Minutes of a Meeting held on Wednesday 26th July 2017
at 7.00 p.m. at Barlby Library and Community Hub
Present : Councillor P Welch (Chair)
Councillor J Cusson
Councillor S Duckett
Councillor B Marshall
Councillor C Leng
Councillor R Speck
Councillor S Sinclair
Councillor A Clark
Councillor J Driffill
District Cllr J Deans
1. Apologies District Cllr K Arthur
County Cllr M Jordan
2. Public Session
A Member of the Public attended and raised concerns about straying livestock.
Issues raised : lack of response from the tenant, failure to put preventative
measures in place to stop livestock getting onto private land and the highway,
inadequate fencing, animal welfare and barking dogs at the smallholding. Local
residents have complained about the above issues and the Police and RSPCA
have been informed. The Meeting was advised that the RSPCA did not seem to
be taking appropriate action about animal welfare. The Meeting expressed
concerns about the animal welfare issues including lack of grazing which was
considered to be a reason why the animals were regularly escaping from the site.
Animals on the site were reported as being at various times : cows, bulls, sheep,
a ram, pigs, a boar and dogs. After due discussion it was proposed (PW)(JC) to
formally write to the Police and discuss the issue with the Council’s Solicitor to see
what further action could be taken. Agreed.
3. Declarations of Interest and Dispensations
Standard Planning items, otherwise as recorded.
4. Minutes of last Meeting (28.6.2017)
The Minutes were approved and duly signed as a correct record of the Meeting
(SS)(CL), agreed.
5. Matters Arising/Council Managers Report
1. Community issues – Barlby High School advised that a School group was not
through to a competition final. Thanks expressed for the Council’s support.
2. CEF – no update.
6. Finance
Monthly Accounts circulated for payment (BM)(SD), agreed. Bank Statements
and Invoices available for inspection and payment.
A total expenditure of £7,595.98 was agreed.
1. Wayleave – £62.79
2. Skipton Building Society interest – £121.52
3. NYCC Library Grant – £4,000.00
4. NPower refund – £1,244.00
5. BLCH Hall Hire – £400.00
Correspondence/other matters
1. Autela advice notes – noted.
2. Skipton funds – re-invested
3. Grants/Donations – none.
4. Estimates from last Meeting – none.
7. Reports
Community Police
Problems with the ‘101’ number reported. Newby Wiske has now closed and HQ
moved to Northallerton. Community Reports circulated.
Old Railway Walk – vegetation needs cutting back along the route and the sign
requires re-instating. Osgodby Pond – some dumped plants have been removed.
Barlby Ponds – continuing problems with vandalism to lifebuoys, here and at the
Meadow, some new signs are required. Barlby Woodland – evidence of a fire.
Logs and vegetation over the paths to be removed. A footpath fingerpost also
needs replacing. Proposed (BM)(JC) arrange all necessary works, agreed.
County and District Councillors
Cllr J Deans gave a report on overflowing rubbish at the Wadkin recycling centre,
the SDC 5 year housing land supply and Selby Bypass roadworks. Cllr S Duckett
gave an update on the Bypass diversion route, the Fire and Police amalgamation
consultation and School exclusion issues.
Cllr S Sinclair gave an update on the recent SDC Code of Conduct training which
was interesting and informative, with the use of case studies. Cllr S Sinclair had
also volunteered to be on the new SDC Standards Committee.
Health and Safety
Offensive graffiti on the Library lock up to be removed.
8. Projects
1. Emergency Plan – there will be a Flood Warden Seminar on 30th September,
attendance forms circulated.
2. Memorial Garden – the Council Manager approached SDC again about the
transfer. There was a query about the location of the proposed Garden.
9.. Correspondence
For consideration and action
1. SDC – A Dog Warden School visit to be arranged in October.
2. NYCC – Disposing of Hazardous Waste Consultation. Noted.
3. NYCC – Minerals and Waste Joint Plan Proposed Changes Consultation.
4. Police Crime Commissioner – Fire and Police Services Consultation. Noted
5. SDC – Mobile ‘fly tipping’ cameras advice. Noted.
For distribution – circulated
6. SLCC/YLCA Advice Notes
7. SLCC/YLCA Training events
8. SDC Media Releases
9. Drax – Boiler 6 safety valve testing
10.SDC – Area Teams advice note
11.SD Disability Forum – Survey
Newsletters – circulated
12.SD AVS/SD DIAL – Community Transport
13.RAY/Rural Services/Rural Arts/Rural Housing
14.CPRE/Keep Britain Tidy
15.Selby Globe Cinema
16.Dogs Trust Community Event 26.7.l2017
10. Correspondence since agenda
For information only
1. Selby Area Committee – Vacancies for Co-opted Members. Noted.
2. SDC Byelaws Consultation. Noted.
11. Planning
Proposed (CL)(SS) submit approved comments to SDC, agreed.
2017/0592/FUL (8/16/237D/PA) – Retrospective permission for a 2 storey
outbuilding to the rear of Croft Cottage, York Road, Barlby
Comments :No comments.
