Minutes of the Meeting of the Sutton Bonington Parish Council held in the Village Hall on Monday 1st June 2015 commencing at 7.00pm

Present: E.M. Raven (in the Chair), F. Clarke, J Bradshaw, J Barton, N. Scrivens, T.W. Holt

R. Ereminowicz, D. Franklin & D. Etherton

Councillor A. Brown

Apologies: C. Hellier

Presentation by Nottingham University

Andrew Nolan Director of Sustainability – Estate Office

Melanie Futer – Manager of Campus Student Affairs

A presentation was given on the development of Sutton Bonington Campus with the following issues discussed:

No plans for major expansion of the campus in terms of numbers of students and no major building developments. The Barn has just been completed – images were circulated and an open offer for councillors to tour the campus was made. There is to be some demolition over the next 6 months following the opening of The Barn along with reinstating stone paving, water features, new lawns and trees. There should be no disruption to residents whilst this work takes place, which will take approximately 3-4 months to complete. It was confirmed that the University will be taking into account the planned road closures when planning for the removal of rubble from the site.

The next project will be the internal refurbishment of the north laboratories, this is currently at the feasibility stage and is not scheduled to begin until May 2016 and will be completed by September 2016.

At present there are 550 staff based at Sutton Bonington campus, along with 1500 students of which 560 are living on campus. It is not anticipated that these figures will increase.

Car parking is now being well managed and 70 extra spaces were installed on campus this year. Concern was raised re buses visiting the campus parking on Landcroft Lane and not on the campus.


Andrew Nolan to discuss with the Campus Security team

The waste incinerator is being removed from campus and in future waste will be removed from the site. Boiler house will become a combined heat and power plant and it is anticipated that this will be up and running by October 2015.

A planning application has been submitted for 15 bore holes on land adjacent to the dairy farm. These are mainly being used to see how fluid can move through rocks better. No mention of Fracking has been made.


Clerk to check with Rushcliffe Borough Council

The University still has ambitions to install a wind turbine near to the dairy farm but at present have obstacles to overcome with regard to finding a way to manage the disruption that will be caused at East Midlands Airport. It was suggested by the Council that as the University will be making a profit within 5 years that some of that profit could be used to support community projects especially taking into account the loss of amenity if the installation when ahead.


Andrew Nolan to look into the suggestion.

Farmers Market continues to be very busy and is well used by the village.

The Sports Centre at the campus offers membership for the local community and further information can be found on the University website. There is a Club 55+ on Tuesday and Thursday mornings for sports.


Information to be placed in the Village News

Diamond Wood – a trim trail is to be installed in the wood over the next couple of months – plans were circulated.

It was suggested by the Parish Council that 1) the Village News could be distributed amongst students so that they are aware of what is going on in the village and that an action plan is formulated by the University ready for the closure of Marle Pit Hill. It was resolved that further meetings are to be arranged to ensure that the University and Parish Council work together to ensure a more combined community.


Sutton Bonington Campus to be included on the agenda.

15.75 Minutes.

The Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 12th May 2015 as circulated, were agreed and signed as a true record of the business transacted.

No action required.

15.76 Matters Arising.

1) Item 15.61 - Delegates & Representatives were completed and a copy is held on file.

No action required.

2) Item 15.74/5 - Road closures – Peter Goode (NCC) has confirmed that the road closure programme is currently being reviewed and developed in light of the comments raised at the Annual Parish Meeting. Peter Goode suggested proposals for Landcroft Lane and Hungary Lane during the closure of Marle Pit Hill were discussed. It was agreed that a further meeting with Peter Goode should be arranged.


A meeting with Peter Goode is to be arranged.

Clerk to contact Tony Rivero for an update on the road closures.

3) Item 15.57/3 - Dog Litter bin replacement cost is £84 plus delivery, this is to include post mounting fittings.


Purchase agreed


Clerk to order replacement bin

15.77 Policing Matters

/1. Crime Reports:


Burglary - 2

Car - 1

Other - 0

No action required

/2. Police Concerns

No concerns.

No action required.

/3. Community Speed Watch/Speed Trolley: Speed monitor is awaiting repair.

No action required.

/4. National Crime Survey - People who live and work in a rural area are being urged by Nottinghamshire Police and Crime Commissioner Paddy Tipping to fill in a national survey about crime and policing in the countryside. The survey was launched on Wednesday, 20 May by the National Rural Crime Network (NRCN) on its website and is the largest ever into crime and anti-social behaviour in rural areas. Commissioner Tipping pointed out: “The aim is to make sure our rural communities are getting the service they need, and this is the rural public’s chance to have their say.” Focused on crime and policing in rural areas generally as well as farm-related crime, the survey will be open until Wednesday, 24 June 2015. To take part, visit: http://www.nationalruralcrimenetwork.net/survey?member=Nottinghamshire. Information has been placed onto the Village Website

No action required.

15.78 Planning

16.15 / Kirk Hill Bridge
Rempstone Road
Normanton on Soar / Application for Prior Approval of detailed plans and specifications for replacement of bridge / Do Not Object – Concerned that this bridge is not the design that Network Rail said would be constructed.
We believed that the bridge would be pre cast concrete arches covered with brick work which would have been more atheistically pleasing.

/2 Decisions:

09.15 / Land South West of
17 Main Street
Sutton Bonington / Residential development (plots 2, 3 and 4 Barrington Court) / Grant Permission
11.15 / 53 Main Street
Sutton Bonington / First floor rear extension / Grant Permission
13.15 / University of Nottingham
College Road
Sutton Bonington / Agricultural barn for storage of feed / Grant Permitted Development
15.15 / 1 Landcroft Lane
Sutton Bonington / Conversion of garage; replacement of garage doors for windows / Grant Permission

No action required.

