Sealed Bids will be received at the office of the Director of Finance of the Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District located at 3900 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio 44115 until 2:00 P.M. Official Local Time onThursday, May27, 2010at which time Bids received will be publicly opened and read aloud for the construction of the Southerly, Easterly and Westerly Wastewater Treatment PlantsIncinerator System Rehabilitation Project – Contract IR-13B.
In general, the work shall consist of furnishing all labor, materials, equipment, and incidentals for construction of the following work:
- Work to be performed in the IncineratorBuilding
- Provide replacement of two rabble arms as directed.
- Replace two hearths per incinerator as directed.
- Removal and replacement of one combustion air fan as directed.
- Replace two sets each of hearth and center shaft forms.
- Incinerator hearth cleaning.
- Incineratorexhaust duct cleaning and replacement of insulation.
- Furnish hearth and wall bricks.
- Electrical work.
- Replacement of the existing grease Holding Tank ‘C’ with a new 10,000 gallon stainless steel tank, air mix system and hot water jacket heating system.
- Furnish reactor bricks.
- Re-bricking of the fluidized bed incinerator.
- Install scrubber exhaust stack work platform.
- Install gas detector sensor.
- Replacement of two grease receiving pumps VFDs.
- Electrical and instrumentation work.
- Furnish sixteen rabble arms with teeth for hearths 4, 5, 6 and 7.
- Incinerator hearth cleaning and replacements. Replace Hearth No. 5 in Incinerator No. 2. Replace two additional hearths per incinerator as directed.
- Incinerator exhaust duct cleaning and replace insulation.
- Replace two I.D. fans, three centrifuge feed pumps, six return sludge pumps, and two equalization bin VFDs.
- Replace two center shaft hydraulic drives with VFD drives and speed reducers.
- Replacement of the centrifuge PVC centrate piping with glass lined ductile iron piping.
- The installation of emergency lighting in the building.
- Upgrade the Solids Handling Building Control Room HVAC system.
- Installation of a new gas detection system for the SolidsHandlingBuilding.
- Upgrade the Incinerator Control Room furniture, floor and windows.
- Electrical and instrumentation work.
- Clean the IncineratorBuilding of dust.
- Replacement of incinerator wall refractory.
- Modifications to the Solids Handling Building HVAC equipment.
- Electrical and instrumentation work.
A pre-bid conference has been set for 9:00 A.M. local time on Thursday, May13,2010at the Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District’s Environmental and Maintenance Services Center Conference Room, 4747 East 49th Street, Cuyahoga Heights,Ohio44125.This meeting has been set in order to provide all potential Bidders an opportunity to discuss with the Owner all aspects of the Contract Documents for ContractIR-13B. Any changes, additions and/or deletions resulting from this pre-bid conference will be covered in an addendum to the Contract Documents.
Copies of the Drawings and Specifications are on file and may be examined at the Office of the Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District:
3900 Euclid Avenue
Cleveland, Ohio 44115
Drawings, Specifications and Bid Forms may be obtained by paying the required fee at the offices of the Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District, 3900 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio 44115 and then taking the fee receipt to the designated printer. The non-refundable cost for one set of the Documents which includes the Drawings, Specifications, and Bid Forms shall be $100.00. Payment will be required inadvance in the form of either a company check or money order.
The Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District reserves the right to reject any and all Bids, to waive any informalities or irregularities in the Bids received, and to accept any Bid or Bids which are deemed most favorable to the Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District at the time and under the conditions stipulated, all in accord with the applicable provisions of laws of the State of Ohio governing the conduct of the Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District.
Bids may be held by the Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District for a period not to exceed sixty (60) days from the date of opening of Bids, for the purpose of reviewing the Bids and investigating the qualifications of Bidders, in accordance with the provisions of the Bidding Documents.
Each Bid must be accompanied by a Bond in the amount of one hundred percent (100%) of the total amount bid, or by a certified check, cashier's check or irrevocable letter of credit in the amount of ten percent (10%) of the total amount bid. The Bid guarantee must comply in all ways with the requirements listed in the specifications.
If the successful Bidder submits a certified check, cashier's check or irrevocable letter of credit as the bid guarantee, the bidder will be required to furnish a bond in a sum not less than one hundred percent (100%) of the total contract as awarded. This bond shall be on the form contained in the Bidding Documents.
Bidders on this work must be prepared to comply with the Equal Employment and Affirmative Action requirements of Executive Order 11246, as amended. The requirements for Bidders and Contractors under this Order and its implementing regulations are set forth in the Specifications.
The successful Bidder also must comply with all the provisions of (a) The Davis-Bacon Act, (b) Contract Work Hours Standard Act, (c) The Copeland Act (Anti-Kickback) and (d) Title IV of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
The Contract will be subject to the Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District policy and goals regarding the increased use of small business enterprises. This policy is contained in the Specifications. The SBE goal for this Contract is 20%.
The Engineer's opinion of probable construction cost for the NEORSD Southerly, Easterly and Westerly Wastewater Treatment PlantsIncinerator System Rehabilitation Project (IR-13B) is $6,100,000.
All questions regarding the Contract Documents shall be directed to the Project Manager for the NEORSD, Mr. Harry Shaposka, at (216)881-6600.
Resolution No. 43-10
Date: February4, 2010
Julius Ciaccia, Executive Director
Date:April23, 2010
April30, 2010