Library Curriculum Connections At-A-Glance DC –Digital Citizenship, IL-Information Literacy, DL–Digital Literacy Unit 5 Theme Related Library Resources
Grade 3, Unit 5 Theme: Those Amazing Animals -What makes each animal unique? Integrated OC: Diversity OI: Social Studies
Genre /
Technology / Media /
Comprehension Strategies and Skills /
Text Features/ Literary Elements/
Study Skills /
LT Topics
Write Source /
IC: OI Essential Questions /
5th OI:
Social Studies
Unit 1 beginning February 23, 2015
Penguin Chick
by Betty Tatham
illustrated by
Helen K Davie
Antarctic Life /
Main Selection
Informational Text/ Expository
Paired Selection
Literary Text/Poetry / McGraw Hill
Tx Treasures
pp 273 I-J
News as it happens..
How is written word use for digital news? TERMS graphics, DL paintbrush and fill tools, color palette, scanner
(Google Drawing) practice using tools and scanning
IC MM LESSON DL Teamwork: teaming, brainstorming, citizenship traits, creating a Blend Space (SEE Planner)
BrainPop login / password:
schoolname_1 /brainpop
IC LESSON Before the House related book:
Collin McKinney (Strother)
CUR BIO McKinney
IC LESSON Has Plano Always Looked Like it Does Today? IC Print/ Online Resource (SEE Planner) Plano, Texas: A Local History (Wilson) DC
IC LESSON Regions & Landforms (Community Buddies) Students will create a presentation of regional information using print, online resource, and textbooks—share using presentation choices in Planner IL, DL DC
IC LESSON A Global Perspective- IL Around the World-GoogleEarth
IC LESSON Adapting to the Environment
Digital camera, Google Earth: PhotoStory, PowerPt, BlendSpace presentations – how communities change- adaptions or modifications to physical environments
IC LESSON: Here’s the Scoop 5 Areas of Researching a company – SEE Planner Do the World a Flavor event—students create an ice cream flavor and market it / create an ad IL, DL, DC
Entrepreneurs Who Mean Business research: PebbleGo BIO Websites of entrepreneurs & businesses, Wal-Mart, Famous Amos, Mary K, Hershey, Ford IL, DC
IC LESSON Shark Tank Transfer Task –DL, DC students create business plan &product presentation, ad, model /
Comprehension Strategy: Summarize
Skill: Main Idea/Details
Skill: Sequence
Genre: Expository Text, Fiction /
Rhythmic Patterns and Imagery
Day 4 Reading LT: I can understand how characteristics of poetry create imagery /
Writing/Grammar-Mechanics (Write Source):
Responsive Writing: Responsive Paragraph; Writing a Book Review (Model, Prewriting)
Skills: Using Details, Letter Writing Conventions, Paragraph Indentions, Adjectives
/ UNIT 1
*Why do people settle in a specific place?
*How does geography affect the way people live?
*How do customs and celebrations reflect the culture of a community?
*How can individuals make a difference?
*How does innovation affect our lives?
*How can individuals make a difference?
*Should people buy everything they want?
*How do people get the things they need?
