Introduction Purpose
School Information
- Profile of a Student likely to be suitably placed atLOC AdmissionCriteria
- Legislation
Access to Admission Information Roles Responsibilities
- Admission Process
7.Monitoring, Evaluation Review
Learning Opportunities is an independent special school approved by the Secretary of State to admit students for whom Statements / Education Health Care Plans are maintained under Section 324 of the Education Act 1996.
Thecurrentapprovalfortheschoolisfor30studentswithSEMH,ASDandModerateLearningDifficulties aged10-19years.
In developing Learning Opportunities admission policy, Senior Management have taken account of the needtoprovidehelpfulinformationtoparents/carersandreferringagencies,basedonclearandobjective admissioncriteria.Wearecommittedtoworkinginclosecollaborationwithotheragenciestoensurethe provisionofthemosteffectiveservice,whichisinthebestinterestsofthestudent.
The school provides a safe, encouraging and friendly atmosphere that fosters a culture that is positive ,collaborative and which values and respects equally every member of the school community. We provide opportunities to develop student's independence and prepare them to participate full y in society, thus enhancing their life chances.
In considering admission, Learning Opportunities comply with the Independent School Standards 2015, having regard for the revised Regulations contained within the Special Educational Needs Code of Practice ,which came into force in January 2015.
Learning Opportunities currently receive referrals from the Local Education Auth ority, although will consider requests from other agencies. Students are primarily referred because the severity and diversity of their needs is such that they cannot be met effectively in mainstream schools or have not been met in similar establishments. In aspiring to meet such needs, we believe that it is essential that a systematic approach to admissionbe adopted, planning therefore commences at the time ofreferral.
All students admitted to Learning Opportunities have statements of Special Educational Needs/ Education Health Care plans. The school offers small groupings with supportive and committed staff, experienced in providing a clearly structured education. We provide a broad and balanced curriculum in line with statutory requirements, personalised learning programmes, one-to-one and small group work to address Literacy and Numeracy difficulties and support to students towards improving their behaviourand ability to cope with wider social interactions.
LearningOpportunitiesisfullycommittedtoensuringthattheapplicationofthisAdmissionsPolicyisnon discriminatory in line with the UK Equality Act (2010) and takes account of Keeping Children Safe in Education(KCSIE)2015.Wewelcomestudentsirrespectiveoftheirgender,race,religion,ethnicornational origins, disability or special educational needs, provided that there are good prospects of meeting their needswithoutundulyprejudicingtheeducationandthewelfareofotherstudents.
We recognise that factors governing student admissions are complex and vary from case to case. These factors might include:
•Nature of the student's needs and previous educationalexperiences
Learning Opportunities have formulated this policy to:
•ensurethattheschooladmitsthosestudentswhoseneeds,asidentifiedintheirStatementofSEN/ EHCplan,canbemeteffectivelyandindoingsomaximisesthepotentialto makeprogressinall aspectsoftheirdevelopment.
•set out the framework within which decisions are made about admissions to theschool
Through this policy we aim to ensure that all parties:
•haveaclearunderstandingofthe criteriausedinassessingtheappropriatenessofadmission
•have a clear understanding of the opportunities and support available wit hintheschool
Name: Learning Opportunities (Ringwould)
Kent CT14 8DW
Email Address:r
SchoolClassification:IndependentSpecial School(Secondary)
Ages:10 - 19yrs.
Primary Needs: SEMH, ASD, Moderate Learning
Lesley Buss (Proprietor/ School Development Manager)
Sandwich Road Nonington
Those students likely to be suitably placed will have a diagnosis of SEMH / ASD / MLD, which may be compounded by medical conditions including ADHD, Dyslexia / Dysgraphia, ODD and OCD. These can manifest themselves in a combination of difficulties including:
•Social communicationdifficulties
Students are likely to experience a combination of low self-esteem, together with a significant degree of emotional vulnerability. As a result they may exhibit:
•Unpredictable and intense patterns of behaviourswhich significantly disrupt the learning of themselves and their peers.
•Distractibility that inhibits their progress even with significant adult support and increasinglyindividualisedpersonalised learningprogramme.
•Behaviourwhich is bizarre and/or self injurious and/or endangers others and leads to a significant levelofrejectionbypeersincreasingtheirsocialisolation.
•Significant anxiety / unhappiness, stress and/or disaffection over a sustained period often accompanied by prolonged periods of absence, leading to a negative attitude towardseducation.
ReferralsforadmissiontoLearningOpportunitieswillarisefromastudent'sEHCPorAnnualReviewrecommendationsagreedbytheLEA.Generallyreferralsarereceived throughthelocalDPStenderingprocess,althoughconsiderationwillbegiventothosereceivedfromother sources.
All admissions take account of the need to provide education appropriate to age, ability, aptitude and additional educational needs (AEN).
Students can be admitted at any time of year.
Where a request for admission is received, and there is a place available within the school as a whole, the following criteria will be applied in order of priority in deciding whether a place is able tobe offered :
•Thestudentfallswithinthetermsofthecurrentapprovalfortheschoolandpresentswiththe aforementionedprofile.
•The student has a Statement of Special Educational Needs or EHCP which specifies that the student has SEMH / ASD / moderate learningdifficulties.
