Shire of Kulin– Request for Tenders
Supply and Spray Hot Bitumen
Tender Specifications
- Spray approx. 85,000 litres for new two coat seal on Kulin Holt RockRd approx. 55km east of Kulin townsite
Total approx. 22,000 litres 95/5 and 63,000 litres C170 Bitumen
Spreader trucks to be supplied by contractor quotes should be on an hourly basis;
Precoating of aggregate to be quoted at separate rate;
All other plant to be supplied by the Shire of Kulin.
Supply and Deliver Aggregate
Tender Specifications
- Supply and deliver 215 tonne 7mm aggregate to Kulin Holt Rock Rdapprox. 55kmEast of Kulin;
- Supply and deliver 315 tonne 14mm aggregate to Kulin Holt RockRd approx. 55 km East of Kulin.
- Supply and deliver 530 tonne 10mm aggregate to Pingaring townsite.
Tenderers must provide a price for supply only of the aggregate as tenders are also invited from transport companies for delivery only. All metal to be to MRWA standards.
Location of metal dumpsites will be provided on request.
This tender closes at 4pm on Friday24 August 2018.
Further details may be obtained from Judd Hobson, Works Manager via mobile on 0427 801 241 or email
Shire of Kulin– Conditions of Tender
1. Lodgement of Tender
Tenders are to be submitted to:
The Chief Executive Officer
Shire of Kulin
38 Johnston Street
Kulin WA 6365;
And, are to be lodged in the Tender Box at the Shire Office at 38 Johnston St Kulin no later than 4.00 pm on Friday 24 August 2018.
Tenders are to be submitted in a sealed envelope marked with the item/s being tendered for.
It is the responsibility of the tenderer to ensure that tender documents are lodged in the tender box if delivery is affected by mail or courier.
Submission of tender documents by email is permissible only if the original tender document is also supplied at a later date and without alterations.
Any discrepancies between the email and the original document received after closing date shall render both documents invalid.
Late tenders will not be accepted.
2. Opening and Registration of Tenders
All tenders lodged before closing time will be opened and registered at the closing date and time as listed. Any tenderer may be present at the opening and record the prices submitted only.
3. Acceptance of Tenders
The lowest or any tender is not necessarily accepted and canvassing of Councillors or staff will disqualify.
Council will award tenders at their Council meeting of Wednesday 19 September 2018 and notice will be given by 4:00pm Friday 21 September. Acceptance of tender will be effected only by written acceptance after the closing date. This tender and written acceptance thereof shall form the binding contract. A Council Work Order Form will be issued for this purpose.
4. Payment
Payment shall be made within 30 days from the end of the month of delivery of the purchased item. Cash payments will not be made. Goods and Services Tax is applicable to this tender. The tenderer must specify whether the cost per item is inclusive or exclusive of GST.
5. Annulment of Contract
Failure by the contractor to meet the agreed delivery time or any of the technical specifications will constitute grounds for the cancellation of the contract at the discretion of the Shire of Kulin.
Noel Mason
CEO Shire of Kulin
O:\23 PLANT, EQUIPMENT & STORES\23.05 Tendering\Bitumen & Blue Metal\2018 2019\Supply and Spray Hot Bitumen and Aggregate Specifications 2018-19.docx