Guidelines for the De-registration of patients

Removal at Doctors request (8 day removal)

A patient can be removed from the practice by completing the proforma or writing a letter to registration. The reason for removal must be given (be non-discriminatory) and the request should be signed by the senior partner or patient’s registered GP. The dates for any warnings given to the patients must be added in section B of the proforma (must be within the last 12 months). The registration team will write to the patient and send a copy to the practice.

This process should not be actioned via GP links as the registration team will do the removal following the 8 day removal period.

Removal of violent patients (immediate removal)

The process is the same as for Removal at doctors request but the practice must obtain a crime number for the removal to be immediate, otherwise it will be an 8 day removal. The registration team will write to the patient and send a copy to the practice

This process should not be actioned via GP links as the registration team will do the removal immediately.

Removal at patients request (14 day removal)

A patient can remove themselves from a GP list at any time by writing to the registration team. The registration team will write to the practice and then remove the patient automatically after the 14 day removal period.

This process should not be actioned via GP links as the registration team will do the removal automatically.

Change of address (now outside practice area)

If a patient moves address and the new address is now outside the defined practice area the removal process is as follows; Please action as a change of address in the usual manner but add the following note in GP notes “New address out of area GP will not keep, please write” We will then take the relevant steps to write to the patient and then do the deduction automatically after 28 days in line with the regulations.

Please do not action as a straight forward deduction as this will be rejected as this does not allow the patient the 28 days they are allowed under the regulations.


Remove the patient as “died” and add the date of death in GP notes. Please ensure that you are removing the correct person as this can impact on PDS (the Spine)


This is where a patient leaves the country for a period of 3 months or more. Please remove the patient as “embarked” but add a note in GP notes as to how this information was obtained. Do not presume that patients have returned abroad when initially added as immigrants.

Undelivered post

This is when letters have been returned from the post office stating the person written to is no longer there. Please do not remove these people via GP links. Return the post item to the registration team and they will set an FP69 flag which gives the patient 6 months to either register with a new practice or confirm their new address with the practice before an automatic removal process if the details have not been changed or the flag removed.