YOUR NAME__________
POWERPOINT: Design Process 25 points
Clip this into the class Notes Notebook to receive credit.
1. Commercial Art?
2. Design Process? How many steps are included?
3. Ideas to start a project?
4. Thumbnails sketch sizes? SKETCH TWO FAMOUS LOGOS
5. How long to make a thumbnail sketch?
6. Values?
7. Landscape or portrait thumbnails?
8. Text can be represented how?
9. Making thumbnails saves you?
10. Poor thumbnail sketch traits?
11. How big is a rough draft compared to the size of the final?
12. Why Are Doing Thumbnails Important to a project instead of just
designing it right on the computer.
Sketch a thumbnail of your favorite sports of music logo
(TIPS: SKETCH… do not DRAW. If you spend more than 2 minutes
sketching, chances are you’re doing more of a drawing than a sketch.
Also, work loose and use VALUES…) Don’t worry about details. Worry
about shape, balance, symmetry, caricature.