University of Chicago – Master of Science in Threat and Response Management

The University of Chicago, Graham School of General Studies, is offering the Master of Science in Threat and Response Management (MScTRM), an interdisciplinary course of study in emergency preparedness. The program instructs students in how to prepare for, mitigate, respond to, and recover from complex incidents, regardless of size or cause. The program is designed to enhance the abilities of public health practitioners and administrators, applied researchers, medical and nursing professionals, homeland security officials, senior level law enforcement, fire and emergency rescue leaders, and policy makers responsible for public health and safety.

The Master of Science in Threat and Response Management is offered in two distinct concentrations but with a common required core that insures all participants will possess the fundamental elements of hazard and response management. The curriculum is offered in a cohort model that allows student to interact as a group throughout the entire program. Courses convene in Chicago for three extended weekends each academic quarter to allow students from across the nation to attend. Face-to-face instruction is supplemented through the use of alternative delivery technologies.

To earn the Master of Science in Threat and Response Management degree, students take nine courses, in addition to a capstone/practicum required of each student. This requirement includes the core courses and completion of one or two specializations:

(1) Scientific/Threat or (2) Administrative/Response Preparedness.

Master of Science in Threat and Response Management Curriculum:

Year One: Core Curriculum

Autumn Quarter – Year One

  • Foundations of Emergency Management and Homeland Security
  • Analyzing and Communicating Public Policy, Legal, and Ethical Issues

Winter Quarter – Year One

  • Biostatistics
  • Leadership and Management

Spring Quarter – Year One

  • Public Health Investigation and Surveillance – Tracking the Health of Populations
  • Psychological, Social, and Behavioral Contexts of Emergency and Hazard Response

Second Year Courses

Concentration 1: Scientific/Threat

Autumn Quarter – Year Two

  • Epidemiology and Infectious Diseases

Winter Quarter – Year Two

  • Ionizing Radiation and Chemical Hazards-Pathobiology, Toxicology, Biohazards

Spring Quarter – Year Two

  • The Vectors of Disease-Food, Water, Air, Insects

Concentration 2: Administrative/Response Preparedness

Autumn Quarter – Year Two

  • Complex Adaptive Systems for Emergency Preparedness and Homeland Security

Winter Quarter – Year Two

  • Technology Strategy and Information Systems

Spring Quarter – Year Two

  • Financial and Resource Planning for Risk and Crisis Management


At the close of the program each student will complete a capstone or practicum that responds to a threat or hazard. Students are strongly encouraged to work in groups in order to simulate responding to a threat or hazard.

The University of Chicago is accredited by the North Central Association Higher Learning Commission.

For more information:

Contact: Marsha Hawk, Administrative Director

ChicagoGrahamSchool of General Studies

University of Chicago

1427 E. 60th Street

Chicago, IL60637

Ph: (773) 702-0460

Fax: (773) 834-0549


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