
RAP 1 Autumn Term 20

Intensifying Support Programme – Raising Attainment Plan - Autumn 20XX

RAP Plan Number : 1Review Dates: Mid point RAP review 18th October 3.00 p.m. ~ 4.30 p.m.

Final RAP review 12th December 3.00 p.m. ~ 5.00 p.m.

PLEASE NOTE : Provisional additional date of 14th September has also been allocated for monitoring in order to gain an accurate base line.

Priority :

Key Theme 1
Raising attainment and accelerating progress
  • Ensure that 80% of pupils in KS1 make 1 level + of progress and 80% of pupils in KS2 make 2/3+ level of progress over the year.
/ Activity / Objective :
  • To ensure that the level of attainment improves in both Literacy and Numeracy and that an agreed percentage of each cohort make good or better progress against their end of year numerical targets.
/ Priority Target :
To ensure that by 2009 the pupils in at the end of Key Stage 1 achieving Level 2 or above is XX%
To ensure that by 2009 the pupils achieving level 4 or above is XX% in English and Mathematics.
This target needs to be in line with the target set by your SEA please amend accordingly
Tasks and Actions to be taken / DATE for actions / Person / s Responsible / Outcomes / Success Criteria / Monitoring / DATE for monitoring
1.1Use optional test analyses, teacher assessment, foundation stage profiles to identify areas of strength and areas for development in literacy and mathematics.
Set age related curricular targets in literacy and numeracy. / 5th July at HDC / ISPCliteracy and mathematics subject leaders / As a result of auditing attainment, areas for development have been prioritised and set as layered, age related curricular targets. / The ISPC will monitor that the targets are relevant and that the targets are high value in terms of content in order that they are a significant influence on the priority target.
Monitoring: Environment walk
Work sample
Lesson observation
Pupil progress meetings
Pupil interviews / September tbc
18th October and 12th December monitoring days. These are to include work samples, planning, lesson obsSEA/ISPC/ HT
1.2 To introduce what the staff understand by the ISP programme. / 11th Sept 3.30 p.m. ~ 5.00 p.m. / ISPC / Teachers are, as they progress through the term, using all the elements of the ISPwith increasing confidence. Teachers are aware of the commitment required from them to the whole school approach to raising attainment and the drive toward the priority target. / Monitoring across the term will, in addition to the set focus, look at allthe elements of the ISP being present: target displays, reference to target areas in children’s work, pupils talking about their targets, teachers sharing targets and success criteria with pupils. / See above monitoring dates
1.3 Identify target groups and specific groups within each class. E.g. intervention, SEN, More able.
Complete Coventry Tracker and Distribution Sheet. / 11th Sept
By start of September / ISPC and all staff
Dep HT / Groups of pupils have been identified in each class.
TAs are aware of target groups within the groups they support. / The groups of children will be monitored closely through; work sample, pupil progress meetings and pupil interviews. [ See dates above ] / Pupil progress mtgs will be held in the second half of term. Date to be arranged.
1.5 Teachers modify their Autumn term planning to reflect their curricular targets. / w.c 11th Sept
w.c 30th Oct / ISP focus clearly identified in planning and taught early on in half term.
Mid term review indicates that the targets are embedded into planning and work. / SEA and HT to monitor the impact of the current planning system. Feedback to staff by HT at next staff meeting.
Work and planning scrutiny will be able to identify work that has a focus specifically on ISP targets. / 11th Sept
30th Oct
1.6 Teachers are using the M / S / C sheets for recording pupil progress towards targets. Review m/s/c at half term/ end of term.
Teachers share the progress that the pupils have made against the targets in the first half term and use their knowledge to make sure that their planning takes the learning forward / w/c 11.th Sept
Start of PDM 2 / All staff / Agreed percentage of target group are reaching age-related expectations.
Y1 = %Y2 = % Y3 = % Y4 = %
Y5 = % Y6 = %
At the end of the term, check the progress of pupils against the Coventry Tracker information. / Co-ordinators collect the target sheets and complete overall data. They identify success and areas for improvement. The co-ordinators identify which pupils have not made the expected progress.
Headlines of analysis fed back to headteacher / Week prior to half term/ end of term, M/S/C sheets handed to lit/ num sub leaders.
1.7 To carry out a review of the current assessment systems which are in place within the school and to ensure that the information gained from these assessments impacts upon pupil progress.
This will include the deployment of TAs. / Date TBA
14th Sept tbc / ISPC/ SEA and SLs / All of the staff are fully aware of how the collected data is used to inform pupil progress.
Ensure that appropriate activities are being used to assess the progress which pupils make.
All TAs are deployed according to the needs of the pupils. / HT/SEA to monitor the assessment which is being carried out within the school. / ISPC on monitoring day


