Principles of Construction


Mr. Viator

I. General Information

Room Number: 2401School Phone:(281) 641-6528


Tutorial Times: Wednesday 3:00 pm – 4:10 pm

II. MaterialsNeeded by second week of school

(1) Black or Professional Blue Pen

(2) Pencil

(1) 1- 1/2” Binder

(2) Pkg. College Rule Paper

(1) Ream of printer paper 500ct.

(1) Kleenex

(1) Hand Sanitizer____ Initials

III. Classroom Expectations, Rules,and Consequences

Before Class: Before class starts, it is expected that you take care of your needs. This includes going to the restroom, getting bottled water, or stopping by your locker. You must be in this classroom, when the tardy bell rings. If not, you are tardy. ____ Initials

Entering the Room: Enter calmly. Do not run. You must be completely inside the classroom when the tardy bell rings. Be prepared to work. Have your materials and a positive attitude. ____ Initials

Getting Materials Ready: Pick up any hand-outs on the front desk while entering. Get out paper.

____ Initials

Do Now / Warm-Up: Read the agenda on the board/screen. Noise level is silent.Warm-ups are to be done independently.____ Initials

Turning in Homework/Classwork: Work and projects will be completed on paper and electronically. You must have a working email address for this class. I will have you email work in often. Homework will be considered late if not turned in on the due date and I will follow HHS’s grading policy.____ Initials

Instruction: Everyone is expected to take notes. Classroom is silent. Remain quiet unless called upon. Raise hand if you have an appropriate question. You need to copy down everything that is presented in class. If you are absent, it is YOUR responsibility to get the notes. You may ask a friend or fellow classmate.____ Initials

Class Work: Everyone is expected to work on class work. When given class time for projects and assignments I need to see you working appropriately. ____ Initials

Group work:Use your inside voice. Do not make any negative comments when you are assigned to your group. Be respectful and encouraging to your peers. You should only be talking to the members of your group and only about the project or activity. Each person should be actively involved with the project. You can ask questions and get help once your group has discussed the solution.____ Initials

Quiz/Tests: Quizzes and tests are to be worked on independently. I want to know what YOU know, not what your neighbor knows. Turn in when finished and remain quiet until THE TEACHER says everyone is finished.

If you are knowingly going to be absent, please make arrangements to take the test early, as soon as possible. If you are unable to schedule a date, you will be advised to take the make-up exam. If you miss a test for any reason, you will have ONE week to makeup the exam. Specific circumstances will be addressed in an individual manner. ____ Initials

Restroom: Per class rules, students may not use the restroom during the first or last 15 minutes of class. You cannot use the restroom during lessons. If you need to go to the restroom, raise your hand and ask politely.____ Initials

Trash: If you have trash to throw away, put it on the side of your desk and throw it away after the lesson or at the end of class. No trash “basketball”.____ Initials

Exiting the Classroom: Exit when I dismiss you. This will not happen until everyone is sitting in an assigned seat.____ Initials

Tutoring: YOU are responsible for coming in for help. Tutoring will be in room 2409 on Wednesday afternoons. Come to tutoring prepared with questions to ask or problems to work. If you are taking a make-up test or reassessment, come prepared to take it. I will not tutor you and allow you to take the test on the same day. Be respectful of the teacher’s time. ____ Initials

Class Rules: P5

  1. Prompt
  2. Prepared
  3. Productive
  4. Polite
  5. Patient____ Initials


1. Warning

  1. Parent contact with Referral to Principal____ Initials

Weekly professional grade

Projects and activities require a controlled classroom with students on task and doing what is expected of them. Every week a 100 point classroom grade will be given. If there are no conduct issues during the week this is the easiest grade to get EVER! I will give you a warning after the warning 10 points will be deducted off this professional grade. Whatever points you have left at the end of the week will be a grade! Please have respect toward your classmates and Mr. Viator to earn a 100% every week on this easy grade.____ Initials

IV. Grading Policy

Formative Assessments:Weighted once

Summative Assessments:Weighted twice____ Initials

HHS Late Work Policy 2016-2017HHS Retest Policy

On time:full creditStudents my retake one assessment per 9 weeks

1 day late:max of 85The original grade is averaged with the retest
2 days late:max of 70

3 days late:max of 55

4 days late: 0 ____ Initials

V. How to be Successful in Class

  • Attend class every day
  • Follow class procedures, expectations and school rules
  • Do assignments on the day it’s assigned
  • Attend tutorials when absent or for extra help
  • Keep an organized notebook or folder
  • Check your class status on Home Access Center (HAC) regularly
  • Use on-line resources and teacher webpage when you need extra help____ Initials

VII: Advanced Architectural Design

In Architectural Design, students gain knowledge and skills specific to those needed to enter a career in architecture and construction or prepare a foundation toward a post secondary degree in architecture, construction science, drafting, interior design, and landscape architecture. Architectural design includes the knowledge of the design, techniques, and tools related to the production of drawings, renderings, and scaled models for commercial or residential architectural purposes.

We are going to make this school year a great one!

Bryan K. Viator

Mr. Viator

Principles of Construction


Mr. Viator

I have read, understand, and agree to the terms outlined in the syllabus. I will perform to the best of my ability and be respectful in class. I understand my supplies are needed by September 5, 2017 unless other arrangements have been discussed with Mr. Viator.

Student Name: Student Signature: ______

Student email: ______

Parent Name: ______Parent Signature: ______

Parent email: ______

Parent Phone: ______

Parent Phone: ______

Parent Name: ______Parent Signature: ______

Parent email: ______

Parent Phone: ______

Parent Phone: ______