May 3, 2011 6:30 PM
Wells Branch Library
Annual Meeting Minutes
President Linda Y. Jackson called the meeting to order.
Financial overview, Linda Jackson and Sandra Bishop of the Bishop Company.
Account balance as of 3/31/11 are Checking Account- $12,145.75 and Money Market Account- $3273.38
Water and electricity are our only reoccurring bills. The one large expense this year has been the landscaping of the Stoneridge entryways. To date collection of HOA dues has been good. Those who are past due are being contacted to bring their accounts up to date. HOA dues are $15 per month and have been so for the last 15 years.
Budget Review, Linda Jackson- The 2011 budget runs from 1/1/11 to 12/31/11. The amended final budget is $25,320.00. Insurance has been added to the budget this year to cover all 4 entry walls. This will cover the HOA if damage occurs. A car did hit the north entry wall in 2010 and caused significant damage. The 2011 budget was approved after a motion by Sandy Toungate and second by Tony Yanez.
Linda Jackson, Social Committee- reminds all neighbors that ideas for social events are always welcome.
Dan Ernst, Landscaping Update- The hearthscape and drip irrigation are complete in the first beds for both Stoneridge entryways. The second beds will be tidied up with fresh mulch in the next week. All plants in the beds are perennials. The plants behind the stone will grow to be approximately 2-3 feet tall. There are also Knockout roses that will bloom throughout the year. Regarding the lighting for the Cervin entry. The lights at this entry are not as bright as the LED lights (North entry). A bid was received from Lewis Sign for $1786.00 to make the change to LED. We can possibly use some or all of the old lights from the north sign. This will help save money. Dan thanked the committee of neighbors that worked to develop the plans for the entry. The group worked on these plans for 9 months. The master plan for our entryways does include more lighting. However, money is not available at this time. The master plan can be viewed on the Stoneridge POA website. Dan also indicated that our HOA would meet with the MUD, sometime in the future, to discuss reconnecting to the well. Water last year cost approximately $1400.00.
Steve Marcyes, Architecture Committee- was not able to attend tonight’s meeting. He sent word that roofs are still being replaced. Most homeowners have been in compliance with the covenants. If neighbors have a project they would like to being please submit plans to Steve.
Dan Ernst, Communications Committee- is still managing the Stoneridge website. As always crime watch notices increase the traffic on the website. Dan reminds all that many things can be posted on the website including classifieds. Contact Dan via email.
Kevin Ward, Crime Watch- shared that host patrols are available if you are going to be away on vacation. There is a form on the Stoneridge POA website that can be emailed directly to Kevin. He also advised that there was an attempted burglary on Bescott Drive today. The person tried to enter though the homeowner’s back door. More information regarding this can be found on the Stoneridge POA website. Kevin also reminds neighbors to be careful around the 2 crosswalks. All vehicles must stop if there are pedestrians in the crosswalk. This is a requirement and a driver can be ticketed if they do not stop. In the same vain, runners and walkers must use the crosswalks for their own safety.
Linda Jackson, President- called for the Election of the 2011 Officers and board members. Ballots were handed out and collected and the following were voted in:
Linda Jackson, President
Dan Ernst, Vice President/Treasurer
Elisa Yanez, Secretary
Steve Marcyes and Dan Ernst, Board Members
Open Discussion
*A homeowner asks if our HOA can do anything regarding 18-wheelers driving on Wells Port Drive. Kevin Ward and the Board will talk with county commissioners to see if anything can be done. An update will be given at the next HOA meeting.
*A homeowner saw a suspicious car in the area at approximately 1:30am. The car was driving through the neighborhood very slowly. The neighbor contacted 911and filed the license plate number. Kevin Ward reminds all neighbors to keep their eyes open and to contact 911 immediately if they see suspicious activity.
*Discussion of overdue HOA dues. Currently over $9000 is owed in past dues. Possible ways to recoup dues- report overdue amount to a credit agency and/or turn the accounts over to a collection firm. Currently at $200 a lien can be placed against a homeowners property. Dan Ernst made a motion to investigate if it is legally possible to report to a credit agency individuals that have a lien against them due to unpaid HOA dues or to utilize a collection firm to help recoup the money. Vito Fortunate seconded this motion. Information will be brought to the next meeting at which time this discussion will continue.
The next HOA meeting date is still to be determined. Once the date is set Linda Jackson will notify homeowners for whom she has email addresses, the date will be posted on the Stoneridge POA website and signs will be placed at each entryway.
Linda Jackson made a motion to close the 2011 Annual Meeting and the meeting was adjourned.