Priority :

Key Theme 2
Improving learning and teaching / Activity / Objective :
To ensure that the quality of teaching continues to develop and that expectations are high so that pupils make satisfactory or better progress in relation to their targets. / Priority Target :
100% satisfactory teaching or better in core subjects with 75% good teaching or better.
Tasks and Actions to be taken / Time / Person / s Responsible / Outcomes / Success Criteria / Monitoring / Dates for Monitoring
2.1Provide INSET on;
PDM 1 on Setting Curricular targets
PDM 2 on Sharing Objectives and Success
Staff will complete a DP (Development Plan) at the end of each meeting. This will be completed as a whole staff team. / 11th Sept
6th Nov / ISPC to lead sessions in school. / Staff are confident in planning for and teaching to the target areas. Teaching strategies for sharing the intended learning with the pupils are evident in lesson observation and pupils talk about the learning they have been focussed on.
3 Key actions agreed upon by all staff / Lesson observations, work sampling, planning scrutiny and pupil interviews will all have ISP focus.
ISPC / head will follow up the key actions as drawn up in PDM and action as necessary / SEE monitoring dates in Key theme 1
2.2 To provide training for all support staff on the numeracy and literacy interventions.
Prioritise which interventions are needed for 2006/07 and the level of capacity available to run them. / w/c 25.9 and 20.11 / ISPC/PSC / All support staff are trained to deliver the intervention programmes
Progress to be plotted at the start of the intervention and then at the end. 80%+ of pupils to have made at least 1/3+ progress. / Senior Teacher to track pupils who have been chosen for interventions.
Ensure that the timetables are being followed on a fortnightly basis. / 25.9
2.3 PNS Consultant support. Provide training and support for class teachers where there may be gaps in subject knowledge.
Carry out work based upon the whole school focus of Improving learning within Mathematics.
Staff meeting based upon moderation of writing. Support for individual staff. (Please refer to HT for details as this would identify individual staff) / Staff mtg / PSC
PSC to lead / All staff will have necessary subject knowledge to teach curriculum.
Staff are able to accurately level writing within the correct level. / Lesson observations by SEA/HT will confirm teaching is satisfactory or better
Numeracy Focus
HT to monitor the assessment of writing within the school.
2.4 To provide support for the Lit/Num co-ords though the ISP SLIPS course at HDC / Dates to follow / ISPC / Co-ords have greater role in leadership and management of lit/num / Gap tasks, portfolio tasks, working with co-ords
2.5 To carry out a review of the current use of intervention programmes within the school. / 14.9. tbc / PSC / There is clear understanding of which intervention programmes are appropriate and need to be set up within the school.
HT has ensured that the intervention programmes are running efficiently within the school. / HT and ISPC to monitor the setting up and running of the intervention programmes. / 14.9
2.6 To carry out a full planning review within the school.
To develop a planning system which supports the work of the teachers and ensures that adequate pupil progress is made. / 14.9.06 tbc / ISPC/PSC/SEA/HT / A clear view of the current planning structures within the school is obtained.
By half term there are agreed formats for medium and short term planning within English and mathematics. / HT and SEA to monitor the planning.
Stocktake day to triangulate evidence of planning via. work samples, planning scrutiny, pupil discussions and lesson obs. / 14.9
2.7 ISPC to carry out a full numeracy review within the school to identify strengths and areas of development. / TBA / ISPC / An agreed understanding of the current strengths and areas of development within Numeracy.
RAP supplemented at the review with specific actions to raise standards in mathematics. / SEA to monitor and liaise with ISPC on progress of review.
HT to implement aspects of the action plan and ensure that these are followed through within the school.
Progress will be monitored during the Stocktake days. / 14.9

