Mooning Around
6th Grade Earth Science Module Overview
Topic: The relationshipsamong the Earth, Moon, and Sun.
Grade Level: 6
Course: Earth Science Critical Thinking
Time Allotted:10 days
Prior Knowledge:Students should have a basic knowledge of the solar system, including knowing that the planets orbit the Sun and that Earth has one moon.Students should be able to work in groups to analyze data and reach conclusions.Students should have basic Internet and browser navigation skills.
Overview:Students will develop an understanding of the relationshipsamong the Earth, Moon, and Sun, including seasons, eclipses, precession, tides, and gravitational dynamics.Students will practice interpreting scientific models and relating them to real phenomena and events. Given parameters, students will be able to apply critical thinking skills that enable them to predict aspects of an imaginary planet, such as whether the planet will experience day and night periods, seasons, tidal forces, and lunar and solar eclipses.For this unit, students should keep a science notebook to record their observations, and be able to apply them to a new situation.
Lunar Eclipse: the phenomenon that occurs when the Earth is between the Sun and the Moon and casts a shadow on the Moon, thus causing it to appear grey, black, or red
Solar Eclipse: the phenomenon that occurs when the Sun is blocked (eclipsed) by the Moon, thus the Moon is between the Earth and Sun
Orbit: the path that an astronomical object such as a planet, moon, or satellite follows around a larger astronomical object such as the Sun
Precession: the regular motion of a spinning body such as a spinning top or a planet, in which the axis of rotation describes a cone.Precession as observed on earth is the result of a wobble of the spinning earth due to forces produced by the sun and the moon.
Season: a traditional division of the year based on distinctive weather conditions
Rotations: a turning motion like that of a wheel around an axis or a fixed point as in the rotation of the Earth or other planet
Tides: the cyclic rise and fall of the ocean or another body of water produced by the attraction of the Moon and Sun, occurring about every twelve hours
General Resources
Day 1 Teacher Background
“A Private Universe”
Day 4 Teacher Background
Geosynchronous Satellites.pdf
Day 5 Teacher Background
Orbits in Space.pdf
Planetary Motion.pdf
Day 6 Teacher Background
•All students should have their own science notebooks for ALL activities
6th Grade “Mooning Around” Module Overview Page 1
Chart Paper
DAY 2-3
Globe (if not available, any sphere such as a ball can be used).
Paper copy of the three-dimensional polyhedron to assemble, a pair of scissors, and tape for each group.
Light sources - flashlights, desk lamp or overhead projector, etc.
Optional: Heat lamp, protractor, thermometer
Desk chair that rotates
Rubber, Styrofoam, or tennis ball
Pencil or long dowel
Marking pens of various colors
Desk lamp or overhead projector
Optional: strong adhesive tape
Optional: Small barbell as a visual
Tripod - Any camera tripod whose legs can be extended to a height of one yard or higher will do the job.
Swiveling desk chair
Monofilament fishing line
Pendulum bob or fishing weight or heavy washer
Toy Top or Gyroscope
Styrofoam ball with a red dot marked on it with a dowel or stick through the center
Styrofoam balls (Moon props – one per group) Can also use tennis balls since students sometimes pick apart Styrofoam balls.
Strong light source (one/classroom) or Flashlights (one/group)
Earth globes (one/group)
Hula hoop with attached large ball (one/classroom) and pipe cleaners in a circle with attached small ball (one/group), representing the Moon and its orbit of Earth
DAY 8-9
Several Balloons – small, medium, and large
Computer lab or class set of computers
Tide Level Observer Student Worksheets
DAY 10-11 (same as Day 7)
Styrofoam balls (Moon props – one per group)
Strong light source (one/classroom) or Flashlights (one/group)
Earth globes (one/group)
Hula hoop with attached large ball (one/classroom) and pipe cleaners in a circle with attached small ball (one/group), representing the Moon and its orbit of Earth
DAY 12
Printed copies of the Mystery Planet Fact Sheet sufficient for each individual
6th Grade “Mooning Around” Module Overview Page 1
Science Standards
Big Idea 1: The Practice of Science
Big Idea 2: The Characteristics of Scientific Knowledge
Big Idea 3: The Role of Theories, Laws, Hypotheses, and Models
Big Idea 7: Earth Systems and Patterns
Big Idea 12: Motion of Objects
SC.6.P.12.1Measure and graph distance versus time for an object moving at a constant speed. Interpret this relationship.
Big Idea 13: Forces and Changes in Motion
SC.6.P.13.1Investigate and describe types of forces including contact forces and forces acting at a distance, such as electrical, magnetic, and gravitational.
SC.6.P.13.2Explore the Law of Gravity by recognizing that every object exerts gravitational force on every other object and that the force depends on how much mass the objects have and how far apart they are.
SC.6.P.13.3Investigate and describe that an unbalanced force acting on an object changes its speed, or direction of motion, or both.
Math Standards
Big Idea 1: (multiplication and division of fractions and decimals)
Develop an understanding of and fluency with multiplication and division of fractions and decimals.
MA.6.A.1.3Solve real-world problems involving multiplication and division of fractions and decimals.
Big Idea 3: Write, interpret, and use mathematical expressions and equations.
MA.6.A.3.6Construct and analyze tables, graphs, and equations to describe linear functions and other simple relations using both common language and algebraic notation.
A Place of Extremes.pdf
Cluster-Word Web.pdf (free for educational use)
Earth's Axial Tilt and the Seasons.pdf
Earth Turns -Prove it!.pdf
Earth Wobble Animations
animation and text at No. 2 – Earth Wobble
Eclipse Animation
Eclipse Data.pdf
Eclipse Pretest.pdf
Frayer Model Diagram.pdf
Geosynchronous Satellites.pdf
Gravity and Tides Activity (student lab and teacher information)
KWL Chart.pdf
Modeling the Reasons for Seasonal Change.pdf
Moon Phase Animations
Mystery Planet Fact Sheet.pdf
teacher-created from NASA data
NASA – What is orbit.pdf
Orbits in Space.pdf
Period of Rotation.pdf
Planetary Fact Sheet.pdf
Planetary Motion.pdf
Satellite Orbits.pdf
Seasons of the Year.pdf
Solar and Lunar Eclipse Animation (requires Java)
Teacher Rubric.pdf
Tide Animations
What Causes an Eclipse.pdf
Writing Rubric.pdf
6th Grade “Mooning Around” Module Overview Page 1