County Hall Morpeth Northumberland NE61 2EF
Your Ref:
Contact: / Richard McKenzie
Direct Line: / 01670 624099
E-mail: /
Date: / 18th May 2017
Dear Sir/Madam,
Road Resurfacing and Traffic Calming, Allerburn Lea
You may be aware that a section of the road in Allerburn Lea is due to be resurfaced later this year. The actual extent of the scheme is still to be determined but the approximate extent is shown on the plan overleaf.
Some residents have requested that the existing speed cushions be removed at the same time. I am therefore writing to you to ask for your views on this matter. A freepost response form is enclosed, or you can reply online at:
I would urge you to respond to this consultation as the decision taken on whether to remove the speed cushions or not will be based on the majority view of those who reply.
Please reply by Wednesday 7th June 2017.
Thank you in advance for your participation.
Yours faithfully,
R McKenzie
Richard McKenzie
Senior Programmes Officer (Highways)
Approximate extent of resurfacing.