1. Introduction
Welcome to the ESAMI and UNIES/StatMind DBA Programme!
This note will provide detailed information on the DBA Programme offered by ESAMI in partnership with UNIES/StatMind scheduled to start in November 2015.
2. The DBA degree
The Brochure on Doctoral Studies contains a section differentiating the DBA degree from PhD. The point to note is that the DBA research is practice-oriented and applied in nature to real world challenges which makes sense for economic and managerial issues; at the same time the requirements for DBA and PhD are equivalent. The choice between DBA and PhD should be based on the candidate’s objectives and their career planning.
ESAMI and UNIES/StatMind will offer the DBA degree. However, there will be limited slots for candidates who opt for PhD. More information on the PhD programme can be found in the brochure.
3. Programme Structure
The DBA programme consists of three stages: (i) Coursework (ii) Research proposal development and defense(iii) Data collection, analysis, write-up and defense
The coursework consists of five mandatory modules and workshops as below:
- Research Methods 1: 7.5 ECTS; 5-day workshop;
- Research Methods 2: 7.5 ECTS; 5-day workshop;
- Qualitative Methods 1: 7.5 ECTS; 5-day workshop;
- Quantitative Methods/Techniques 1 and 2: 15 ECTS; 8-day workshop;
- Research Skills: 4-day workshop.
ECTS stands for European Transfer Credit System. This is important since a unique feature of the coursework is that it is part of the curriculum of UNIES’ Master of Research programme (see item 4). That is, after completion of the coursework students are well on their way to a Master degree as an integral part of their doctoral studies.
Each module will be assessed in assignments consisting of two parts. The first part of the assignment will testthe candidate’s knowledge and skills.In the second part,candidates will beasked to creatively use the knowledge, skills and techniques in the research proposal that they will be developing. That means that during the first year of coursework students are step-by-step working on the second stage of the programme: the development of the research proposal.
In the workshops,time will be reserved for proposal development, in class presentations and feedback and in one-on-one discussions with the workshop moderators and programme coordinators.
4. The Master of Research Degree
Candidates will be given the option to get the Master of Research degree (MRes; 90 ECTS), based on five successfully completed assignments on the five modules listed above (37.5 ECTS) plus three additional modules that can be done via distance learning with the support of the research centers being set up in Africa.
The additional modules are: (i) Critical Thinking; (ii) Survey Design; and (iii) Qualitative Methods (II).
Figure 1 Coursework for DBA and MRes
The eight modules (8*7.5=60 ECTS) plus the successful defense of the 30 ECTS Master Thesis (which is the research proposal) qualify for the UNIES’ MRes degree. The MRes option allows Bachelor degree holders to enroll into the combined MRes/DBA programme.
5. A Summary of Pathways for DBA; PhD; and MRes
Figure 2 below summarizes the various pathways open to the doctoral studies.
Figure 2 Pathways to MRes; DBA; and PhD
6. Support Structure
Our DBA Programme sets its goals high. We expect a lot from our students and the students can expect a lot from us. Our target is that 8 out of 10 students will graduate within 4 years. In order to reach that target we have created a unique support structure.
a.Team of supervisors
Students will get direct support from their supervisors. We have a team of internationally experienced supervisors who are experts in a broad range of topics.
b.Research Centers
To support candidates and their supervisors, ESAMI and UNIES/StatMind will start research centers in Africa. One of the research centers will be established in Arusha, Tanzania at ESAMI headquarters.The research centers will:
- Provide manuals and study material on methods and techniques not covered in the modules;
- Keep a library of books on methods and techniques;
- Give direct support to individual students or groups of studentson methodological issues (questionnaire design; access to and use of software; data analysis);
- Maintain a survey question bank;
- Maintain data sets for secondary analysis.
c.Student Committees
In addition students will be monitored and advised by a student committeeof three experts (including their supervisor). The committees will see to it that the quality of the student’s research is up to standard and that the project (research proposal; literature review; research design; data collection; data analysis; and write up) is finished within four years. Although students are absolutely in charge of the project, the committees will do their best to help candidates obtain the highest academic degree.
7. Summary of the Fee Structure
The fee for the DBA Programme will be US$ 24,900.
Students who opt for the MRes degree as part of their DBA programme will be charged an additional US$ 1,500 for the three additional courses and the formal MRes defense session organized by UNIES – bringing the total to US$ 26,400.
Students interested in the PhD degree will be charged US$ 27,900. Due to the requirements of the institute awarding the PhD degree, the PhD has to include the MRes programme. Please note that the number of slots for PhD students per intake, is limited.
Students interested in the MRes only (maximum 4 per intake) will be charged US$ 12,900. Here too the number of slots will be limited and priority is given to students doing the complete doctoral programme.
DBA and PhD Students are allowed to pay in four annual installments of 35/35/15/15% in years 1 to 4.
More information on the Doctoral programme can be accessed on ESAMI website or any of the following offices.
Headquarters4th Floor International House
P.O. Box 3030P. O. Box 566628 - 00200
Arusha, TANZANIANairobi, KENYA
Tel: +255 27 297 0070/1/2/3Tel: +254 20 222 8233
Fax: +255 27 297 0066Fax: +254 20 2248814
Email: mail:
3rd Floor, NIC Investment House 2ND Floor, Superannuation House
P.O. Box 22290Ben Bella Road
Dar es Salaam, TANZANIAP.O. Box 32132, Lusaka, ZAMBIA
Tel: +255 22 211 2670/ 213 5046Tel: +260 211 222937
Fax: +255 22 211 3686Telefax: +260 211 222968
Email: -mail:
ESAMI Centre1st Floor, Development House
Plot 52 Bombo RoadCity Centre
P.O. Box 824, Kampala, UGANDAP.O. Box 31127, Lilongwe 3, MALAWI
Tel: +256 41 4 254 222 / 343 397Tel: +265 1 774423/770253
Telefax: +256 41 4 232 168Telefax: +265 1 770 957
E-mail: -mail:
Email: mail:
Cnr Nelson Mandela/Sam Nujoma 3RD Floor, Lilunga House
HIDAS CentreSomhlolo Rd
P.O. Box 1836, P.O. Box 4234,
Windhoek 9000, NamibiaMbabane, SWAZILAND
Tel: +264 61 236 965/6Tel: +268 240 48494
Telefax: +264 61 249 822Telefax: +268 240 48495
E-mail: Email:
Email: Email:
6 Bantry Road, Alexandra ParkNo. 657 Floor No. 1 Avenida Julius Nyerere
P.O. Box 2627P.O. Box 2077
Tel: +263 4 744364/ 744935Tel: + 258 21 487375
Fax: +263 4 745607Fax: + 258 21 487375
E-mail: Email: