Office of the Chief Executive Officer
Room 1009, 111 Commissioner Street, Johannesburg 2001 P.O. Box 7710, Johannesburg, 2000
Tel: (011) 355-1511 Fax: (011) 333-5546 E-mail: OR
This circular replaces circular 67 of 2000.
The language standardisation document has been declared as National policy and will be implemented in Grade 12 in 2002. In preparation for Grade 12 assessment, evidence for portfolio assessment must be collected as from the third term of the Grade 11 year.
In Grade 10 and 11 assessment must follow the Grade 12 format.
The rationale behind the standardisation of languages is to establish uniformity in the teaching and assessment of all eleven official languages. This uniformity will be observed in the levels at which the language is offered, i.e. primary language and additional language as well as Higher Grade and Standard Grade, and will be addressed in terms of the following:
· The mark allocation will be the same for equivalent papers;
· The time allowed for equivalent papers will be the same;
· The same components will be examined;
· All eleven official languages will consist of the same number of papers;
· All primary languages will be studied, and be examined, on the same number of set works, as will be the case in additional languages; and
· The teaching and assessment of all eleven primary and additional official languages will be communicative and outcomes-based.
Papers for full-time candidates:
Only two external examination papers (Paper 1 and 2) will be written by Grade 12 primary language full-time candidates:
· Paper 1 will consist of language, comprehension and summary.
· Paper 2 will consist of three literary genres (poetry, drama and novel)
· Paper 3 for Grade 12 full time candidates will be assessed in schools in a CASS Portfolio and it will consist of creative writing, transactional writing, tests, assignments, preparatory examination, and the fourth literary genre (folklore / short stories / essay / film study)
Only two external examination papers (Paper 1 and Paper 2) will be written by Grade 12 additional language full time candidates:
· Paper 1 will consist of language, comprehension and summary.
· Paper 2 will consist of five literary genres (poetry, drama, short stories/essays, folklore and novel). Candidates will choose any two of these genres but they cannot choose both the short story and essay.
· Paper 3 for Grade 12 full time candidates will be assessed in schools in a CASS Portfolio and it will consist of creative writing, transactional writing, tests, assignments and preparatory examination.
Papers for part-time candidates:
In all eleven official languages three external examination papers (Paper 1, Paper 2 and Paper 3) will be written by Grade 12 primary language part time candidates:
· The content and format of Paper 1 and Paper 2 will be the same as those of full time candidates.
· Paper 3 for part time candidates will consist of creative writing, transactional writing and the fourth genre (folklore / short stories / essays/ film study) only.
In all eleven official languages three external examination papers (Paper 1, Paper 2 and Paper 3) will be written by Grade 12 additional language part time candidates:
· The content and format of Paper 1 and Paper 2 will be the same as those of full time candidates.
· Paper 3 for part time candidates will consist of creative writing and transactional writing.
For your convenience a copy of the Language Standardisation document is attached
Chief Executive Officer
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