Priority :

Key Theme 3
Improving the conditions for learning / Activity/Objective :
To ensure that the classroom environment reflects the curricular targets and the learning taking place in literacy and numeracy each half term. / Priority Target :
To improve and develop the classroom environment and use of resources in order that they will effectively contribute to the learning that is taking place.
Tasks and Actions to be taken / Time / Person / s Responsible / Outcomes / Success Criteria / Monitoring / Dates for monitoring
3.1 For classroom ISP displays tobe changed to ensure that the targets are up-to-date quickly and effectively.
3.2 Success criteria is identified and shared with pupils. This should be visible on classroom walls
3.3 Key vocabulary connected to the curricular target is visible within the classroom. / w/c 11.9 and 30.10 / HT to ensure that all staff have this completed. / All targets are on display in the classrooms within a week of them being set.
Success criteria is displayed in relation to the targets/objectives being taught.
Pupils can bee seen accessing the learning prompts to support their work.
Pupils can define the key vocabulary in context. / Environment walk completing the audit document.
Lesson observations carried out by the SEA and HT / Two weeks into each half term subject leaders to do environment walk.
w.c. 18.9
w.c 13.11
3.4Ensure TAs are aware of the contents of the PDMs / w/c 4.9and 30.10 / SMT and all TAs / TAs to attend PDMs or SMT to update on contents and whole school agreed focus. / Observations of interventions and support will reflect the ISP focus. / 6.11
3.5 For a Literacy and Numeracy audit to be carried out. / 0.5 day for each / Leading teacher and co-ords / The range of resources will be able to support the ISP target focus. / Observations will show appropriate use of resources to support learning.



Key Theme 4
Improving the school as a professional learning community / Activity/Objective:
To ensure that all staff are aware of the current CPD opportunities within the school. / Priority Target:
To link all CPD to the SIP and the ISP priorities for the school.
Tasks and Actions to be taken / Time / Person / s Responsible / Outcomes / Success Criteria / Monitoring / Dates for monitoring
4.1 PDMs are delivered in classrooms by ISPC.
Staff to agree whole school 'DP' from actions arising. / 11.9
6.11 / ISPC / Staff meetings are succinct and take place in various classrooms over the course of the programme. / The Literacy and numeracy co-ordinators record on a flip chart the issues arising from staff meetings and are proactive in supporting staff following these meetings by brokering in further support or identifying relevant CPD
Dep HT to record agreed actions as whole school focus and display in staffroom.
4.2 To carry out a Governing Body briefing to inform them of the programme, offering suggestions on how this can be monitored. / 4.7
 This has already been carried out. / ISPC/CofG / Monitoring schedule establishedand arrangements for monitoring with an ISP focus organised.
ISP governor to have been nominated if this is felt to be appropriate to support the implementation of the programme. / Governors are fully aware of the commitment needed to the programme and how their monitoring can support achievement of specific RAP tasks/actions.
4.3 For staff to have completed an audit of their training and for this to be collated by the ISP Consultant. CPD can then be planned from this. / Training audit will be provided / HT / Audit produced and CPD planned.
Appropriate training has been arranged to ensure staff can fully meet the needs of the PNS and intervention programmes. / Lesson observations reflect impact of PSC support


Glossary of Terms

CPD = Continuing Professional Development DHT = Deputy Headteacher IDP = Individual Development Plan ISPC = ISPC consultant PDM = Professional Development Meeting

PNS = Primary National Strategy RAP = Raising Attainment Plan SEA = School Effectiveness Adviser SLT = Senior Leadership Team TA = Teaching Assistant

M/S/C = Must, should and could targets PSC = Primary Strategy Consultant