Facilities Use Guidelines for Charity Lutheran Church

1. All church property is to remain within the church for church functions unless approved by the Parish Administrative Manager. No church equipment or property is to be loaned out without prior approval.

2. Any exceptions to building usage fees must be approved by the Administrative Manager.

3. Groups using the church facilities should leave the church in as good of condition as they found it.

4. Cancellations: Charity Lutheran would appreciate a minimum of a three-day notice if the rental time/event is changed or cancelled.

5. Security: Charity Lutheran reserves the right to require security on site if deemed needed. The cost of the security is the responsibility of the user. Any youth organization or youth group using the facilities must have responsible adult sponsor(s) present during use to provide adequate and effective supervision.

6. Care of Property: Decorations must be erected in such a manner as to not damage or deface property or wall finishes and must be removed immediately following the event. Decorations may not be attached to the building or furnishings with nails, screws, map pins, masking tape or duct tape. Only “blue tape” may be used. If there is any question, please check with the Wedding Coordinator or Administrative Manager before proceeding.Decorations/banners on the outside of the building must be approved in advance by Charity Lutheran. Each group is responsible for putting up and removing signs in the building directing persons attending the meeting to the correct room(s).

7. Property Damage: The application must include the name and contact information of a “responsible party”. That person may be given building access at the discretion of the Administrative Manager. User will pay, in addition to rental fee, all other costs for damage sustained to the building or grounds which occurs as a direct result of the renter’s use or use by the renter’s patrons.

8. If applicable, please submit a deposit to Church office upon reserving room/space in the facility.It is important that all activities/events are coordinated with the church calendar. Please notify the church office with any specifics so that we may help make your event as pleasant as possible. Groups paying a building usage fee will make their payment in advance of usage.

9. No group(s) will be permitted to use church buildings or equipment for any meeting of a business type meeting or personal gain.

10. Reoccurring meetings or activities that are not church-related are not allowed to be scheduled more than 90 days in advance. Charity Lutheran program needs/events/activities have priority over all other requests.

11. Alcohol, other drugs, tobacco, gambling, or firearms are not permitted on the Charity Lutheran premises.


12. Commitments to outside groups may have to be altered due to unexpected church needs such as funerals.

13. Audio/video equipment shall not be available to outside groups unless arrangements are made with the Worship Coordinator in advance.

14. Functions directly related to the work of the congregation shall have priority for building use. The Vision Council and Parish Administrative Manager reserves the right to cancel all usage agreements at any time without prior notice.

16. Weddings – Please refer to the church’s wedding policies.

17. Certificate of Insurance: At the discretion of the Administrative Manager, the applicant may be required to provide a certificate of liability insurance coverage.

Charity Lutheran Church Contacts can be reached at 258-1228 or via email.

Judy Smith (Secretary)

Doug Leet (Administrative Manager)

Updated: 6/2016

Charity Lutheran Church

Application for Facility Use

Use of facilities at Charity Lutheran Church are subject to the Facilities and Grounds Use Policy.See the attached Facilities Use Guidelines.

Date of Application ______

Name of Organization ______Non Profit? ____yes _____no

Name of the Responsible Person ______

Mailing Address ______

StreetCity State Zip Code

Phone Number ______


Purpose of the Meeting(s) ______

Date(s) of Facility Use ______

Hours of UseTime ______AM/PM to ______AM/PM

Please note: the church building is locked at 9:00 PM at night.

Room(s) Needed/Room(s) Preference ______

Area or Room / Member or
Regular Attender Fee / All Other Users / Total Use Fee
Facilities use fee / n/a / n/a
Sanctuary / - / $100.00
Fellowship Hall / - / $100.00
Gazebo / - / $75.00
Large classroom / - / $40.00 each
Small classroom / - / $25.00 each

Anticipated Attendance ______

Arrangements Needed and Quantity (Please check)

______Tables and Chairs – (quantity needed) _____ Round Tables _____Rectangular Tables (6ft) ______Chairs

______TV/VCR/DVD ______Computer Projector*

______Sound System* ______Audio/Visual Equipment (Specify)*______

______Lectern______Easel (must provide own paper)______Other (please specify)

*Technology Coordinator required for use of these items (see cost next page) - additional fees may apply

Room Set-up (Please draw and attach a diagram of the desired room set-up if you need something specific)

Personnel Fees (required of all):

Technology Coordinator: $100 (Tech Coordinator to determine number of tech workers needed)$______

Wedding: See Wedding Policy Brochure for fee schedule

Wedding information only:

Date / Start Time / End Time
Main Event
Name / Address / Phone / Email
Responsible Party

I certify that I have read the accompanying “Facilities Use Guidelines for Charity Lutheran Church” and that I and all members of the group I represent will abide by it.

Signature ______


Title (if applicable) ______

For Office use only:

Call or email made to confirm or deny building use: ______(date)

Cost to group requesting use of facility: $______(one time/per use)

Date Received ______Returned _____ Approved by ______

Liability Insurance Certificate required: Yes_____ No______(initial)

Office Comments:

Updated: 6/2016