Personal protective equipment - OHS requirements procedure

1 Purpose

To ensure awareness and compliance with legal obligations by ensuring staff and students are aware of personal protective equipment (PPE) selection issue and use.

2 Application

This procedure applies to all staff, contractors and students at all campuses of the University of Melbourne and controlled entities of the University of Melbourne where the university has management control of the workplace.

3 Legislation

Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004 (Vic)

Occupational Health and Safety Regulations 2007 (Vic)

Dangerous Goods (Storage and Handling) Regulations 2012 (Vic)

4 References

Code of practice for manual handling

Code of practice for noise

Code of practice for confined spaces

AS/NZS 4501 (series): Occupational protective clothing

AS/NZS 2161 (series) Occupational protective gloves

AS/NZS 1800: Occupational protective helmets

AS/NZS 1269 (series): Occupational noise management

AS/NZS 2210 (series): Occupational protective footwear

AS/NZS ISO 6529: Protective clothing - Protection against chemicals - Determination of resistance of protective clothing materials to permeation by liquids and gases

AS/NZS 4503 (series):Protective clothing

AS/NZS 1337 (series): Eye protectors for industrial applications

5 Responsibilities

5.1 Managers/Supervisors

Ensure that adequate training and continuing supervision is available at all times to staff using PPE.

Ensure that procedures are adopted for the maintenance of all PPE purchased by the Department.

Ensure that clear and appropriate signs are positioned in locations where PPE must be worn.

Ensure that procedures are followed for the use of PPE where required.

Where PPE is required by students department should identify what equipment and in what location personal protection will be required. Students should be informed of this in the enrolment procedures.

5.2 Property and Campus Services Project Officer

Through the appropriate channels Project Officers will ensure that all contractors employed by the University shall provide their employees with personal protective equipment that conforms to appropriate standards.

5.3 Staff / Students

Comply with all safety directives issued by the department.

Should be involved in assessment of PPE in their work area.

6 Procedure

6.1 Conducting Risk Assessments for PPE

A risk assessment should be completed prior to the provision of PPE. Higher levels of control should be identified before the issue of PPE. Managers/supervisors must staff with suitable PPE to protect them from hazards in the workplace.

The equipment shall be free of charge to members of staff.

6.2 Basic PPE


Manager/supervisor must ensure:

  • the gloves are suitable for the risks associated with the activity;
  • the gloves conform to Australian Standards; and
  • the wearing of gloves do not introduce additional hazards/risk.


Gowns must be worn for all practical sessions where there is a risk from chemical, biological or other form of contamination.

Gowns must be laundered at least every 2 weeks ormore often for highly contaminating/dirty procedures.


Goggles or safety glasses must be worn for all practical sessions where there is a risk to the eyes and face from exposure to material, chemical, biological or other forms of contamination.

6.3 Other PPE

PPE must be selected based on risk assessment and in addition to more effective controls. Additional PPE includes:

  • Boots
  • Masks / Breathing apparatus
  • Sports Protective Equipment
  • Helmets
  • Face Shields
  • Hearing Protection
  • Harnesses
  • Safety Vests
  • Coveralls

6.4 Sterility Protection

Some PPE is worn to protect tissue culture or other sterile procedures from becoming contaminated with human tissue, such as from the hands and face. It is important to note that equipment worn in this instance is unlikely to protect the wearer from contamination to themselves. This is specifically in the case of wearing hair nets, paper booties or paper gowns.

6.5 Requirements for Health Monitoring

Where staff are using PPE for protection of eyes, hearing or breathing, there may be a requirement for health monitoring. Refer to the Health monitoring - OHS requirements procedure.

7 Document Control

Established by: Administrative Committee on 18 August 1993.
Date: 23 February 2016. Version: 1.2 / Authorised: Associate Director, Health & Safety
Next Review: 23 June 2019 / (c) The University of Melbourne - uncontrolled when printed.