Name:Articles of Confederation Packet
Directions: Answer the following questions using the classroom textbooks (pages 126-129) and the packet materials provided. These answers will serve as your notes (so take great care in constructing clear and complete responses!)
Important Definitions
a)Define each of these terms:
1)Republic– a government in which the citizens rule through elected representatives
2)Republicanism – the belief that government should be based on the consent of the people
3)Confederation – an alliance permitting states or nations to act together on matters of mutual concern – “a firm league of friendship”
Organization of the Central Government
a)Using the actualArticles of Confederation, determine which article describe the following:
1)States enter into a “firm league of friendship” Article_III__
2)States will give “full faith and credit” to the records, acts and judicial proceedings of every other state. Article_IV______
3)The number of votes each state will “in determining questions in the United States”Article__V______How many? __1______
4)The number of states needed to “authorize” the “execution of power” of Congress. Article _X______How many? _9______
5)The number of states needed to make any “alteration” (or changes) to the Articles of Confederation Article__XIII______How many? _13_____
b)Define Unicameral. A one-house legislature.
c)How many branches of government were created by the Articles of Confederation?
Only one – The Legislative Branch represented by the Congress of the Confederation
Powers of the Central Government
1)Name ten powers the Articles of Confederation granted the central government.
Declare war, set up foreign relations, borrow money, coin money, set up postal system, create army/navy, set up territories, conduct relations with Native Americans, make treaties, and enforce treaties
2)Name three economic powers denied to Congress in the Articles of Confederation.
No taxation, could not regulate foreign trade and could not regulate interstate trade
3)Describe how the “powers denied” impacted the “powers granted” to Congress.
The Articles could not pay for any of its duties nor could they force states to comply with any of its laws.
Dealing with Western Territories
1)Name two problems that are evident with the western territories of the United States using the “Western Land Claims, 1783” map.
There is a lot of land and states have competing claims to ownership of this land
2)What did the Land Ordinance of 1785 do?
Set up a system that will divide up the western lands into “townships” that could be more easily subdivided for sale.
3)What were the “Northwest Territories”?
The five “states” that make up the Northwest portion of the new territories. The future states of Michigan, Illinois, Ohio, Indiana and Wisconsin make up the “Old Northwest”
4)What are the “three steps” to admitting a new state (which we still use today) that was established by the Northwest Ordinance?
Step 1 – population < 5,000
Congress provides a territorial governor and judges
Step 2 – population =5,000-60,000
Settlers could write temporary constitution and elect own government
Step 3 – population > 60,000
Territory could apply Congress for statehood
Economic and Foreign Problems
1)What was the most serious economic problem facing the United States following the American Revolution?
Massive debt from the Revolutionary War ($75 million)
2)How did the limitations of the Articles of Confederation affect the ability of Congress to address this problem?
No ability to tax or force debts to be paid
3)Name several of the ongoing disputes between the United States and Great Britain during this period.
Failure to repay debts
Punishments of loyalists
British refusal to leave forts
British arming the western tribes
4)Describe the problems posed by Spain on the United States’ southern border.
Disputed land on the Georgia and South Carolina borders
Spanish arming of the Seminoles
Refusal of “right of deposit” in New Orleans
5)How did the limitations of the Articles of Confederation affect the ability of Congress to address this problem?
Could not declare or threaten war because they could not force states to provide money or troops