NAME and LOCATION of Parish: ___________________________________

(1) Number of baptisms: (child) ____

(adult) ____

(2) Total number of marriages: ____

Number of Catholic marriages: ____

(both parties Catholic)

Number of mixed marriages: ____

(3) Number of funeral masses: ____

Number of funerals celebrated in the presence of cremated remains: ____

Number of funeral services in the Funeral Home: ____

(4) Number of First Communions: ____

Number of child Confirmations: ____

Number of adult Confirmations: ____

(5) Has your parish implemented the diocesan policy of Sacramental Preparation in the parish?

Yes ____ No ____

(6) Separate or Catholic Schools in the Parish or Mission:

Number of children attending Separate Elementary Schools:____

Name of Schools: _______________________________________

Number of children attending Catholic High Schools: ____

Name of Schools: _______________________________________

Number of Catholic children attending Public Elementary Schools: ____

Name of Schools: _______________________________________

(7) Number of Catholic children attending Public High Schools: ____

Name of Schools: _______________________________________

(8) Number of families in the parish or mission: ____

How are they divided by language spoken in the home?

a) English: ____

b) French: ____

c) Polish: ____

d) Other: ____

(9) What is the total population within the boundaries of the parish or mission: ______

What is the total Catholic population within the boundaries of the parish or mission:_____

(10) When was the last Parish Mission held? ____

(11) Is your cemetery being attended to, according to current Provincial/

Municipal cemetery regulations? ____

(12) Have you completed the Diocesan Screening Process for Parish

Volunteers and Employees in accordance with diocesan policy?

____ ____

Yes No

What is the total number of persons that you have classified as high risk?


(13) Is there a parish rectory associated with the parish church (Episcopal

Corporation property)?

____ ____

yes no

Is it the primary residence of the present parish priest/administrator?

____ ____

yes no

If not, who presently resides in the rectory?

____ Permanent deacon & family

____ Tenant(s)

____ Rectory is vacant

Please complete the following information concerning the parish or mission so

that our files will be up-to-date:

Address: _____________________ Telephone: ____________________

_____________________ Fax: _________________________


E-Mail: _____________________ Website: ______________________

Name of Pastoral Agent and Spouse: ____________________________________

Name of Permanent Deacon and Spouse: ________________________________

I hereby declare that this Statistical Report is accurate.

Signed: _____________________________ Date: ______________________

Parish Priest/Parochial Administrator