Social Media Kit for Detroit-Area Schools
#CommunityVoiceMI @youth_truth #stuvoice
General Announcement
- It’s #CommunityVoiceMI month! [school name] is joining 100+ MI schools to hear from students, parents, and staff through @youth_truth
- This week and next, STUDENTSwill let us know how they feel about our school w/ @Youth_Truth- We're excited to empower #stuvoice!
- Thismonth, our PARENTS are letting us know how they feel about our school w/ @Youth_Truth – Excited to empower #CommunityVoiceMI
- Thismonth, all TEACHERS and STAFF are letting us know how they feel about our school w/ @Youth_Truth. #CommunityVoiceMI
- Excited to partner w/ @Youth_Truth to gather STUDENT, PARENT, and STAFF feedback. Let your voice be heard! #youthtruth #CommunityVoiceMI
- Students: we want to hear from you! Make sure to be at school next week to take the @Youth_Truth survey! #CommunityVoiceMI
While Surveys are Live (3/20-3/31 for student surveys; 3/20-4/21 for Family and Staff surveys)
- [with photo] Happening now: # grade students provide their thoughts on their school experiences with @Youth_Truth. #stuvoice in action!
- [with photo] Happening now: # grade students provide their thoughts on their school experiences with @Youth_Truth. #CommunityVoiceMI in action!
- [with photo] Happening now: TEACHERS provide feedback on their schools w/ @Youth_Truth. #CommunityVoiceMIin action!
- Our students are giving us feedback with @Youth_Truth student surveys. Can’t wait to hear what they have to say!#CommunityVoiceMI
- Excited to partner with @Youth_Truth to gather student, parent, and staff feedback. Let your voice be heard! #youthtruth #CommunityVoiceMI
- Thank you to the [enter response rate] TEACHERS & STAFF who completed the @youth_truth survey this week. Survey closes on 4/21. #CommunityVoiceMI
- Thank you to the [enter response rate] PARENTS & GUARDIANS who completed the @youth_truth survey this week. Survey closes on 4/21. #CommunityVoiceMI
- We’ve heard from [x%] of our students through @youth_truth this week. Excited to get closer to 100%. #CommunityVoiceMI
- General info on #CommunityVoiceMI @youth_truth surveying here:
- PARENTS – The @youth_truth survey is live through 4/21. We want your feedback! #CommunityVoiceMI
- PARENTS – Let us know that you took the @youth_truth survey by tweeting to #CommunityVoiceMI. Parent voice matters @[school name]!
After Surveying
- Our students took the @Youth_Truth student survey, we take what they have to say very seriously. We’ll be incorporating their ideas soon!
- Impressed with the thoughtful suggestions our students put forth in their @Youth_Truth survey. Proud to empower #stuvoice!
- The @youth_truth Family Survey is still open. We want to hear from ALL parents. Let your voice be heard. Closes 4/21. [optional: enter your family survey link]
- [SCHOOL NAME] wants to hear from you! We’re partnering with YouthTruth to hear what students have to say about their school experience. Help your school understand how to improve!
- We are so excited to be partnering with YouthTruth to gather student feedback. Student voice matters! Surveying runs from START DATE – CLOSE DATE.
- We’re excited to dive into our YouthTruth survey data and incorporate student ideas to improve school. Thank you to all the students who took the survey. Student voice matters!
Before Surveying
- @Youth_Truth survey is live! Let’s share ideas to help [school name] get even better. Be sure to share your #stuvoice!#CommunityVoiceMI
- Excited that [SCHOOL NAME] is partnering w/@Youth_Truth to gather student feedback next week. Let your voice be heard!#CommunityVoiceMI
- Want to give feedback on your school experience? Make sure to be at school to take the @Youth_Truth survey!#CommunityVoiceMI
During Surveying
- [with photo] Happening now: # grade students provide their thoughts on their school experiences with @Youth_Truth. Student voice in action! #youthtruth
- We’regiving feedback with @Youth_Truth student surveys. Excited to see #stuvoice driving change in our school! #youthtruth
- Excited to partner with @Youth_Truth to gather student feedback this week. Let your voice be heard! #youthtruth
After Surveying
- Glad to be able to give feedback & have #stuvoice be heard throughthe @Youth_Truth student survey.#youthtruth
- Great to see that suggestions we put forth in the @Youth_Truth survey are being used to drive change at [SCHOOL NAME]. #youthtruth
- [SCHOOL NAME] wants to hear from you! We’re partnering with YouthTruth to hear what students have to say about their school experience. Help your school understand how to improve!
- We are so excited to be partnering with YouthTruth to gather student feedback. Student voice matters! Surveying runs from START DATE – CLOSE DATE.
- We’re excited to dive into our YouthTruth survey data and incorporate student ideas to improve school. Thank you to all the students who took the survey. Student voice matters!
Read and share these links to learn more about the research
on the importance and impact of student perceptions.
Why Student Voice Matters:
- Stanford University’sJohn W. Gardner Centerhas found that students’ motivational beliefs are closely related to their achievement. Classroom practices that encourage effort and understanding and create a caring learning environment will improve student motivation. Relevant reports:
- Practices that Promote Middle School students’ Motivation and Achievement – Karen Strobel, November 2010
- Caring and Motivating Middle School Classrooms – Karen Strobel and GracielBorsato, February 2012
- The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation’sMeasures of Effective Teachingproject found that “student survey results are predictive of student achievement.” The MET study also “found that student surveys produce more consistent results than classroom observations or achievement gain measures.”
Relevant reports: - Asking Students About Teaching: Student Perception Surveys and Their Implementation, September 2012
- Gathering Feedback for Teaching: Combining High Quality Observations with Student Surveys and Achievement Gains, January 2012
- Other studies linking student perceptions with students learning and academic achievement:
- What Matters for Staying on Track and Graduating in Chicago Public High Schools
- Perceptions of Classroom Environment, Achievement Goals, and Achievement Outcomes
- Student Engagement and Student Learning: Testing the Linkages
Social Media Kit for Detroit-Area Schools
Questions or ideas? Let Sonya know: .