Hire for the Future Attracting, recruiting and selecting top talent underpins our ability to achieve our workforce of the future and reach our full potential. The Strategic Staffing Plan is a conversation tool to support both HR professionals and hiring managers, and is intended to facilitate strategic discussions and a project management approach to staffing practices. The tool is flexible in that it can be used to support ongoing conversations between HR and hiring managers throughout the year, and/or at the onset of a specific staffing request.
The tool covers a number of topics. Depending on the specific situation, and the timing of the conversation(s), you determine which topic areas and questions are most relevant and what information you need to gather in preparation for the strategic conversation(s).
Staffing Need/Work Being Recruited To:
Position Number / Division /Branch
Working Title / Classification
Line Contact / HR Contact
Vacant positions and newly defined work are opportunities to connect staffing to business and workforce plans, considering both current and future needs.
- Have you considered how the staffing need/request fits with other priorities and initiatives in the Ministry’s Business and WorkforcePlansas well as the APS strategicworkforce vision?
- Have you looked at how your organization is designed?Does your structure support the business needs?
- Have you analyzed information to anticipate, plan for and fill critical talent gaps?
−what are the critical roles to execute the business strategy (short and long term)?
−what do you know about the internal and external supply of talent for those critical roles?
−(Labour Market Information; APS Corporate Demographics Report)
- Have you considered key workforce challenges such as attraction and retention of younger and mature workers?
- Have you considered other HR programs and services that could help address business and talent needs?(Succession Management Portal for Supervisors)
Topic 2: The Work
Examine the emerging and long-term needs of the role and the organization.
How does the work contribute to the achievement of strategic and operational goals?
Clearly define the work (Job Description). Consider: key results for successful performance; is the role designed to engage the employee by providing challenging and interesting work?
Confirm the appropriate classification level. Job Evaluation Plans (PREP andMJEP) Benchmark Job Listings
Identify and describe the technical and behavioural competencies needed to successfully perform the work.
(APS Competency Model) (Competency Profile)
Topic 3: The PERSONAttract, recruit and select individuals that not only have the competencies needed for today, but also have the potential to be strong contributors to the APS in the long term.
What are the critical competencies and behaviour levels/indicators needed to successfully perform the work?Consider both the current role and future potential.(APS CompetencyModel) (Competency Profile)
What other qualifications are needed to successfully perform the work?
−related education and experience (minimumrecruitment standards and equivalencies)
What do your best performers do to be successful and that sets them apart?
What are the current capabilities of the work team? What additional competencies are needed to fill any gaps?
Use the above qualifications (related education, experience and demonstrated technical and behavioural competencies) as the basis for other stages of the staffing process (e.g. staffing and assessment strategy, candidate sourcing and candidate assessment).
Topic 4: STAFFING AND ASSESSMENT STRategyCustomize your staffing strategies to attract the best talent, considering all potential labour pools.
Develop your assessment strategy, defining the processes and tools that will provide accurate and predictive information regarding a candidate’s level of competence and potential for growth.
What staffing and assessment strategies have been tried in the past - what worked and what didn’t work?
What would be the best method to fill the role? Consider:
−position type (permanent or temporary)
−competition scope (departmental, limited, open)
−exemption from competition
−opportunities to support career development of existing APS employees
−the Staffing Principles
Other considerations:
−position abolished and surplus employee list
−eligibility lists/previously qualified candidates (internal and external to the ministry)
−internships (Attracting & Developing Students and Recent Graduates)
−secondments (mobility programs; AlbertaInterchange)
−underfill at a lower classification level with a developmental plan
−opportunities to connect with diverse segments of the labour market
−opportunities to collaborate with other ministries
How best can you learn about a candidate’s ability to perform the role?Consider:
−how much do you want to invest in customizing assessment tools or processes
−will it provide you with information that distinguishes between success and lack of success in the role
Hiring Manager’sGuide toTalent AcquisitionTopic 5: CANDIDATE SOURCING
Develop a targeted strategy to attract the talent you need.
What would be the most powerful ways to connect with the target candidates?
How can you reach top talent that’s not actively seeking work?
What would motivate these candidates to apply?
−What could we tell them about the work and the work environment that would appeal to them?
What do current high performing employees in this area say? What attracted them and what keeps them?
A good job ad will attract the “right” applicants and enable candidates to apply effectively:
−clearly identify and describe the critical competencies needed for success in the role
−direct applicants to provide information that clearly and concisely demonstrates how their qualifications meet the selection criteria (including education, experience and relevant examples of demonstrated competencies)
PROJECT PLANTimelines/dates are set in the initial strategic discussion and adjusted as necessary throughout the staffing process.
INITIATE AND DEVELOP / Target date for filling position(s)?
Key Activities/Tasks / Timelines/Dates
(GoA Staffing Timeline Targets) / Lead
schedule time to meet and discuss strategic staffing plan / before, or within 5-6 work days from receipt of staffing request
ensure budget and approval to staff in place
(staffing requestform)
EXECUTE / finalize job description, competency profile and selection criteria
finalize candidate assessment and sourcing strategies
finalize the job ad
advertise/source candidates / GoA Jobs website: 1-2 work days
Other candidate sources: 5 work daysfrom finalizing the strategic staffing plan
develop the interview plan and other assessment methods as required(interview plan & assessment summary)
(assessment rating scales)
competition closes / 10 work days from advertising date
initial assessment of candidates (screening) / 8 – 10 work days from closing date
further assessment of candidates:
- arrange for and interview candidates
- other assessment methods as required / 7 – 10 work days from finalizing screening
conduct pre-employment checks as required:
- references; academic; security screening / 5 – 8 work days from completing candidate assessment
make selection decision
- certify candidates as qualified; salary, start date, etc.
offer employment / 2 work days from completion of pre-employment checks
regret unsuccessful candidates / 3 – 5 work days from accepted verbal offer
orientation (New Employee Orientation site)
EVALUATE / identify continuous improvement opportunities:
- follow-up with hiring manager and new hire(s) / 3 – 6 months from hire date
evaluate quality of hire (follow-up with hiring manager) / 3 – 6 months from hire date