Complex Care Case Manager

DEPARTMENT: Integrated Community Support / DIRECTORATE: Community Services / AWARD CLASSIFICATION: Band 6
REPORTS TO: Complex Care Coordinator / ROLES REPORTING TO THIS ONE: Nil / DATE: Sept 2013
The primary objectives of the position are to:
·  To co-ordinate the integrated provision of a range of services to eligible clients in their home,
·  To provide holistic support to clients with complex care needs –functional and psychosocial- to enable them to remain living in the community.
Key Responsibilities
Key Result Area / Major Activities / Outcome Requirements
Assessment & Case Management / ·  Assess clients’ needs and design an individual support plan in consultation with the clients and their carers for a range of clients who may require short or long term support,
·  Negotiate the provision of services with relevant service providers, ensuring that care staff matched to client needs,
·  Ensure services delivered by care staff comply with Council’s Occupational Health & Safety,
·  Provide a consistent contact to clients / carer to address service provision and emotional support,
·  Co-ordinate changes to service provision as the needs of the client change and in consultation with client’s GPs, health professionals, other service providers and family,
·  Advocate on behalf of the client to optimize service provision, priority for public housing and in a formal capacity at Guardianship and Administration Board hearings,
·  Convene case conferences with relevant service providers when appropriate,
·  Provide support for clients/carers regarding issues to do with ageing, disability and dementia. / ·  Information provided to clients to make informed choice,
·  Holistic assessment for each client completed,
·  Agree upon service plan developed,
·  Range of appropriate services purchased on behalf of the clients and implemented,
·  Client has 24 hour access to after hour support,
·  Ongoing client monitoring through personal contact,
·  Regular care reviews,
·  Client’s rights represented,
·  A co-ordinated and flexible service system response.
Team Responsibilities & Effectiveness / ·  A demonstrated ability to work in a team environment and actively participate as a team member of the Department to ensure a cohesive approach to achieving team and corporate objectives,
·  Actively participate in team meetings and contribute to the ongoing planning and development of Community Care,
·  Develop an understanding of the Community Care programs and the roles of other members of the Community Care team,
·  Provide ongoing support and assistance to team during absences and periods of peak load,
·  Support each other in a team environment to recognise individual team achievements. / ·  Team targets achieved and harmony maintained through commitment to being a valued member of the team,
·  Be a team player and adopt team practices that support a team approach across the organisation.
Information / ·  Provide information on particular disabilities or diseases related to ageing such as dementia, stroke and diabetes to clients and carers,
·  Link clients and carers to relevant support groups,
·  Provide information on affordable accommodation options and liaise with Office of Public Housing where appropriate. / ·  Clients and carers empowered through information and support,
·  Clients listed as priority for public housing.
Administration / ·  Maintain all documentation regarding support plans and service provision,
·  Submit report and statistical data,
·  Monitor costs within budgetary requirements of individual client services,
·  Manage time effectively, setting priorities and planning and organising own work,
·  Manage set and specific objectives in the most efficient way and within a set timetable. / ·  Participate in the development of the yearly Business Plan,
·  Data maintained on GoldCare software Reports provided,
·  Budget maintained,
·  Client’s documentations are updated and all changes recorded.
Develop and Maintain strong Relationships & Networks / ·  Develop positive, collaborative relationships with other Council staff and departments,
·  Develop and maintain positive, active relationships and networks with community stakeholders,
·  Effectively liaise with counterparts in other organisations to discuss and resolve specialist matters,
·  Effectively liaise within own organisation to resolve intra-organisational matters. / ·  Activities supported by internal and external key stakeholders,
·  Positive image of the Department and Council promoted to internal and external stakeholders.
Business Unit Responsibilities / ·  Undertake Emergency Management duties as required,
·  At all times, maintain the strictest confidentiality regarding ratepayers, customers and employees,
·  Make an ongoing, positive contribution to the Community Services Directorate. / ·  Assisting in Emergency Management activities and taking responsibility for maintaining the highest levels of confidentiality at all times.
Change Management / ·  Meet the challenges of change as it occurs within the organisation. / ·  To positively embrace and adopt change as it occurs,
·  Possess a ‘can do’ attitude in order to embrace new tasks and to assist others.
Organisational Requirements / ·  At all times, behave in a manner consistent with personal and professional workplace standards outlined in Council’s Code of Conduct and human resource policies and guidelines (including Human Rights & Equal Opportunity, Prevention of Bullying & Violence in the Workplace, Harassment Free Workplace),
·  To be mindful of the requirements outlined in the Victorian Charter of Human Rights in the provision of service delivery and interactions with work colleagues. Acting respectfully, responsibly and being accountable for actions are fundamental expectations Council has of all employees and managers,
·  Adhere to Council’s occupational health, safety & return to work (RTW) policies & procedures and participate in health & safety training programs and initiatives
·  To have an understanding of and ability to work with diversity within the workplace and community,
·  Perform other duties as directed within the limits of acquired skills, knowledge and training,
·  Make an ongoing, positive contribution to the Community Services Directorate,
·  Manage Council records in accordance with corporate requirements. / ·  A committed employee operating within the Code of Conduct and Human Resource policies of the City of Greater Dandenong,
·  An employee who makes a positive contribution to the City of Greater Dandenong whilst respecting the rights of work colleagues and customers at all times,
·  OH&S and RTW responsibilities and authorities fulfilled in accordance with Health & Safety Document Number COS0009 (Management Responsibilities) [WebStar – OH&S-Corporate Policies & Procedures].
