WED 23/5/12, 1000-1200


  1. Review of group size and structure
  2. Discussion of possible closer links with BSPGHAN
  3. PN: infant/paediatric PN report from Chief Pharmacist; discussion of network PN policies, standardisation etc – discuss any preliminary pieces of work to do prior to Dublin meeting
  4. Programme and details for Dublin meeting 09/11
  5. Neena Modi – agenda item? (Neena asked for a slot and I seem to have lost the e-mail, so not sure what for)
  6. UKNC-NEC study – Cheryl Battersby (1130-1200)
  7. AOB

ATTENDEES (NB * = accepted hospitality for dinner from Mead Johnson on 22/05/12)

*Alison Leaf, Southampton

*Jon Dorling, Nottingham

*Mark Johnson, Southampton

*Clifford Mayes, Belfast

*Cheryl Battersby, London

*Kathryn Johnson, Leeds

Gemma Holder, Birmingham

*Pam Cairns, Bristol

Caroline King, London

*Helen Mactier, Glasgow

*Judith Simpson, Glasgow

*Simon Murch, Coventry

*Alison Bedford-Russell, Birmingham

*Colin Morgan, Liverpool

*Neena Modi, London

*Ann Hickey, London

  1. 40+, approx, 8 dieticians
  2. See below re links with BSPGHAN etc
  3. Reviewed Constitution – see revised draft attached
  4. Explore closer links with BSPGHAN: Alison Leaf, Clifford Mayes and Gopi Menon attended executive meeting with David Wilson (Chair), Sue Protheroe (convenor), Mark Beattie and Carla Lloyd (administrator) on 22/05/12 (see notes below**) – suggested to agree the following:
  5. Have member of N3 on BSPGHAN Intestinal Failure Group (Pam C already on IF group)
  6. Have greater engagement with BAPEN
  7. Consider collecting data on babies on PN > 28 days
  8. Consider closer links with BAPEN – educational and policy meeting Dec 3rd/4th; UK collaborative meeting 27th June – Liverpool
  9. Important to keep links with BAPM (CK)
  10. Suggest become SIG of RCPCH (NM) – this is BAPM status. Re-visit this issue with RCPCH following recent re-structuring. This would allow 2-way communication
  11. ? suggest joint meeting with BAPS (surgeons)
  12. PN – Pharmacists document – NM – has been asked for feedback: suggestions that ALL babies on PN should be in RCTs….or at minimum collect core set of data
  13. Plan for meeting in Dublin
  14. Working group to collect data:
  15. Pam Cairns, Colin Morgan, Helen Budge, Chris Jarvis, Nick Embleton, Kenny McCormick, Gemma Holder, Julian Eason
  16. PN formulations available and cost
  17. Idea of distribution of use
  18. Feed back to pharmacists: ask them to collect data on products available and Steve Tomlin (Guy’s and Tommy’s)
  1. Programme for Dublin: suggested speakers include -

Steve Tomlin

Lynne Radbone

(Kate Tavener)

Sabita Uttaya

Colin Morgan

? complex PN

Next meetings:

Dublin November 9th 2012

London – May 2013 – Kate Tavener and Ann

NB ESPGHAN Meeting 9-12th May – LONDON

Notes from Joint meeting of officer of BSPGHAN and N3 on Tuesday 22/05

- one of the neonatal nutrition group to be on our nutrition and intestinal failure working group

- we will look to getting one of the neonatal nutrition group onto our intestinal failure register working group which we have just established jointly with the paediatric surgeons

- we will push to having joint collaborations/meetings

- we discussed our (increasing) links with BAPEN who have helped us drive the paediatric agenda - we now have a BSPGHAN rep on their council - they are constantly pushing the EN, PN agenda and being part of it just helps us all (across the ages) speak with a common voice

- David Wilson and Susan Hill (our rep on BAPEN) will liaise with you direct re the BAPEN meeting in November