(cont’d p.2)
*How does the free enterprise system affect our lives? / K-5 Critical Vocabulary
Critical People, Events, Symbols, and Historical Documents
(linked in Planner)
Teamwork – brainstorming
Oñate’s Orders – Juan de Oñate
Columbus Crew -- C. Columbus
Mary’s Marketing - entrepreneurs
Ford’s Focus – assembly line
Unit 1 Communities (25 days)
*Analyze , identify traditions of culture past and present to gain insight into the people
Country School - changes
*Evaluate decisions of the past
to see how they affect the present
Plano, TX
timelines related to historical
events—interpreting chronology
Years, decades, centuries
Heritage Farmstead Museum
*Examine places and regions to identify patterns and relationships
Individuals who helped shape
communities – Collin McKinney
prairie, colony, pioneer, settler,
campaign, slogan, Daniel Boone
philanthropist James L Thomas
Comparing how people in different
communities adapt to the
physical environment
Reading maps using geographic
tools –hemisphere, Equator,
Prime Meridian, map scale,
Unit 2 Economics (17 days)
earning, spending, saving, and
Goods & services, needs & wants
Income, budgets, donations,
goods, services, scarcity,
good citizenship, credit, interest,
charitable giving
Free enterprise system, wage,
hourly wage, income, human
capital, profit, Free Market
Entrepreneurs: Wallace Amos,
Henry Ford, Mary Kay Ash, Milton
Hershey, Milton Hershey II, Sam
Walton and How a business
operates –Ben & Jerry Ice Cream
Read Across America
Monday, March 2, 2015
National Library Week
April 12-18, 2015
Engineers Week
February 22-28
February – Black History Month
March -- TX History Month
-- Women’s History Month
April --National Poetry Month
Animal Homes
by Ann O. Squire
Animal Homes
Main Selection
Informational Text/ Expository
Paired Selection
Informational Text/ Expository /
Strategy: Analyze Text Structure
Skill: Description
Skill: Main Idea and Details
Genre: Expository Text /
Reading LT- Day4 I can follow and explain written multi-step directions /
Mechanics: (Write Source)
Writing a Response Paragraph; Writing a Book Review for Fiction: (Drafting, Revising, Editing, Publishing, Reflecting)
Skills: Subject-Verb Agreement, Verb Tenses, Apostrophes
Call of the Wild
Time For Kids Informational
Animals on the Move /
Main Selection
Informational Text/ Expository
/ Comprehension
Strategy: Analyze Text Structure
Skill: Cause and Effect
Skill: Description
Genre Nonfiction /
Skim and Scan a Nonfiction Article
Wk 4, Day 4, Word Study LT I can use print and electronic resources to find check spellings / Writing/Grammar/Mechanics: (Write Source) Writing Process, Writing Poems; Rhyming Poem. Prewriting
Drafting, Revising, Editing:
Skills: Adverbs, Adjectives, Transitions
Wilbur’s Boast
by E B White
illustrated by
Garth Williams
(title reads Wilbur’s Boost in Planner—incorrect)
Unusual Animal Talents /
Main Selection
Literary Text/Fantasy
Paired Selection
Literary Text/Fable / Comprehension
Strategy: Monitor Comprehension
Skill: Draw Conclusions
Skill: Cause and Effect
Genre: Nonfiction, fiction /
and Moral
Reading LT I can understand characteristics of a fable and identify examples of personification
Reading LT
I can use foreshadowing clues to make and confirm predictions. I can describe characteristics of myths. / Writing/Grammar/Mechanics: (Write Source)
The Writing Process,
Writing Poems (continued) Limerick, Clerihew,
5 W's Poem, List Poem
Skills: Adjectives, Prepositions/Phrases
Unique Animals of the Southwest
by Tanya Lee Stone
Survival and Adaptation /
Main Selection
Informational Text/ Expository
Paired Selection
Literary Text/Myth / Comprehension
Strategy: Monitor Comprehension
Skill: Compare and Contrast
Skill: Draw Conclusions
Genre: Nonfiction, Fiction /
Foreshadowing /
Writing/Grammar/Mechanics: (Write Source)
The Writing Process / Responding to a Poem: (Prewriting, Drafting, Revising, Editing, Publishing)
Skills: Paragraph Indention
Show What You Know
Library Activities: Comprehension, Word Study, Drama, Genre Study, Poetry
Review and Assess / Poetry
Wk 6, Day 4 DC Reading LT I can understand how communication changes from one media genre to another…how design techniques used in media influence message / Review/ Assess
Main Idea
Draw Conclusions
Compare & Contrast
Cause & Effect / Review/ Assess
Rhythmic Patterns
Foreshadowing / Writing/Grammar/Mechanics: (Write Source)
Creative Writing: Imaginative Stories (Model, Prewriting, Drafting, Revising, Editing)
Extension: Creating a Play Skills: Pronouns, Punctuating Dialogue
McGraw–Hill TexasTreasures, TE Grade 3; Plano ISD Elementary ELA Planner, IC Planner, WriteSource