CSBM participant diagnostic: Managing office services
Completing this diagnostic will help you to plan your work, and to decide which particular units or areas of knowledge you need to concentrate upon most, and which units or areas you are confident in and need less development.
Each of the operational modules in the CSBM programme has a ‘diagnostic’, a self-assessment checklist. The purpose of this diagnostic is to help you determine your approach to the study of this module. It is important that you complete the diagnostic objectively and that you are honest with yourself about your current level of experience and competence – you should be neither too modest nor overly confident. One way of ensuring objectivity is by discussing your self-analysis with another person and ideally this will be your school mentor.
Completing the diagnostic
Complete the diagnostic by entering your responses into the self assessment record. In doing this, you should choose the option that best fits your level of experience and competence. There will be occasions when you feel that you could tick more than one box and this is not unusual – if this is the case, make a note so that when you review the outcomes from the whole diagnostic you can remind yourself of any marginal choices you made.
The following descriptors are intended to help you to decide which level best describes your current level of development.
Level1 / Your experience and expertise is this area of school business management is limited because it is currently not part of your current role. You have very limited knowledge and understanding of this operational area.
2 / You have some experience in this area of school business management, and you manage processes and systems within the school. You possess a working knowledge and understanding of this operational area, but you would benefit refreshing and updating your knowledge, skills and understanding.
3 / You have recent experience in this area of school business management. In addition to managing processes and systems within the school, you have line management responsibility for other personnel working in this operational area. You possess a secure knowledge and understanding of this operational area and its key concepts and techniques. You work with the school’s senior leadership on developments and lead projects relating to this operational area.
CSBM participant diagnostic: Managing office services
Mark your levels in the grid below, the diagnostic questions on the following pages relate to the 4 units which make up the office services module.
Your self assessment record
Transfer your responses by putting a ‘1’ in the corresponding box that you have ticked for each item within each area. Total your responses at the bottom of the grid and then use the result to help you identify those areas which require further study.
Area 1Management Information Systems / Area 2
Communications Management / Area 3
Office services for teaching staff / Area 4
Office Systems and Organisation
1 / 2 / 3 / 1 / 2 / 3 / 1 / 2 / 3 / 1 / 2 / 3
Reviewing the outcomes of your diagnostic
When you have completed your diagnostic and entered your responses into the self assessment record, reflect on the overall picture that has emerged from the scores you awarded yourself, and consider any notes you made as you went along. If your self-assessment is:
Predominantly levels 1 and 2: You will need to study these units/items fully.
Predominantly level 3: You should initially skim read these units/items to check that you have a secure understanding of their contents, and then to study in depth any items in which you do not feel secure.
Area 1: Management Information Systems
The competent school business manager has knowledge of, understands and provides an effective management information system in support of the management of the school.
1.1 - Management Information Systems (MIS)
1 / 2 / 3I need to know about current MIS systems and the advantages and limitations of each one. / I understand the critical importance of an effective MIS system in support of the management of the school. / I operate an effective MIS system in support of the management of the school.
1.2 - Cost-benefit analysis of MIS
1 / 2 / 3I need to know of cost-benefit analysis as it relates to MIS. / I am aware of cost-benefit analysis as it relates to MIS. / I am well informed of the various MIS and how they relate to the management needs of the school.
1.3- MIS security, backup and restoration of data
1 / 2 / 3I need to know about the critical importance of data integrity in support of an effective MIS / I understand the critical importance of data integrity in support of an effective MIS and how to maintain this integrity. / I can implement effective security and backup procedures to maintain data integrity under all possible conditions.
1.4- MIS data protection
1 / 2 / 3I need to know about both the legal and practical requirements of data management and data transfer policies. / I have a sound understanding of data protection legislation, but need to develop my understanding of practical strategies for managing ‘information risks’. / I am responsible for managing the school’s data protection activities.
Area 2: Communications management
The competent school business manager has knowledge of, understands implements various forms of communication for use with the school’s stakeholders.
2.1 – Internal communication
1 / 2 / 3I need to know about the advantages and disadvantages of the various methods of internal communication available to school managers. / I have a sound understanding of the various methods of internal communication available. / I am responsible for managing some aspects of the school’s internal communication systems.
2.2 Receiving visitors
1 / 2 / 3I need to know how to set up the necessary effective systems and physical conditions for the effective receiving of visitors into the school. / I understand the importance of creating a positive, welcoming environment for visitors to the school and have experience of working in the reception area. / I manage the reception area, and processes for managing visitors whilst they are on the school premises.
2.3 – Managing difficult situations
1 / 2 / 3I need to know how to handle challenging situations with visitors as this is something I have rarely had to do. / I have some experience of dealing with challenging situations, but I need to develop my understanding of strategies for defusing potentially difficult encounters. / I am used to dealing with challenging situations and am confident in my abilities to reach a satisfactory conclusion most of the time.
2.4 - External communications
1 / 2 / 3I need to know about the advantages and disadvantages of the various methods of external communication available to school managers. / I have a sound understanding of the various methods of external communication available. / I am responsible for managing some aspects of the school’s external communication systems.
Area 3: Stakeholder services
The competent school business manager has knowledge of, understands and can deliver a range of office services to teaching staff, parents, pupils and governors.
3.1 - Office services for teaching staff
1 / 2 / 3I need to know about the range of services the school office should provide for the teaching staff. / I regularly provide a range of standard office services to teaching staff, and I understand their importance for the education of children. / I have a good knowledge of a wide range of office services, and I have experience of developing these services with teaching staff.
3.2 - Managing registration systems
1 / 2 / 3I need to know about the differences between manual and electronic systems for registering pupils. / I have experience of processing attendance data. / I am confident in using electronic systems for recording attendance data, and in extracting data for school managers and external agencies.
3.3 - Office services for schools
1 / 2 / 3I need to know which services the governors expect from the school office. / I have some experience of providing services for governors, such as word processing and desk top publishing. / I provide support for the governing body by arranging meetings, taking minutes, booking rooms etc.
Area OS4: Office systems and organisation
The competent school business manager has knowledge of, understands and can establish efficient and effective processes and practices that ensure the smooth operation of the school office.
be able to how to carry out an office staff skills audit
know how to design a process map for a key office system
be able to understand the importance of good office design to the productivity and well-being of the office staff team
know how to develop sustainable practices in the school office
4.1 – Process mapping
1 / 2 / 3I need to know what process maps are and how they can improve the effectiveness of school office services. / I am familiar with process maps and use them in my daily work. / I understand the features of good process maps and have contributed to the design of process maps for my school.
4.2 - Office design
1 / 2 / 3I need to know how good office design can improve the productivity of staff who work in it. / I understand the characteristics of good office design. / I understand the importance of ergonomics, lighting, heating etc to office morale and productivity and know the steps to take to improve an office’s design.
4.3 – Sustainable offices
1 / 2 / 3I need to know about the features of an office organised and managed on sustainable principles. / I have a good understanding of the principles of sustainable practices and how these can be applied in practice in the school office. / I understand and am active in promotion of sustainable practices in the school office.
4.4 - Health and Safety
1 / 2 / 3I need to know the Health and Safety requirements of offices. / I demonstrate a sound understanding of Health and Safety legislation and guidance, and I am act on my personal responsibilities in my daily working life. / I understand and apply procedures for the health and safety of other office staff.
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