Of Beetles and Angels Comprehension Questions
Chapter 1 - Memories & Chapter 2 – The Camp
1. In what country was Mawi born? (pg 1)
2. Mawi and his family are refugees. To what country are they fleeing to? Why? (pg 2)
3. Where do Mawi and his family seek safety? (pg 5)
4. Describe the school Mawi attends while living here. (pg 5-6)
5. What did the family fear while at camp? Why were they fearful? (pg 10
6. Why does Mawi’s father describe America as paradise? What are some myths he hears about living in America? (pg 11-12)
7. What are some words of wisdom the village elders offer to Mawi’s family? (pg 12)
Of Beetles and Angels
Chapter 3- Coming to America & Chapter 4- A New Life
1. Who did Mawi’s parents contact to help them resettle? How did this organization help? (pg 15)
2. In 1983, Mawi and his family left for America. To what city were they headed? (pg 21)
3. Where do Mawi’s family spend their first two weeks in America? (pg 21)
4. Who is Beth Raney? What did Mawi’s mother do when she was around? (pg 21 & 22)
5. Who are the two angels that appear at their door? What do they bring with them? Why are they considered angels? (pg 24)
6. At the end of chapter 4, Mawi and his family encounter two new life-changing events. What are these two events?