On stage or Interview Questions for 13 & older
(These are the actual questions that will be used on stage and could possibly used in interview. Personal interview is mainly off your bio.
- What qualifies someone as being a good friend?
- What makes you laugh?
- If you could take us anywhere in your hometown, where would it be and why?
- If you were crowned a Kentucky Festival State Queen, what would you want to do with your title?
- What is the best advice that’s ever been given to you?
- If someone asked you why you do pageants, what would you tell them?
- Do you think participating in pageants is a positive thing? How so?
- What do you think southern hospitality is?
- If you were given ONE MILLION dollars what would you do with it?
- What is your favorite season of the year and why?
- What food best describes your personality?
- If you could be famous for a day, who would you be?
- What is your most embarrassing moment?
- When do you feel the most like you?
- If you were president for a day, what would you do?
- If you could meet anyone in the world who would it be?
- Why do you enjoy competing in pageants?
- What makes you unique?
- What do you think makes a good leader?
- Tell us one interesting fact about yourself?
- Where do you see yourself in ten years?
- You have been granted a healing power for one day, what would you do with it?
- What reality show would you most like to be a contestant on?
- What is the most important decision you have had to make?
- What is your worst habit?
- Which tv show or movie best describes your family & why?
- What do you feel is the greatest challenge facing girls your age today?
- Do you think social media, like twitter, is a positive or negative thing for teens?
- If you could come up with any tv show or movie what would it be called?
- If you won the lottery wants the 1st thing you would do?
- If a movie was named after you what would it be called?
- In your opinion what is a person’s most important quality?
- What is one thing you would change about yourself?
- If you were stranded on an island what is the TWO things you MUST have with you?
- What is something you have done for someone else lately?
- If you saw a friend getting ready to make a bad decision, how would you try to help?
- Briefly describe what you stand for…
- With only 3 words, describe yourself
- What do you do personally to show leadership in your school or community?
- If you could give advice to girls younger than you .. what would it be?
- If you could travel to anywhere in the world where would you go?
- If you could go back in time to any time period what would you choose?
- In your opinion who is the most influential person of your generation?