Project Change Request Form
Doc #
Project team member fills out green part and submits form to the Project Coordinator
Date: / Person requesting change: / Person submitting this form:
Change request description:
Rationale for change:
Requestor’s initial assessment of change effectonthe project schedule, functionality, and cost:
What can/will/may happen if this change is not accepted?
Business Area Changes (rules, functionality, statute, etc.)
Ray Hutchinson, Business Area Project Manager
Business Area SMEs:
Review & Recommendations:
Technical Changes
Lois Johnson, Technical Project Manager
ISD Technical Work Group SMEs:
Vendor’s Technical Team SMEs:
Review & Recommendations:
Integrated Change Control Committee analyze, discuss, and make final determination
Meeting Date:
ICCC Members Present: Ray Hutchinson Lois Johnson Anna Hovenden Tim Pilcher
Overall Project Impact:
Approval or Denial
Business AreaProject Manager: Ray Hutchinson Approval
Date: / Approved: / Denied:

TxPROSProject Board Chair: Carol Davis Approval
Date: / Approved: / Denied:

TxDOT ExecutiveProject Sponsor: Steve Simmons
Date: / Approved: / Denied:

TxDOT IRC Chair: Judy Skeen
Date: / Approved: / Denied:

Updates Checklist:

PMP Communication Risk Configuration Change Performance



WBS Dictionary


Change requests are handled according to the Change Request Process identified in
the Project Management Plan (PMP), Section 4.

Monitoring and Control

The change management process ensures changes (scope, time, or cost) from the project’s approved baseline are identified, reviewed, evaluated, approved (if appropriate) and tracked.

Change Request Review

The change management process differentiates between changes of a business nature and those of a technical nature. Business area changes (rules, functionality, statute changes, etc.) are reviewed and a recommendation made by a team of business area subject matter experts (SMEs) led by the Business Area Project Manager. Changes of a technical nature will be reviewed and a recommendation made by a team comprised of members of the ISD Technical Work Group and the Vendor’s technical team. This technical review process will be led by the Technical Project Manager. Regardless of the nature of the change, following review and recommendation from the appropriate team, the TxPROS Project Management Team, functioning as an Integrated Change Control Committee (ICCC) will review the recommended changes for overall impact on the project and, depending on the magnitude of the impact, approve/deny or forward to the Sponsor, Project Board, IRC (as appropriate) for review and approval action.

Change Request Approval

Limits of Authority (LOA) for change approvals for the ICCC, Sponsor (as a single point of control or SPOC), and Project Board will be recommended, approved, and established as part of Change Control Process development.