•Adding another student to the group will not adversely affect the prov1s1on of efficient education for the students with whom he / she would be educated or the efficient use of resources
•Offering the student a place will maintain a positive balance betweenthe types of AEN within the group andschool.
•There is evidence from professionals that the student will benefit from access to a highly personalisedprogramme within a specialschool.
•Student, parent / carer and where appropriate social worker express commitment to the placement.
Refusal of Admission
The Senior Management Team reserves the right to refuse admission in the following cases:
•the school is fullysubscribed
•where the admission of a student would compromise the Health and Safety of students and/or staff within the school
In formulating our Admissions Policy, we have taken into account the following legislation:
•Equality Act(2010)
•Education Act2011
A copy of Learning Opportunities admission policy is located in the main office and is published on the school website
Additional information can be obtained through direct contact with Simon Graydon (Head Teacher) or Lesley Buss (School Development Manager).
The function of determining admissions is made jointly between members of the Senior Management Team.
It is the responsibility of the Head Teacher to: -
•Formulate student profiles and make these available to allstaff
•Ensure education / behaviour management plans / risk assessments, which identify effective strategies, are in place and regularly monitored andreviewed
•Ensure appropriate resources are available to meet identifiedneeds
•Respond to any changes in legal requirements and to propose amendments to the policy as appropriate
It is the responsibility of the Proprietor to: -
Admission to Learning Opportunities is the responsibility of the Senior Management Team who will look objectively at every referral received. In considering the appropriateness of placement they will consider the dynamics of the existing student group, potential identified risks and the schools ability to safely manage these.
Once a referral has been received the following steps will be taken:
•Initial assessment of the referral information will be undertaken by a member of the senior managementteam,whomayrequestfurtherinformation.
•The schools decision will be communicated to the local authority. Where a referral is received through the DPS system, an expression of interest will besubmitted.
•Parents/carers,socialworkerifapplicableandstudent,whereappropriate,willbeinvitedtovisit the school.
LearningOpportunitiesacknowledgethattheadmissionofastudentcanbechallenginganddifficultforthe parents/carersaswellasthestudent.Theschool'sservicesareflexibleandneedsledand,therefore,we offersupportviatelephonecommunication,email,homevisits(whereappropriate)andappointmentsthat are sensitive to the requests and circumstances of parents/carers. Wherever possible, we aim from the outsettomoveatthepaceofthestudent.
WeacknowledgethatforsomestudentstheirplacementatLearningOpportunitiesmayrequireadditional resources,overandabovethenorm,tobeputinplace.Wherethisisidentified,thelocalauthoritywillbe madeawareatthepointofexpressionofinterestandinadvanceoftheofferofaplace.
Stage 1
Initial enquiry
Verbal or written enquiries should be made to the Head Teacher or School Development Manager. Detailed information concerning the student shouldaccompany any referral.
Referral information received
Consideration of documentationbySenior Management Team
In determining the suit ability of the referral, consideration will be given to the student's educational, health and social history and whether the profile of the student is in keeping with the provision we are able to provide.
WherereferralisviaDPSandisdeemedappropriate,anexpressionofinterestwillbesubmittedwithinthe specifiedtimescale.
Stage 2 Visit
The introductory visit will include:
•Introduction to keystaff
•Discussion with a member of the SMT concerning such issues as curriculum, school expectations in respect of learning and behaviour, uniform requirements, key policies including positivehandling
A copy of the prospectus will also be made available.
If following the introductory visit, all concerned agree that the students needs can be met,a mutually convenient date will be arranged for the student to spend a session in the school.
Stage 3
Referring agency informed of decision
Following attendance at the school, and dialogue with the student and parents / carers, representatives fromotheragenciese.g.socialcare,afinaldecisionbyseniormanagementwillbemade,andthereferring agency informedaccordingly.
Confirmation of funding including any additional resources and transport will be sought from the LEA.
Oncetheofferofaplacehasbeenacceptedbythereferringagency,LearningOpportunitieswillarrangea pre-placementplanningmeeting.Thepurposeofthismeetingistofinaliseadmissionarrangements,clarify rolesandresponsibilitiesandtocompletetheadmissionpack.
Incircumstanceswheretheclass/schoolhasreachedfullcapacity,theoptionforthestudenttobeplaced ontheLearningOpportunities waitinglistwillbeconfirmedinwriting.
Stage 4
The students name will be entered in the Admissions Register on the agreed admission date.
Stage 5
Admission is subject to a standard assessment period normally of six weeks duration ,although this may be extended according to individual circumstances, during which teacher based observation and, where applicable, standardised testing is completed
Initial Assessment
It is vital at the outset to gather and record baseline information, the first six weeks of astudent's placement is therefore used to assess needs. This assessment will be based on information provided at admission and initial observations bystaff.
Assessment meeting
At the end of the assessment period, a multi agency meeting will usually be held. A school report will be submitted outlining Learning Opportunities recommendations.
Where a place is not offered
Letter of confirmation to referring agency outlining reasons
InsituationswhereitisagreedthattheneedsofthestudentcannotbemetwithinLearningOpportunities, aletteroutliningreasonswillbeforwardedtothereferringagency.
TheeffectivenessofLearningOpportunitiesimplementationoftheAdmissionPolicywillbemonitoredand reviewedby:
•The Headteacher, who holds responsibility for responding to any changes in legal requirements, and proposing amendments to the policy asappropriate