WED 23/5/12, 1000-1200
- Review of group size and structure
- Discussion of possible closer links with BSPGHAN
- PN: infant/paediatric PN report from Chief Pharmacist; discussion of network PN policies, standardisation etc – discuss any preliminary pieces of work to do prior to Dublin meeting
- Programme and details for Dublin meeting 09/11
- Neena Modi – agenda item? (Neena asked for a slot and I seem to have lost the e-mail, so not sure what for)
- UKNC-NEC study – Cheryl Battersby (1130-1200)
ATTENDEES (NB * = accepted hospitality for dinner from Mead Johnson on 22/05/12)
*Alison Leaf, Southampton
*Jon Dorling, Nottingham
*Mark Johnson, Southampton
*Clifford Mayes, Belfast
*Cheryl Battersby, London
*Kathryn Johnson, Leeds
Gemma Holder, Birmingham
*Pam Cairns, Bristol
Caroline King, London
*Helen Mactier, Glasgow
*Judith Simpson, Glasgow
*Simon Murch, Coventry
*Alison Bedford-Russell, Birmingham
*Colin Morgan, Liverpool
*Neena Modi, London
*Ann Hickey, London
- 40+, approx, 8 dieticians
- See below re links with BSPGHAN etc
- Reviewed Constitution – see revised draft attached
- Explore closer links with BSPGHAN: Alison Leaf, Clifford Mayes and Gopi Menon attended executive meeting with David Wilson (Chair), Sue Protheroe (convenor), Mark Beattie and Carla Lloyd (administrator) on 22/05/12 (see notes below**) – suggested to agree the following:
- Have member of N3 on BSPGHAN Intestinal Failure Group (Pam C already on IF group)
- Have greater engagement with BAPEN
- Consider collecting data on babies on PN > 28 days
- Consider closer links with BAPEN – educational and policy meeting Dec 3rd/4th; UK collaborative meeting 27th June – Liverpool
- Important to keep links with BAPM (CK)
- Suggest become SIG of RCPCH (NM) – this is BAPM status. Re-visit this issue with RCPCH following recent re-structuring. This would allow 2-way communication
- ? suggest joint meeting with BAPS (surgeons)
- PN – Pharmacists document – NM – has been asked for feedback: suggestions that ALL babies on PN should be in RCTs….or at minimum collect core set of data
- Plan for meeting in Dublin
- Working group to collect data:
- Pam Cairns, Colin Morgan, Helen Budge, Chris Jarvis, Nick Embleton, Kenny McCormick, Gemma Holder, Julian Eason
- PN formulations available and cost
- Idea of distribution of use
- Feed back to pharmacists: ask them to collect data on products available and Steve Tomlin (Guy’s and Tommy’s)
- Programme for Dublin: suggested speakers include -
Steve Tomlin
Lynne Radbone
(Kate Tavener)
Sabita Uttaya
Colin Morgan
? complex PN
Next meetings:
Dublin November 9th 2012
London – May 2013 – Kate Tavener and Ann
NB ESPGHAN Meeting 9-12th May – LONDON
Notes from Joint meeting of officer of BSPGHAN and N3 on Tuesday 22/05
- one of the neonatal nutrition group to be on our nutrition and intestinal failure working group
- we will look to getting one of the neonatal nutrition group onto our intestinal failure register working group which we have just established jointly with the paediatric surgeons
- we will push to having joint collaborations/meetings
- we discussed our (increasing) links with BAPEN who have helped us drive the paediatric agenda - we now have a BSPGHAN rep on their council - they are constantly pushing the EN, PN agenda and being part of it just helps us all (across the ages) speak with a common voice
- David Wilson and Susan Hill (our rep on BAPEN) will liaise with you direct re the BAPEN meeting in November