2016/1314/FYL (8/16/4L/PA) – Proposed amendment to 2013/0478/FUL at
Turnhead Farm, Old York Road, Barlby (DWHomes)
Comments : No further comments, the amendments address most of the issues
raised by the Town Council.
2016/0673/HPA (8/16/106B/PA) – Proposed single story garage (following
demolition of existing) at York Cottage, Barlby (Mr and Mrs Butterworth)
Comments :No objections.
Applications Granted
1. Retrospective conversion of garage to bedroom, extension to rear + porch at
2 The Orchard, Sand Lane, Osgodby
3. Outbuilding at Croft Cottage, York Road, Barlby.
Applications Refused
1. Detached garage/store at Mount Pleasant Cottage, Old York Road, Barlby
Correspondence/Other Matters
1. Major development sites – the Meeting was given an update on the Olympia
Park site, including access proposals.
2. DW Homes require confirmation that the Town Council have surrendered the
lease on River View Play Area. Proposed (SD)(BM) write to confirm, agreed.
3 garages near the site are to be removed by SDC. David Wilson Homes to be
approached about a grant to assist the local community.
3. DWD Eggborough Power Section 56 notification – noted.
4. NYCC – Approval of works at Hilltop School. Noted. Concerns raised about
whether yellow lines will be part of the scheme.
5. Drax – Gas re-powering feasibility study/Meeting 1.8.2017. Deferred to
6. Planning Inspectorate – Appeal Decision, HGV yard at Turnhead Gate
Cottage, Barlby. Appeal refused.
7. There was a brief update about the development site adjacent to Osgodby
12. Play Areas/Amenity Open Space
For consideration and action
1. Play Area/Open Space – the container and posts have now been removed
from Bungalow Road and the zipwire is fully operational. After due discussion
it was proposed (PW)(RS) that a bid for £20,000 Kompan funding be made
towards upgrading equipment at Play Areas and that a zipwire be installed at
Osgodby next year, agreed.
2. Came and Co – insurance approved for Volunteers to carry out groundworks.
3. Equipment leaflets – noted.
13. Street lights & Furniture, Roads & Paths
For consideration and action
1. Street Lights – an emergency call out has been done at Highfield Crescent
following vandalism.
2. Highway issues – land at Beech Croft has been cleared and will now be cut
as part of the grass cutting contract. Further enquiries to be made about the
ownership of the grassed area at Bramley Avenue, Barlby.
3. Bin survey – sites identified at the Pharmacy, Old York Road and the Playing
Fields, proposed (JC)(SS) approve new bins and a £500.00 per annum budget
for urgent replacements, agreed.
4. NYCC – proposed parking restrictions Howden Road/York Road, Barlby,
residents comments read to Meeting. After due discussion it was proposed
(SD)(PW) that as there was both support for, and opposition to the proposals
that Town Council would not support or oppose the proposals, agreed. The
Council Manager expressed serious concerns about safety for vehicles/car
park users experiencing difficulties when exiting the Library due to parked
cars. After due discussion it was proposed (SD)(AC) that a parking restriction
across the entrance to the car park be requested, agreed. It was also agreed
to close the barrier as often as possible. There was a discussion on making
Howden Road one way, this proposal is not supported by NYCC Highways.
5. Highway notices/Equipment leaflets – noted
14. Barlby Library and Community Hub
For consideration and action
1. Library – Library Survey results received. Graffiti in the car park.
2. Events – the 5th Year Anniversary Events all went well especially the Mad
Hatter’s Tea Party and the Teddy Bear’s Picnic.
15. Community Cohesion
1. Community Group – the Group would like to arrange another Garage Sale,
proposed (AC)(JC) cover the cost of printing for the event, agreed.
2. Osgodby Institute and adjacent housing development – see Planning. The
Youth Club is going well. Future events include the Horticultural Show and a
Halloween Disco.
3. Fun Day – date confirmed as 16th September 12 Noon to 4.00 p.m. with rides
and toilet confirmed. Hi-vis vests, banners and ice cream van to be arranged.
Proposed (RS)(SS) a budget of £900.00 for the event, agreed. Suggestions
for the name of the event welcomed. Stalls to be confirmed.
16. Matters for Councillors Attention and Information
1. YLCA Advice notes – noted.
2. Issues raised by residents included : dog fouling, parking on grass verges,
straying livestock, barking dogs, suspected drug dealing in Barlby, overgrown
paths, garages at River View, signs, youth nuisance and hedges.
3. FOI requests – none.
4. Staff issues – none.
5. Community issues – proposed (BM)(PW) defer to Part 2, agreed. After due
discussion Cllr B Marshall agreed to keep the Council informed on sports and
recreation issues.
17. Next Meeting Wednesday 30th August 2017 at BLCH at 7.00 p.m.
18. Agenda Items for Next Meeting
Requests for items for inclusion to be sent to the Chairman 7 days before the
date of the next Meeting.
19. Items of Expenditure over £500
On notice boards
The Meeting was closed at 9.50 p.m.
The Town Council may, by resolution, exclude the public whenever publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest by reason of the nature of the confidential business to be transacted. Extract Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings Act) 1960.