Richardson & Robbins Building Auditorium
89 Kings Highway, Dover, Delaware 19901
Phone 302-739-9912, FAX 302-739-6157
1. Edward A. Montague, Chair 1. Greg Moore 13 Visitors
2. J. Richard Berry, Vice Chair 2. Pat Emory
3. Ted Palmer 3. Joe Rogerson
4. Charles H. Golt 4. David Blaasch
5. Al Townsend (Absent) 5. Matt DiBona
6. Raymond F. Burris 6. Karen Kennedy
7. Robert C. Nichols
8. Neal Dukes (Absent)
9. Garrett Grier, Jr.
Taped micro-cassettes of this meeting are available for listening at the Richardson & Robbins Building in Dover. For further information contact the Wildlife Section at (302) 739-9912.
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Edward Montague at 7:30 PM.
Agenda Item 1. Approval of Minutes (Chairman Montague).
A motion was made and voted unanimously to approve the June 29, 2010 minutes as written.
Agenda Item 2. Migratory Bird Management Updates and the Status of Waterfowl Video & Power Point Presentation (Greg Moore).
Wildlife Administrator Greg Moore provided updates on migratory bird management which included an upcoming National Dove Hunter Survey. This hunter survey will be mailed to approximately 600 – 800 hunters. Anticipated date for the survey is fall 2010 or spring 2011. The hunters will be randomly selected from the HIP database. The survey is supported by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service through a contract with D.J. Case Associates.
Mr. Moore also reported that comments are being taken on a 2010 Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). This EIS is for the issuance of annual regulations permitting the hunting of migratory birds. This information is available on the U. S. Fish & Wildlife Service website and comments are being taken until March 2011.
Mr. Moore then showed a U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service DVD regarding the status of waterfowl for 2010 and stated that this will be the last year that the Service will provide copies of the DVDs. Next year the DVD will only be online.
Mr. Moore also gave a power point presentation on the waterfowl seasons. The forecast for the duck season looks good however, there is concern of the Canada goose and brant declining populations.
Agenda Item 3. Setting of Waterfowl Season Dates 2010 - 2011 (Greg Moore).
Mr. Moore provided copies of the Proposed Waterfowl Season Dates for 2010 - 2011 which were discussed at the January and February Advisory Council meetings. Mr. Moore reviewed the season selection cycle and then presented the early season migratory bird hunting season dates. Because of the early summer Federal due date, these early seasons have already been submitted to the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service. Therefore, this review was for information purposes only.
Mr. Moore followed with the proposed late season selections offered by the Division. The proposed seasons did not differ from the base seasons selected in February with the exception that the snow goose regular season bag limit is now 25 instead of 15.
After discussions, the Council passed unanimously all of the late recommended waterfowl seasons for 2010 – 2011. Listed on the next page are the seasons adopted by the Council and submitted to the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service.
2010 – 2011
Migratory Game Bird
Seasons for Delaware
Dove Sept. 1 – Sept. 25 ½ hr. before sunrise to sunset
Oct. 16 – Oct. 30 ½ hr. before sunrise to sunset
Dec. 10 – Jan. 8 ½ hr. before sunrise to sunset
Limit: 15
Resident Canada Geese Sept. 1 – Sept. 25
½ hr. before sunrise to sunset
No liberal hunting options
Limit: 15
Early Teal Sept. 11 – Sept. 29
Hours: Teal season will be open all day (1/2 hr. before sunrise to sunset) in limited geographic areas. These areas are coastal areas from south of the C&D Canal to Lewes east of Routes 13, 113/113A & 1.
Limit: 4
Youth Waterfowl Hunt Oct. 16
Bag may include ducks, mergansers, coots, moorhens, Canada geese, snow geese and brant. Standard limits apply.
Ducks Oct. 22 – Nov. 2
Nov. 22 – Dec. 4 Dec. 17 – Jan. 29
Daily limit of 6 ducks (except mergansers and coots), may include 1 black duck; 4 mallards including no more than 2 hen mallards; 2 pintail; 3 wood ducks; 2 red heads; l mottled duck; 1 fulvous whistling tree duck; 1 canvasback; 2 scaup; 4 scoters. The possession limit is 2 times the daily bag limit.
Snow Goose Oct. 1 – Jan. 31 Limit: 25
Feb. 1 – April 16 NO LIMIT
(Conservation Order)
Brant Dec. 3 – Jan. 29
Limit: 2
Migrant Canada Geese Nov. 22 – Dec. 4
Limit: 2 Dec. 23 – Jan. 29
Coots & Mergansers Same season dates as ducks
Rail/King, Clapper Sept. 3 – Nov. 11 Limit: 10
Sora, Virginia Limit: 25
Gallinules, Moorhens Limit: 15
Woodcock Nov. 22 – Dec. 11
Limit: 3 Dec. 23 – Jan. 1
Snipe Nov. 22 – Dec. 11
Limit: 8 Dec. 23 – Jan. 1
Sea Ducks Sept. 28 – Jan. 29
Limit: 7 (no more than 4 scoters)
Within designated sea duck zone (not less than 800 yards
seaward of Delaware Bay shore or Atlantic Ocean)
1. Vice Chairman Berry asked that anyone interested in the proposed hunting changes at Prime Hook and Bombay Hook Federal Refuges to submit comments, contact legislators or attend the public meetings.
2. Director Emory talked about a possible field trip on August 25 to Milford Neck, Fowlers Beach, etc. with Council members.
1. Approval of Minutes (Chairman Montague).
2. Quail Counts/NBCI (Matt DiBona).
3. Milford Neck Dove Fields/Management (Director Pat Emory).
4. Goose Banding Canada (Rob Hossler).
5. Hunter Education Update (Bill Dugent).
There being no further business, a motion was made, seconded and carried that the meeting be adjourned at 8:28 PM.
Karen Kennedy
Recording Secretary