Present: Mr P Allingham (Chair), Mr I Gardener, Mr A Watson, Mr K Sharp, Ms T Lord and Mr A Duckworth. Clllr Patricia Jordan was also in attendance.

The meeting of the Parish Council was convened at 8.15pm.

11/78Apologies for absence

Apologies were received from Peter Downes and David King

11/79Minutes of the previous meeting

The minutes of the meeting held on 11 Octoberwere approved and signed.

11/80Matters arising from previous minutes

The basketball net has been ordered and is expected to be installed later in the month.


A link to all Parish Councillors via email has been set up on the village website. It was agreed that Clerk would monitor emails received and ask specific councillors to deal with potential issues in accordance with their designated areas of responsibility.

Cllr Allingham attended the District/County Council surgery on 5th November. CllrsTracy Lord and Kevin Sharp agreed to attend for the Parish Council at the next surgery on Saturday 3rd December.

11/82Small Traffic Management Scheme – Church Hill/Church Road Junction

Following a meeting between Cllrs Allingham and King and an area Traffic Engineer, the Council were presented with improved signage and road markings which proved to be non-negotiable. Since the suggested measures were an improvement, it was agreed to accept the offer of the works. However, the Council were also agreed that there should be some investigation into further measures which might be possible other than via Cambridgeshire Highways.


11/83CCTV funding

A request for a contribution towards the costs of CCTV monitoring in Huntingdon, St Neots and St Ives has been received from Huntingdonshire District Council. Following discussion, it was agreed not to contribute.

11/84Crocuses from Rotary Club

TheCouncil has received an offer of 500 crocus bulbs from Kimbolton Rotary to highlight the charity work carried out by Rotary Clubs. The Council are pleased to accept the bulbs and have suggested that they be planted around the site of the village sign. A small plaque will be placed at the site which will provide a contact number for anyone wanting to know more about the work of the Rotary Clubs.

11/85Village Hall Refurbishment

Cllr Lord and Sharp plan to visit the newly refurbished Mandeville Hall at Kimbolton to see the improvement made there. The committee are in the process of obtaining figures for the refitting of the kitchen in our village hall and hope to move on to Stage 2 of the refurbishment early next year.

11/86Banking and Audit

  1. Outstanding accounts presented for payment were authorised.
  2. The current financial position shows a balance of £13,551.42
  3. Clerk presented the proposed budget for 2012-13 which showed no additional requirement to the precept. The budget was accepted by the Council

11/87Other items for information only

Cllr Duckworth has made some enquiries about the provision of a notice board to be placed on the outside wall of The Cinnamon and will be following up an offer received.

There being no further business, the meeting closed at 9.30pm.

The date of the next meeting will be Tuesday 13thDecember2011.


Cllr Patricia Jordan informed the Council that the Localism Bill is now going through Parliament and should give Parishes more say in how their local issues are dealt with

The District Council is currently discussing various voluntary sector cuts, for example Shopmobility and Citizens’ Advice Bureaux.