What: TMSCA State Qualifying Meets
When: February 21, February 28, March 7, 2015
Where: City View Jr/Sr High/ Kirby Jr. High/ Wylie Jr. High, Abilene, TX
How: THIS FORM IS FOR THE NEXT 3 MEETS!!! The City View Meet and the Kirby Meet are here in Wichita Falls so parents will provide the transportation to these meets. The last meet on March 7 is in Abilene. We plan to leave at 5:00am at Kirby back parking lot and will return at around 6:00pm same place (we will call if we are in sooner). After the contests, we may go to the Abilene Mall for a short time (if you want to bring spending money). There are snacks available for you to purchase in the cafeteria area also. Awards ceremony is usually held at about 2:15pm (depending on when the grading is complete) Please bring money for lunch or bring a lunch!
Cost: Each test costs our team. The team account will pay for the tests for each student, but please only choose the contests that you have been practicing to take. If we take a large group, the registration fee can add up quickly! Please make sure that your child is serious about competing at this meet before returning this permission slip.
Any questions? (please call Mrs. Seman at 867-3006) PARENTS!!!! – If you plan on taking your own vehicle and meeting us at the meet, please call Mrs. Seman and let us know in advance of this meet. Detach and return the bottom portion of this note to Mrs. Seman – room D104 by February 13.
Please write your name and mark each blank of the tests you are taking. Remember, each test will cost our team, so choose wisely. RETURN NOTE BY February 13!!!!!!! (no exceptions) I have listed all three meets on this one form so please check the blanks for each meet and the events you WILL BE ATTENDING.
Student Name / Number Sense9:00am* / Calculator
9:20am* / Mathematics
10:00am* / Science
11:00am *
Attending City View meet on Feb. 21? yes or no
Attending Kirby meet on Feb. 28? Yes or no
Attending Abilene meet on March 7? Yes or no / City View ___
Kirby ___
Abilene ___ / City View ___
Kirby ___
Abilene ___ / City View ___
Kirby ___
Abilene ___ / City View ___
Kirby ___
Abilene ___
*times are approximate
Please fill out the following: ______(your name) will be attending the State Qualifying Meet(s) listed above. If I attend the Abilene TMSCA meet on March 7, 2015, I realize that I will need to be at Kirby by 5:00 am and picked up at 6:00pm. I promise to represent Kirby World Academy with my best performance and my best behavior during the testing and while waiting before and after tests. I realize that any problems with my behavior will be grounds for removal from the Kirby Math/Science Team for future meets.
Signed ______(student name)
Signed ______(parent name)
Parent phone # (in case of emergency) ______
Any special instructions? ______