Course Code: Y337BRank Weight: 1.00
Mrs. Murtaugh
John Jay High School Room 247
Phone: (845)897- 6700x 30088
Email: (easiest way to contact me and fastest response time-usually same day)Website:
Welcome to “The Living Environment”. I wish you the very best this year! This is the second part of a two course sequence culminating with a Regents Exam. This course WILL take the Regents Exam offered in June, and will provides one credit in a science sequence towards your graduation requirement.
Topics of Study:This course’s curriculum is based around sixmain units. Each of these unitscontain
Regents coursework, projects, essential questions, and the integration of the NYS Career Development and Occupational Studies Standards (CDOS). The units of the course are:
- Recap Cells
- Genetics
- Reproduction
- Evolution
- Classification/Dichotomous Keys
- Ecology
- Regents Review
Materials:You will need to purchase or acquire the following supplies for our class:
- An organizational system: This can consist of a 3-ring binder, 2- Pocket folders, or Accordion Folder. (I recommend a polyvinyl as they are more durable and tend to last a school year versus the paper folders). Anything that allows students to keep track of classroom papers in an organized fashion as there will be a substantial amount depending on the topic.
- Pens (Blue or Black ink only) AND Pencils.
- Loose leaf paper or a notebook.
- A valid, working, appropriate email address
- A box of tissues
Any issues or concerns with any of the above items please see me as soon as possible.
Texts and Notes:There will be a classroom set for use in the class and students can ask to borrow them for use during the school day or to take home. Notes will be given on each subtopic and handouts/packets given out regularly. These must be kept in an orderly manner. You will be given periodic quizzes based on these materials.
Homework:There will be homework given at the teacher’s digression; however, it is expected that
students review their notes nightly. When given, assignments will be posted in the classroom and on my website with a corresponding due dates. This work should contain no blank answers, as it will be graded not only on correctness but also on effort. Blank answers tell me nothing, where at least an answer you tried on gives me a way to show you where your misunderstanding might be and allows me to quickly correct it.
Quizzes and Tests:Quizzes will be given often. They will cover notes, daily review questions, “exit” questions, lab work,classwork, and homework. Tests will be given at the end of a subtopic or unit. I will give notice on all quizzes and tests.
Lab Investigations: As this is a science class, a large percentage of your time will be spent in the lab. Lab safety is paramount and anything less than complete regard for yourself and your fellow classmates will not be tolerated, EVER. If you ever have a safety concern or question, ALWAYS ASK ME. Lab safety procedures will be reviewed the first week of class. If you are acting inappropriately in the lab you will be asked to leave the lab area and receive a grade of 0. This cannot be made up. If there are repeated infractions to the lab safety agreement, a parent/administrative conference will be set up to ensure the safety of the class.
Your laboratory work will be a significant part of the course as you must earn 1200 lab minutes in order to qualify to take the NYS Living Environment Regents Exam. There may be quizzes based on the lab work. Lab reports must be written in ONLY blue or black ink and will be collected and graded. All labs will be expected to have a grade of 65% or higher to meet your Regents lab time requirements. You will compile a lab folder of completed and passing labs in the classroom. These folders are never to leave the room. Several of these investigations are required for the part “D” of the Regents Exam.
Lab work must be done in a timely manner. Due dates will be clearly stated in the classroom and will be posted on my website.
- Labs need to be complete- no blank answers. Incomplete labs will not be accepted and handed back.
- Five points will be subtracted for each late day.
- Any lab handed in after 10 days will receive a zero; however, credit will be given towards the 1200 lab minutes as long as the lab is complete and the answers are acceptable.
Absences:If you are absent from class, YOU are responsible for obtaining the notes and/or
materials you missed.
- There are deadlines/due dates for work to be completed.
- If you are absent on the day an assignment/project it is due, then the expectation is that it is due the next day you attend school unless there has been communication between us- a new due date will then be assigned and you will be held to it.
- Make up for tests, quizzes, and lab work must beginning immediately. After 10 school days a zero will recorded for all missed work.
Quizzes/Mini Projects………………………………….25%
Mid Term & Final:There will also be a Mid-term (January). It will be worth two test grades on that
corresponding marking period. Your final is the NYS Living Environment Regents that will be given in June (as previously stated you must qualify for it through 1200 minutes of lab minutes). The Regents is worth 20% of your overall grade.
Final Average:Your final average is the sum of the 4 quarter grades and the Regents Exam divided by 5.
Extra Help:I strongly recommend extra help for any student who receives a grade below 70% on
quizzes/tests. However, I welcome all students who would like extra help. I am always available, schedule permitted, during the school day and after school:
- During the day, please refer to my schedule which is posted on my website.
- After school,by appointment unless otherwise posted in class and on website. With either case, it is YOUR responsibility to sign up for this the day of or one day previous with the teacher ONLY. This ensures that there will be a place to work and prevents any confusion or misunderstands of when we are to meet.
WCSD Policies: Attendance, lateness, and disciplinary measures will be handled in accordance with the
WCSD procedures
Final Thoughts: This will be a challenging and interesting course. As well as learning the science of life,
you will also be taught the instrumental skills of time management, organization, following directions, and self-assessment. Study hard, do your best and enjoy the wonder of science. If at any point you have a question or concern please feel free to come to me immediately so we can find a solution to the issue together to ensure the best possible experience for us all.
Please detach this part ONLY and return to Mrs. Murtaugh
SC 1B Regents Living Environment
We have read, understood, and accept the information and policies contained in the syllabus for SC 1B Regents Living Environment for the 2017-2018 school year.
Student Name: (Please Print)______Date:______
Signature: ______
Parent Name: (Please Print) ______Date:______
Signature: ______Email: ______
***Please do hesitate to contact me if your child is having problems or is struggling with the course requirements or material.****