2011-2012 SEASON
GO BULLDOGS!!!!!!!!!!
- Unexcused absences from practice or a game:
- First absence – will result in reduction of playing time.
- Second absence – miss next game, must dress out with the team, coach/player conference.
- Third absence – dismissal from the team.
- Excused absences
- To be excused from a practice for an absence (half or full day), must be a school-approved absence.
- Dental or Dr. appointments – a note from the doctors office MUST be brought immediately after appointment, if time allows, you must return to practice.
- Emergencies in the home – The parent is asked to contact the coach as soon as possible.
- Illness at school – players must be excused by coach that day if she has completed the full day of school. Otherwise, she must have checked out the through the office before leaving. A message by a friend will not be accepted concerning absences that day.
- Excused absence can be made at the coach’s discretion.
- Tardies and lingering after games or practices
- Practice will be @ 3:00 daily. If a player is late, extra laps (1 for each minute late) will be run.
- Tardiness will only be accepted if a player has a note from a teacher stating that they were receiving help in a subject. The time the student arrived and left is mandatory, or an unexcused tardy will be issued.
- It is the coach’s discretion concerning excessive tardiness after 15 minutes that day and may result in missing the next game as well as other punitive measures. Two unexcused tardies will equal one unexcused absence.
- Late for game:
- Players are required to be at a game 30 minutes prior to game time. Lateness may result in player being withheld from the game.
- Away games – Players must be at the bus at least 10 minutes before scheduled departure time for the game. Running will be assigned for lateness. The bus will leave on schedule, and you will be left if not there. If a player does not travel with the team, she cannot play with the team that day (unless prior arraignments have been made). Written notice must be given to the coach prior to the traveling day with the principal approving the player to leave the game site with anyone other than a parent.
- Players are required to wear clothing and meet SMS dress code standards. Players will not travel if dressed inappropriately. Players may return in comfortable school approved clothing.
- Lingering after practice or games
- In the event a player has not been picked up (or walked home) after a game or practice in a timely manner, the following consequences will be applied. 1st time – warning. 2nd time – laps run for each minute they remain past time. 3rd time – reduction in playing time.
- Leaving practice early
- If a player needs to leave practice early, it needs to be cleared with the coach at least 1 hour BEFORE practice STARTS. Not doing so, will result in reduction of playing time after the first incident with the 2nd being benched one game and the 3rd, dismissal from team.
- Curfew
- Before a Saturday game - Coaches may set curfew the day before a Saturday game. This is at the coach’s discretion; 9:00 – 10:00 will be around the time in most cases.
- Attitude
- Disrespect to coaches or team members will NOT be tolerated. Such disrespect may result in dismissal from the team.
- 1st incident – a player may be asked to leave practice and return to practice the following day. This will be considered an unexcused absence. A better attitude must return with player.
- 2nd incident – a player will be asked to leave practice, unexcused absence, and to attend practice the next day, the player must have a conference with the coach or coaches. Possible dismissal from the team.
- 3rd incident – dismissal from the team.
- Failure to put forth maximum effort in practice will be justification for forfeiting the privilege to play in the following game/games.
- The player should show pride in their appearance, and they must realize they are representing themselves as well as SMS Basketball.
- ANY fighting, verbal or physical confrontation, which results in a school suspension, could mean dismissal from the team.
- Playing time
- Playing time is the discretion of the coach. Any player or parent that has concerns will need to set up an appointment with the coach the day after the game. DO NOTapproach the coach after the game with these concerns. It is best to address them the next day.
- Eligibility.
- Three-week progress reports will be used as an athletic participation eligibility check. Students are required to pass all classes in order to maintain eligibility. If a student earns a grade of F, they are not eligible till the next grade check (normally three weeks).
------RETURN this portion to Coach------
I ______have read and understand the rules. I will honor
(Player’s name)
and abide by the SMS Basketball rules. My guardians ______
have read and understand the rules and will give their support.
(Player’s signature) (Parent/Guardian signature) (Date)
Please sign and return the bottom part of this paper no later than November 17, 2011.
8th Grade Coach 7th grade head coach
Jenny HaaseKaren Ramirez-Ragland
348-7010 Ext. 1107