August 10, 2012
Members Present: Jack Carrington, RPhMoon Cassidy, Commissioner
Todd Jacobs, ODDonna Rhodes, RN
Rusty Skinner, DVMTom McCormick, MD
Tim Keenan, EdDWally Johnson, Judge Executive
DanielleKing, MD, Chairman
Staff Present:Jan Chamness, Public Health Director
Dea George, recorderPam Spradling
Lisa PendletonGreg Brewer
Michelle Hill
Call to Order:
The Montgomery County Board of Health held its regularly scheduled meeting in the Meeting Room of the Montgomery County Health Department on August 10, 2012. Vice Chairman Todd Jacobs called the meeting to order at 8:10 am. A quorum was present in order to conduct business.
Approval of the minutes:
Todd Jacobs asked for additions or deletions to the minutes of the July 6, 2012 meeting. There being none. Tim Keenan made the motion to accept the minutes as presented. Moon Cassidy seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Old Business:
The following items were deferred to a later date:
- Landlord Tenant Agreement
- Clean Indoor Air Ordinance
- Richard L. Lane Memorial
New Business:
Introduction: Jan introduced Greg Brewer, Financial Administrator from Gateway District Health Department. Jan informed the board that we are contracting with Gateway District Health Department for Greg Brewer’s time to provide financial oversight to the health department. His duties will include budget development, closeout, review and analysis of revenues and expenses on a monthly basis, oversight of accounts payable, accounts receivable, payroll and other key accounting functions.
Revenue & Expense Report:
Greg Brewer presented the Revenue and Expense Report. He explained that this format differed from the previous format in that it compares financials from the previous year. He noted that there is a significant drop in unrestricted reserves due primarily to funding cuts, Medicaid Managed Care implementation and the required Medicaid match. Donna Rhodes made a motion to approve the Revenue & Expense Report as presented. Todd Jacobs seconded the motion. Motion carried.
FY ’13 Budget:
Jan Chamness presented the Fiscal Year 2012-13 Operating Budget for the Health Department. She noted that the budget that had been previously presented was not correct and this budget had been completed by Ken Fiser. Jan noted that $242,573 of unrestricted reserve had to be used to balance the budget. She assured the board that changes were going to be made to reduce expenditures significantly and the federally qualified health clinic would be absorbing many of the services currently provided through the health department. Plans are underway to transfer staff and services but the new clinic will not be open until mid October. Todd Jacobs made a motion to approve the FY 2012-13 budget as presented. Rusty Skinner seconded the motion. Motion carried.
The board had questions with regard to the financial status of the school health program. Jan commented that she had met with the superintendent and informed him that $60,000 would not cover the expenses to provide a nurse in each school. She proposed scaling back the number of nurses and schools would have to share a nurse. He proposed an increase in the amount of $87,000 to assure one nurse per school. Projected Medicaid revenue will result in a breakeven, however, issues with payment from the managed care companies is still a problem. The board requested that Jan Chamness bring back more detailed information from the school health programs including claims billed compared to claims paid by school.
FY ’13 Taxing District Budget:
Greg Brewer presented the FY 2012-13 Taxing District Budget. This report is in accordance with the requirements as set forth by the Kentucky State Auditor’s Office for Local Taxing Districts. Moon Cassidy made a motion to approve the FY 2012-13 Taxing District Budget as presented. Tom McCormick seconded the motion. Motion carried.
FY ’13 Tax Rate:
Jan Chamness recommended that we maintain the current tax rate. Jack Carrington made a motion to set the tax rate at $.05 per $100 of assessed real and personal property and $.05 per $100 of assessed valuation of motor vehicles. Judge Executive Wally Johnson seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Other Business:
FQHC Update: Jan Chamness updated all on the progress of the Federally Qualified Health Center. Opening date is scheduled for October 10th.
There being no further meeting, Chairman Danielle King moved to adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 9:00 am.
The next regularly scheduled meeting will be November 9, 2012 at 8am.
Dr.DanielleKing, MD Date Jan Chamness, Date
Public Health Director, Secretary