·  Corporate records managed to protect personal information and in accordance with corporate requirements.
Overall Position Accountability and Authorities / ·  The occupant will manage resources where the freedom to act is governed by clear objectives and/or budgets with a regular reporting mechanism to ensure adherence to goals and objectives. The effect of decisions and actions taken at this level is usually limited to the quality or cost of the programs and projects being managed,
·  The occupant will also provide specialist advice to clients, where the freedom to act is subject to regulations and policies and regular supervision. The effect of decisions and actions taken on individual clients may be significant but it is usually subject to appeal or review by the Complex Care Coordinator or more senior employees,
·  The occupant will have formal input into policy development within their area of expertise and/or management where the quality of the output can have a significant effect on the process of policy development.
Challenges / Key Communications
Undertaking the accountabilities of the position, the position incumbent will overall:
·  Require skills in managing time, setting priorities, planning and organising their own work in order to achieve specific and set objectives in the most efficient way possible within the resources available and within a set timetable,
·  Require an understanding of the long term goals of the functional unit in which the position is placed and of the relevant policies of both the unit Community Wellbeing, the Community Services Directorate and the wider organisation,
·  Assist the transition of clients to more appropriate services as required. / Communication Skills Required:
·  The position requires the ability to gain cooperation and assistance from clients, members of the public and other employees in the administration of defined activities,
·  The occupant is expected to liaise with their counterparts in other organisations to discuss specialist matters and with other employees in other functions in their own organisation to resolve intra-organisational problems,
Internal Communications:
o  Coordinator Complex Care – daily;
o  Complex Care Support Officer – daily;
o  Assessment /Team Leaders - as required;
o  Coordinator Basic & Restorative Care– as required;
o  Integrated Community Support Manager– as required;
o  Information & Referral Officer – as required;
o  Home Maintenance Officers – as required;
o  Other Community Care Support Officers - as required;
o  Council staff – as required;
External Communications:
o  Service Providers – daily;
o  Clients/families/Carers- daily
DECISION MAKING / Knowledge, Skills, Experience, AttitudeS
·  Make decisions based on input gained from professionals with knowledge of the sector,
·  The occupant of the position is expected to respond to general queries from clients and care providers and must exercise discretion in relation to enquiries and requests. Directions from other staff will be sought where necessary,
·  Any decision is to be made in accordance with the requirements of Privacy Legislation,
·  Decisions made by the occupant have the potential to affect other’s perceptions of the service and therefore, any decisions made, must be carefully considered, non judgemental and in keeping with the overall goals of the services,
·  Problem solving requiring application of specialised methods, procedures and processes developed through theory or precedence often based on previous experience.
With Input:
From: Coordinator Complex Care;
·  Consults with the Coordinator of Complex Care with regard to complex client issues, individual client’s budget/costs,
·  Recommendations to the Coordinator of Complex Care on Service gaps/overlaps,
·  Opportunities for improvement of service delivery and program,
Recommends and Identifies:
To the Coordinator Complex Care;
·  Key needs / groups within the community related to Assessment service delivery,
·  Service gaps and/or overlaps, staff performance and training requirements, policy and service development initiatives,
·  Potential issues that may impact upon the effectiveness and ongoing development of Assessment service delivery.
·  Guidance and advice are usually available from the Coordinator Complex Care or the Integrated Community Support Manager. / Essential Qualifications and Experience:
o  Degree qualifications in Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy’, Social Work, Nursing or related Social Sciences and relevant experience in Case Management,
o  Demonstrated understanding of the Aged Care service environment and how to access community supports and services on behalf of the client, particularly working within a diverse community,
o  Demonstrated high level consultation and advocacy skills, including a demonstrated ability to build relationships, seek input and advocate with a wide section of community, Council and other government stakeholders,
o  Demonstrated ability to manage systems, processes and resources, including understanding budgeting and reporting requirements,
o  Demonstrated ability to make a positive contribution to teams by quickly responding to changing work demands and priorities and to adapting work plans accordingly,
o  Demonstrated proficiency in a range of software applications including the Microsoft Office suite of products, including the ability to maintain and produce reports from a database,
o  Demonstrated outstanding verbal and written communication skills, including an ability to prepare a wide range of reports and correspondence, as well as deliver verbal presentations, with the ability to speak a second language being desirable,
o  Current Victorian Driver’s Licence as well as Satisfactory Police Check.
Total Staff Supervised:
Staffing: N/A
Operational Cost: N/A
Total: N/A / We certify that the content of this Role and Accountability Statement accurately reflects the overall role and accountabilities of the position;
Prepared By:
Pina McBride, Complex Care Coordinator
Manager Approval:
Mary Rydberg, Manager Community Care and Library Services
Authorised By:
Mark Doubleday, Director, Community Services
Position Occupant:


Physical Requirements (from Task Analysis)
Frequency of the Task
Requirement / Continually
67% - 100% of the working day / Often
34 - 66% of the working day / Intermittently
0 - 33% of the working day / Rarely
Static Standing
Back- twisting
- bending
- arching
Neck- twisting
- bending
- looking up
Reaching forward
Reach above shoulder height
Hand - grip
- fine manipulation

Date last reviewed:


Not specific to role (the position doesn’t require 10-15% manual handling)

Authorised by:
