Last revised: August 26, 2017 by P. Mitchell


- Bylaws -



The name of this organization shall be the Cordillera Women’s Golf Association (“CWGA”).



The mission is to promote good fellowship and sportsmanship among its members, and to encourage its members to play golf and to participate in CWGA tournaments.



Section 1 - Membership Any female applicant, 18 years of age or over, who is a member in good standing of the Clubs of Cordillera Ranch (“The Club”) and who holds amateur status, is eligible to become a member of CWGA.

Section 2 - Dues Annual dues shall be determined by the Executive Board and be approved by the membership. Dues are to be paid by January 1. For all new members joining after July 1, dues shall be reduced by fifty (50%) percent.

Section 3 Prospective members may play two (2) times before joining CWGA. They shall not be eligible for play day or tournament prizes, with the exception of a Team Event Play Day and Special Events.



Section l The CWGA operating year shall commence at the Annual Christmas Party each year and terminate on the date of the next Annual Christmas Party; however, the financial year shall end on December 31 each year.

Section 2 The General Meetings of CWGA shall be held on the second Wednesday of January, March, May, September and October. General Meeting dates shall be published on the website and may be changed by the President upon approval of the Executive Board. The President, or her designee, shall notify the entire membership by e-mail and posting. A quorum shall be thirty (30%) percent of the members.

Section 3 Special Meetings, with purpose stated, may be called by the President upon approval of the Executive Board with seven (7) days prior written notice to the membership by e-mail and posting.



Section l - Officers The Officers of CWGA shall be a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Tournament Chair, and Social Chair.

Section 2 - Duties of Officers

a. The President shall preside over all General Meetings of CWGA and of the Executive Board, and shall have general supervision of all affairs of CWGA, including notification to the membership of all General and Special Meetings. She shall appoint all Standing Committee Chairs and fill Board of Director vacancies with approval of the Executive Board. The President is an ex-officio member of all committees (except the Nominations Committee) and shall be notified five (5) days in advance of any meetings. She shall keep the Vice President advised of all business concerning matters of CWGA. She shall reserve her vote in order to break a tie vote or to create a tie vote.

b. The Vice President shall be responsible for the website Directory. She shall assume the duties of the President in the event of her absence, resignation or inability to act. She shall act at the will of the President with approval of the Executive Board. She shall maintain an up-to-date website Directory and the CWGA bulletin board in the locker room.

c. The Secretary shall keep records of all meetings of CWGA and of the Executive Board and make them available to members upon request. In addition, she shall provide CWGA General Meeting minutes to all members. She shall assume the duties of the Vice President, if necessary, and act at the will of the President with approval of the Executive Board.

d. The Treasurer shall receive, deposit, and pay out all monies on behalf of CWGA. She shall be responsible for accounting for dues and / or tournament entry fees collected by the Clubs of Cordillera Ranch for CWGA. She shall maintain the books and records which shall be open for inspection at all times. She shall act as Chair of the Finance Committee and present an annual budget, prepared by the Finance Committee and approved by the Executive Board, to the members for approval at the first General Meeting of each year. Prior to each General Meeting, the Treasurer shall distribute to the membership, a current statement of income and expenditures and a balance sheet. She will act at the will of the President with approval of the Executive Board and, if necessary, assume the duties of the Secretary,

e. The Tournament Chair shall be responsible for planning and conducting all regular Play Day competition and acquaint players with tournament procedures. She shall determine annually the flight designation. She shall establish a Tournament Committee of three (3) to six (6) members consisting of at least one (1) member from each flight whenever possible. The Committee shall assist in coordination of Play Day and tournament events. The Tournament Chair shall comply with the duties and responsibilities of her office as outlined in Article X (Rules of Play). She shall determine a budget for prizes to be awarded to Play Day competitors during the year and provide this budget to the Finance Committee to be included in the annual budget. The Tournament Chair shall recommend to the Executive Board, for consideration and approval, additional fees for scheduled tournaments, excluding special events.

f. The Social Chair shall be responsible for arranging social events including, but not limited to, menus, refreshments, decorations, and entertainment.

Section 3 - Nominations

A Nominations Committee shall consist of the Parliamentarian, who shall act as Chair, and seven (7) elected members. The Chair shall be responsible for convening a Nominations Committee meeting and completing a proposed slate of officers prior to September 1.

a. Two (2) members shall be elected by the Executive Board. These positions must be filled by members who have prior Executive Board experience.

b. Five (5) members shall be elected by the membership at the May General Meeting from a nominated list of no more than (10) ten names. No more than three (3) current Board members may serve. The current President is ineligible to serve on the Nominations Committee.

c. Members of the Nominations Committee must have been a CWGA member for at least two (2) years from the date that the member first paid CWGA dues and may serve no more than two consecutive years on the Nominations Committee. There must be representation on the Committee from each flight if possible; however, the two-year CWGA membership requirement takes precedence over this. If any flight does not have a player who has been a member of CWGA for the last two years, then there will not be a member from that flight on the Committee.

d. The following guidelines shall be followed by the Nominations Committee:

•  Prior to the first meeting, the Chair shall confer with all current Executive Board members, who are potentially eligible to serve a second one-year term, to ascertain their desire to serve another term.

•  The Chair shall read Article V Section 3 of the CWGA Bylaws to all of the Nominations Committee members at the beginning of the first Nominations Committee meeting.

•  If there is more than one (1) nominee proposed for a position, voting by the Nominations Committee for such position shall be by ballot.

•  The Chair shall only vote in order to resolve a tie.

•  The Nominations Committee shall suggest to the newly-elected President candidates to be considered for potential Standing Committee Chairs.

e. Recommendation sheets shall be made available at the May meeting to membership. These sheets are to be kept confidential and shall be kept by the presiding Chair of the Nominations Committee.

f. The Nominations Committee shall present a proposed slate of (1) nominee for each office. Consent of the nominee must be secured before the nomination is put forth.

g. The Nominations Committee shall present their proposed slate to the membership prior to September 1 by e-mail and posting.

h. Nominations from the floor will only be accepted at the September General Meeting. The consent of the nominee shall be obtained before such nomination. No more than three (3) nominations for each position will be accepted from the floor.

Section 4 - Election

a. The Parliamentarian shall provide to the President the proposed final slate of officers no later than seven (7) days after the September General Meeting.

b. Within seven (7) days after receiving the proposed final slate, the President shall provide such proposed slate to all members via email and posting.

c. Election of Officers shall be held at the October General Meeting. Paper ballots will be distributed to all members in attendance.

d. The Vice President shall provide an absentee ballot for all Officer positions to members, upon request, who are unable to attend the October General Meeting. The member’s absentee ballot may be delivered to the Vice President by email or hand delivery. It is the responsibility of the absentee member to insure that their ballot is received by the Vice President prior to the October General Meeting.

e. A simple majority vote of the total of paper ballots and absentee ballots shall be sufficient for election.

f. If more than three (3) or more candidates are nominated for an office, then preferential voting shall be utilized as defined by Robert’s Rules of Order.



Section 1 The Executive Board shall consist of the elected Officers who shall assume their official duties at the Annual Christmas Party.

Section 2 The Executive Board shall hold meetings between one (1) and two (2) weeks prior to the General Meetings. Other meetings may be called, if necessary, by the President with a minimum of three (3) days notice.

Section 3 A quorum of fifty-one (51%) percent of the Executive Board shall be required to decide an issue. A majority, fifty-one (51%) percent, of those in attendance shall be required to vote.

Section 4 - Tenure

a. The term of office shall be for one (1) fiscal year.

b. Subsequent to the election of Officers for the next year, and prior to the beginning of the elected term, the newly elected Officers may conduct transitional planning activities.

c. No Executive Board officer shall hold the same office for more than two (2) consecutive years unless no other member is willing to serve.

Section 5 - Executive Board

In order to serve on the Executive Board, a member must have belonged to the CWGA for a period of one (1) year from the date that the member first paid CWGA dues.



Section 1 The Board of Directors shall consist of the current Executive Board and all Standing Committee Chairs. They shall act on behalf of the membership only when necessary to conduct business before the next General Meeting and only when a quorum of the membership cannot be gathered. Other duties may be established by the membership and included in the Standing Rules.



The Board of Advisors shall consist of any past Officers as selected by the President. The Board of Advisors shall function solely to advise the President and have no other official duties.



Section 1 - Standing Committees

a. The President shall appoint all Standing Committee Chairs and is an ex-officio member of all committees during her term. She shall be notified five (5) days in advance of any meetings.

b. Committees shall maintain records of committee meetings.

c. No Standing Committee Chair shall hold the same office for more than two (2) consecutive years, unless no other member is willing to serve.

Section 2 - Finance

a. The Chair shall be the Treasurer.

b. Additional members shall be the Awards, Social, and Tournament Chairs, and any other additional members as may be deemed necessary.

c. The Finance Committee shall prepare an annual budget for approval by the Executive Board which shall be presented to the membership for approval.

d. The Treasurer shall ensure expenditures do not exceed budgeted amounts without prior approval of the Executive Board.

Section 3 - Membership

a. The Chair shall develop and propose to the Executive Board a plan to expand membership.

b. She shall develop membership marketing and promotional materials, including applications and welcome kits, in collaboration with the Clubs Membership Director.

c. Once the new member has been billed for CWGA membership dues, the Chair shall forward the new member’s information to the Executive Board and Pro Shop, and provide the new member with access to the CWGA website.

d. She shall encourage and assist new members to participate in CWGA activities.

Section 4 - Communication

a. The Secretary shall Chair this committee.

b. She shall send cards to members who are ill and spouses or family members who are bereaved. She shall also send a monthly list of member birthdays via email.

c. The Chair shall provide CWGA articles for the Club and local publications.

Section 5 - Parliamentarian

The Parliamentarian shall advise any Executive Board member or any other member, as required, on points of parliamentary procedure. She shall chair the Nominations Committee and present the slate of nominees at the appropriate General Meeting.

Section 6 - Rules

a. The Chair shall provide or present a rule of golf upon request and be able to provide an answer to any rules question from the membership.