Turpin Band Boosters Mtg.- Mon. Sept. 11, 2017

Meeting called to order by Booster President – Tina Arvizu

Tina introduced herself and the other board members, made an appeal to those present to consider volunteering to be the next TBB president.

SECRETARY’S REPORT: Previous meeting minutes were APPROVED

TREASURER’S REPORT: Tom Kaylor presented a brief summary of the cash flow report. The fiscal year started in July. Expenses so far mostly band camp related. Income from spirit wear, popcorn, and membership. A question was asked about the new budget item “Shed & Band Room.” Mr. Wesche explained the former band storage shed was torn down and will be replaced and the new band room will need some new items like shelving. Cash Flow Report was APPROVED.


Mr. Wesche first expressed how pleased he is with how well the band is doing this year. New members are still be added including an exchange student from Germany who will be playing drum set. The early national competition (Canton 9/16) is a good push to get the show ready. Mr. Wesche thanks all who have volunteered already this year.

Canton trip- The band will have a quick rehearsal at Turpin before leaving Friday afternoon. There will be a 40-minute break after the rehearsal to load the trailers, move cars, use restrooms, etc. There will be a stop for dinner somewhere around Columbus (south of or north of depending on traffic.) They plan to arrive at the hotel in time for some swimming before curfew. They will be at the competition all day Saturday. One bus with approximately 25 students will be returning immediately after the finals performance, the rest of the band will be returning after the awards ceremony. Last year’s national champion band will be competing. We will be posting about finals on Facebook if you want to check about when they will be returning. Medications and forms must be turned in to the school nurse in advance. Forms must be signed by a physician and medications must be in the original containers.

Additional information about the competition (directions, tickets, etc.) can be found at:


Philadelphia/New York trip- more information later, you can still sign up to go on the trip

Homecoming- We will be having an alumni band at homecoming for the first time. Band alumni and former directors will be joining the band for the National Anthem and pep band.

Next Wednesday a national expert will be working with the band and color guard to improve the show.

Question- How do local competitions work? We typically get the schedule for the competition two weeks in advance so the report time/return time are not known until then. Usually the report time is somewhere around noon and the return is around 10-11pm.


Afterprom: Chairperson(s) needed.

Please consider volunteering for the Afterprom Committee

Band Camp: Tina Arvizu & Karen Schofield

Band Camp ran very smoothly even being at Nagel. The weather cooperated beautifully. We had a big turnout for the swim party and the students really enjoyed the Kona Ice treat so we did it twice!

Chaperone Coordinator: Justine Jones

Almost 60% of the chaperone positions are filled. We still need some volunteers for October events, especially the Lockland competition and State Finals.

FHIMA Rep: Kristen Gygi

Band Expo (10/21) will need volunteers. Right now we are looking for trophy sponsors and a volunteer to help coordinate the awards on field the night of the event.

Fundraising: Connie Feick

We will be doing the cookie dough fundraiser again, taking orders in October to be delivered in November. The band receives 40% of the sales. We will be adding online ordering this year.

We have consulted with many attorneys/CPAs and they all agree there is no way the band boosters can do individual fundraising for the trip expenses due to IRS regulations. We continue to look for ways for individual students to do their own fundraising independent of the boosters.

Hospitality: Karen Schofield

We will be providing dinner for the band in Canton on Saturday. Thanks to all who signed up to donate food!

Membership: Karen Schofield & Board

We continue to receive new members for 2017-18. We are slightly ahead of this time last year.

Props Crew: Alisa Lambert

Thanks for volunteering!

Publicity: Chairperson needed

Spirit Wear: Karen Schofield

The first order of the year went well. We still have some Turpin Band items and some show shirts available. We hope to do another order in November with delivery in early December for Christmas presents.

Sunshine: Tina Arvizu

Uniforms: Debbie Klenk

Yard Signs: Mike Brinkmiller

Signs have been distributed.

Senior Night (Football Game): Chairperson needed

Senior Awards Night/Senior Plaques: Rebecca Brinkmiller, Co-chair needed


Band Camp – see above

Uniform fitting – was completed before the first football game


Canton Trip – see above

Anderson Game treats – A sign up will be created for donations of snacks and drinks for when we host the Anderson

Band at the football game on 10/13.

Trunk or Treat – Connie Feick is looking for a co-chair for this event

Band Expo – see above

Senior Night/ Nagel Night – 10/27 same night due to small number of home games

Cookie Dough Fundraiser – see above

Next Meeting: Monday, October 2, 2017, 7:00pm

PLEASE CHECK www.turpinband.org for Calendar Updates