/3 Other Planning Issues.

No report.

No action required.

15.79 Correspondence and Reports.

/1 Highway Matters:

/a. NCC Report.

1)  Notification circulated re the full road closure of Station Road from 6th July 2015 until January 2016.

No action required.

/b. Drainage: No report

No action required.

/2 Transport Matters (Rail & Bus)

/a. LANRAC – Next meeting with East Midlands Trains is to take place on 15th July. A new timetable is now available

No action required.

/3 NCC Items

/a. Broadband

1)  Kegworth cabinets 1,6 & 5 have now gone live. It was confirmed that Landcroft Lane and Melton Lane will be included in the first roll out programme. Residents should check on the program checker and then contact their service provider to get their internet upgraded.

2)  Email received from Malcolm Dade re the fact that The Paddocks has gone live and that people should now contact their providers to get connected. Mr Dade raised concerns that due to the fibre optic only being installed to the cabinets and then copper cable from the cabinets to the properties, there will be insufficient speed to get BT Infinity or equivalent from other providers as the cabinet situated on The Paddocks and is approximately one mile way, which means that some residents will not be able to receive BT TV.

3)  Reported email from Simon Martin, 22 Main St, with regarding to residents registering their interest in connecting to Virgin Media who over the next five years will be laying cable in the areas that don’t already have it.


Information placed in the village news

/b. Notification received re County Council Civic Service being held on 28th June 2015 at 3pm.

No action required.

/c. County Councillor Report:

1)  Station Road – Cllr Brown had requested that Station Road be resurfaced whilst the road is closed. Following an inspection of the highway Station Road has been included on the 2016/17 reserve list for resurfacing.

2)  New speed restriction for Station Road/College Road are waiting to be ratified by the committee.

3)  Petition from residents on Orchard Close re parking outside the surgery has been handed into NCC. Cllr Brown has a telephone appointment booked with Lyne Sharpe CCG to discuss the problems.

No action required.

/4 RBC Items.

/a. Borough Councillor Report.

1)  Cllr Brown is now on the Local Development Framework Committee, Alcohol and Licensing Committee and Corporate Governance Group.

2)  Cllr Brown was asked to raise concerns that there is no free drop off and pick up point at the airport.

No action required.

/5 NALC, RCAN & Voluntary Organisations.

No report

No action required.

/6 Any Other Correspondence.

No report.

No action required

15.80 Receipts and Payments

/1 Payments

DD / Eon / £27.00
2956 / E M Raven / £128.00
2957 / J Faulks Expenses / £88.20
2958 / N. Scrivens / £72.00
2959 / J A Kent Services Ltd / £327.60
2960 / Village News / £125.00
2961 / J. Siddy / £100.00
2962 / J Faulks / £894.64
2963 / J Faulks Expenses / £56.34
2964 / D Betts / £102.40
2965 / Inland Revenue / £104.02
2966 / D Betts Expenses / £73.09
2967 / J Faulks / £500.00
2968 / J Faulks / £432.00

/2. Receipts

Allotment Rents / £30.00
Friendship Cruise Club / £60.00

/3.Other Financial Matters

/a. Internal audit is complete with no concerns identified. Paperwork has now been submitted to the External Auditor.

No action required.

15.81 Pavilion & Playing Field

/a. Report.

/1 Kegworth Imps will no longer be using the field as theteam using the fieldhas now finished and no other team has expressed interest in using the ground.

No action required.

3/ Rospa report received. Minor concerns were raised and are to be dealt with.

No action required.

15.82 Spinney & Meadows Nature Reserve

Mowing of the meadows is to be organised for July.


R. Wendorf to be contacted re mowing of the meadows.

15.83 Village News Items.

1) Update on the County Bridge

2) Broadband

3) Police Crime Survey

No action required.

15.84 Allotments

Committee meeting is to be held on 15th June 2015 at 7pm

No action required.

15.85 Community Orchard

Greening Group carried out work in the Community Orchard on 30th May 2015

No action required.

15.86  Doctors surgery

Rushcliffe Borough Council have been in discussions with Lynne Sharpe CCG with regard to moving the new build forward. Lynne Sharpe has confirmed that due to a £4m shortfall in funding the CCG are to conduct an asset review during the summer. Once this is completed they will be in a position to confirm how much money will be available for notional rent. With regard to their Capital Funding application the proposal was agreed in principle but due to insufficient funds in the first round of applications the application was deferred until 2016 when there will be more monies available. Rushcliffe Borough Council are currently putting together an Investment Strategy where Councils will be able to put forward a request for investment opportunities.


Cllr Brown to discuss with Lynne Sharpe

15.87  Matters of Report.

1)  The doors to the cabinets for the defibrillator outside the Kings Head Public House and the Rose and Crown at Zouch are unable to be opened. The problem has been reported to the Community Heartbeat Trust and East Midland Ambulance Service, who are to examine the boxes and take any appropriate action required.

No action required.

2)  Concern was raised regarding the unfinished access on Pasture Lane.


Rushcliffe Borough Council enforcement officer to be contacted.

3)  Park Lane – concern was raised regarding the speed of traffic along Park Lane. Following a discussion it was agreed that the Parish Council would investigate the possibility of installing traffic calming measures along Park Lane.


NCC to be contacted.

4)  Drains outside 23 Soar Lane and 131 Main Street are blocked. The drain outside 23 Soar Lane is backing up to the door threshold and requires urgent attention.


NCC to be contacted.

Next Meeting to be held Monday 5th July 2015 at 7.30pm in the Village Hall. Meeting closed at. 20.58 pm