Bruins Fighting Pediatric Cancer: Cranes for Cancer Winter 2013
Event ORL Programmer: Name
Event coordinator: Name
Event co-coordinator: Name
Date of Event: Saturday, March 2, 2013 (end of 8th week)
Time of Event: 6:00 pm – 11:30 pm
Location of Event: De Neve Plaza Room A/B
History: The Japanese legend that promised a wish to one who could fold 1,000 paper cranes inspired Bruins Fighting Pediatric Cancer to earn wishes to give to children afflicted by pediatric cancer. BFPC started an annual event at which crane folding and assembly into a 1000 crane-mobile took place, with the mobile being presented to a pediatric cancer patient as a gift, symbolizing a wish for them to have a quick and speedy recovery.
Mission: The goal of Cranes for Cancer is to raise awareness about pediatric cancer, which afflicts thousands of children every year. Through presentations on facts and figures about pediatric cancer, guest speakers who have been touched by the cause in some well, and a community effort to fold and assemble 1,000 paper cranes, BFPC hopes to breath new fighting strength into the children affected, and new understanding in those who were not aware.
Mission statement: 1,000 cranes for one more smile, one more laugh, one more day.
Supplies needed (from ORL/Hill staff and for event):
-Main stuff:
- Tables/Chairs (enough for a big crowd)
- Projector + video cable
- Speakers/microphone(s)
- Auxiliary plug
- Trash cans/recycle bins
- Food (Utensils, etc)
- Posters for each team (Crane Counts)
- Balloons
- Streamers
- Cranes
- Signs to the event
- Donation box
-For the Cranes:
- Origami Paper
- Shadow Boxes
- Care packages
- Glue
- Scissors
- Glitter
- Little slips of white paper
- Black pens
Teams and Captains:
-Red: Name
-Orange: Name
-Yellow: Name
-Green: Name
-Blue: Name
-Purple: Name
Target audience:
- UCLA Students, Staff, and Faculty
- UCLA Greek Life
- Families in Los Angeles country affected by pediatric cancer
- Pediatric Cancer patients
-4:30-5:00 pm:
- Arrive and Set-up
- All tables/chairs (Guest corner)
- Signs for the event
- Posters
- Balloons
- Speakers
- Donation boxes
- Paper on the tables
- Food placement (Designated area)
-5:00-5:30 pm:
- Team briefing:
- Delegation of jobs
- Shifts
- Who to talk to if they have a question
-5:30-5:45 pm:
- Last minute tweaks
- Double check speakers
- Make sure everything is ready
- Double check on food
-5:45 pm:
- Doors open, event begins
- Guests start arriving
- Team captains start picking their teams (split them evenly as possible)
-6:15-6:30 pm:
- Name: Opening statements about the event
-6:30 pm:
- Event begins
- Team captains and crane folding tutorials
- Counting begins
-7:00 pm:
- Guest speaker:
- Introduction by Name
- Family
-7:30 pm:
- Guest speaker:
- Introduction by Name
- Name
- Autograph/Picture station
-7:45 pm:
- First Crane Count:
- Led by Name
- Team that is in the lead will get to grab food first
- From there, let teams in descending order of number of cranes go get food
-7:45 pm-8:35 pm:
- Music and folding continue
-8:35 pm-
- Second Crane Count
- Led by Name
-8:45 pm:
- Guest speaker:
- Introduction by Name
- Name
- Autograph/Picture Station
-**ALTERNATE 8:45 pm (if speaker does not want to speak)
- First Crane Folding contest
- Led by Name
- Each team sends one representative up. All will sit at a table in the front of the room. Two club members will be facilitating as timers. They will be timed for 5 minutes; whichever team member folds the most cranes will be given extra cranes for their team from the stockpile, or a prize for their team
**Note: this is when we might expect a second wave of students, as this might be around the time the basketball game ends. Be prepared to delegate students to teams as they trickle in!**
-9:15 pm:
- Second Crane Count
- Led by Name
-9:30 pm:
- Second Crane Folding contest
- Led by Name
- Each team sends one representative up. All will sit at a table in the front of the room. Two club members will be facilitating as timers. They will be timed for 5 minutes; whichever team member folds the most cranes will be given extra cranes for their team from the stockpile, or a prize for their team.
-9:45 pm:
- Introduction by Name
- Random Voices Performance
-10:00 pm-10:30 pm:
- MC’d by Name
- Music and folding
-10:30 pm:
- Guest Speaker
- Introduction by Name
- Patrick Betters
-11:00 pm:
- Third & Final Crane Count
- Led by Name
- Winning team gets prizes
-11:15 pm:
- Closing statements
- Name
- All of BFPC will be up in front for this
**NOTE: Cranes should be put into the shadow boxes as they are counted!**