Woodmont Ladies Golf Association

Ladies of the Links (18 Holes)


Jeanne Maples,

Terri Otey,

Ladies of the Links(LOL)welcomes all WLGA members. Exciting golf activities are planned for the 2017season. Come out and play with the Tuesday morning league.

Tee times start at 9:00 A.M. (Starting time changes to8:30 A.M. during the hot months of July, August and September)

LOL Play Day Procedures:

Sign up on the woodmontevents.com website. The sign up deadline is 12:00 Noon, Monday, before Tuesday play days. Notify the Coordinator and the Pro Shop for late sign-ups or cancellations.

If you need help using the web site, contact one of the Coordinators (above).

On play day, check in at the Pro Shop, and thenstop by the ladies locker room for the game format, pairings, and to sign up for the chip-in pot. Pairings will be made in an effortto give players the opportunity to play with everyone. If anyone has special needs, please contact the Coordinator before play day. Plan to arrive early enough for a shortwarm-up on the practice range and putting green.

Chip-in Pot(optional)–To participate in the chip-in competition, youshouldput thedesignated amount of money in the pot and sign your name on the list before playing. Anyone with a chip-in wins the pot. If more than one has a chip-in, the pot will be split accordingly.

Birdies – Circle birdies on your scorecard. Sign your name on the birdie list posted on the bulletin board, then write your name,the hole number and date on the provided tag and place it on birdie tree. Birdie pins will be awarded at the end of the season to players who recorded a birdie.

Ringer Card – Record scores for each hole on the ringer card provided to you at the beginning of the season. First round scores should be written in red ink. Use pencil to update card with improved scores on play days. Ringer Cards will provide incentive to improve golf skills.

Scorecard – Calculate totals in reference to format for that day, then sign and date scorecards. Please leave scorecard on the table in the ladies locker room.

Post your score in the Pro Shop. It is important to post all scores in order to maintain accurate handicaps and to determine the “most improved” playerat the end of the year.

Local Rules for Ladies of the Links Play Day

-Play ball down unless otherwise instructed. Lift, clean and place when cart path only.

-All USGA rules will be in effect.

-Handicaps – Any player with a handicap in excess of 40 must play to a 40 handicap. Players are encouraged to pick up their ball after reaching their equitable score (ESC) to maintain a better pace of play. The ESC scoreis calculated using the player’s handicap index. An ESC chart is posted on the bulletin board in the ladies locker room.

If you have suggestions, questions or issues, please contact the Coordinators.

Most importantly, have fun and enjoy lunch together in the clubhouse at the conclusion of play!