger ship led to calls for war against Germany
  18. This agreement ended World War I
  19. Group of volunteer cavalrymen made up of cowboys, miners, and law officers who fought in the Spanish-American War.
  20. This event followed the end of Queen Liliuokalani’s reign and gave us a strategic set of islands in the Pacific Ocean
  21. The economic and political domination of a strong nation over weaker nations
  22. The interception of this message led to the entry of the United States into World War I
  23. Foreign policy of using a strong military to keep peace
  24. He wrote “The Influence of Sea Power upon History”, calling for expansion of the navy
  25. Federal officials began crashing union meetings and detaining people suspected of attempting rebellions during the Red Scare
  26. The belief that English-speaking nations had superior character, ideas, and government
  27. Fighting that occurred when native Chinese fought against foreign influence
  28. the idea of dividing China into areas that were under control by different countries
  29. The destruction of this warship led to calls for war against Spain