COGS Full Council

Castle Boardroom, MSUCollege of LawBuilding

February 16, 2011


  1. Approval of Agenda
  2. Motion to add item C under the president’s report for the constitutional agenda
  3. Agenda approved
  4. Approval of Minutes from January 2011 Full Council Meeting
  5. Minutes approved
  6. Remarks from the GraduateSchool
  7. Associate Dean brought copies of the new career success bookmark
  8. Remarks from COGS advisor (Dr. Davis)
  9. Presentation –Joan Howarth, Dean, MSUCollege of Law
  10. Executive Board Reports
  11. President’s Report (Stefan Fletcher)
  12. Board of Trustees Meeting Recap
  13. Community Service Grants
  14. ASMSU, Stefan, & the mayor of East Lansing have discussed providing grants for community service-based initiatives
  15. Constitutional amendment petition
  16. Applying for 501C3 tax status – petition to change language of the constitution for this
  17. Vice President for Internal Affairs (Shannon Demlow)
  18. GSO Seed Funding
  19. Departmental Representation standards
  20. Questions asked about whether it is fair to tax all students but not provide conference grants
  21. Most representatives raised hands that they’d support some form of these standards
  22. Suggestion: there will be a preference for departments that send COGS reps
  23. Motion to refer this back to Constitution & Bylaws Committee
  24. motion approved
  25. E-Board elections
  26. Nomination forms will be emailed out
  27. Elections next meeting
  28. Committee Elections
  29. Vice President for External Affairs (Adam Lovgren)
  30. RFP Process re: Health Insurance
  31. Will be getting better dental insurance next year with Delta
  32. 100% of all cleaning and x-rays, fillings, no deductable
  33. 80% coverage with $25 deductable on all surgeries
  34. will cost $257 per year, can purchase in fall and spring semester
  35. health insurance – the university decided to stick with Aetna with a built-in rate increase
  36. was consistently quoting the highest rates – pooled rate was $2400
  37. meeting with GEU
  38. Feb 28th, 5:30 at 206 old Horticulture
  39. Little Sibs Event
  40. Treasurer (Amanda Herzog)
  41. Event Funding**
  42. Finance committee met with 8 groups
  43. funding approved
  44. Summer event funding and conference grant applications due March 30th
  45. Recording Secretary (Kate Giuca)
  46. Graduate Academic Conference
  47. 120 presenters- will be notified of acceptance in the next week or so
  48. Need for faculty and grad student judges – please encourage any interested persons you know to email
  49. Bowling Event Recap
  50. LawCollege Liaison (John Petkus)
  51. MSUCollege of Law Events
  52. Last week was diversity week
  53. Law school elections this Friday
  54. Medical Colleges Liaison (Susan Borkowski)
  55. 3rd Annual COMS v CHM Winter Classic Hockey Game - Saturday, February 19th - 2:30-6:30pm (5:30-6:30 open skate)
  56. Admission is a non-perishable food item
  57. After the game is open skate (have to pay for skate rentals if you don’t have your own)
  58. MSU Vagina Monologues 2011, February 18-19

Tickets: $16.00 - WhartonCenter for details

Raising money for MSU sexual assault program

  1. INEP brown bag lunch
  2. Tomorrow: professor of Anthropology speaking about various different global populations
  3. C102 Fee hall from noon to 1
  4. Will also be recorded
  1. Old Business
  2. New Business
  3. RIO Authorship Guidelines Review (Stefan/Adam)
  4. Proposal to Amend the Code of Teaching Responsibility &the Integrity of Scholarship Policy – Proctoring (Stefan)
  5. Committee Elections** (Shannon)
  6. No new additions
  7. College of Agriculture and Natural Resources –dean’s search
  8. Still looking for grad student representatives to the search committee
  9. Next month’s meeting will be in Cowles house
  10. President will be present
  11. Member’s Privilege
  12. Black Graduate Student Association is hosting a graduate research symposium in Eppley this Saturday from 10-3.
  13. Adjourn