- Introduction: Owned and administered as part of RNAS CULDROSE, Porthkerris was originally constructed as part of the Admiralty Research Establishment (Helston). Requiring a sea range for Air Weapons release trails the natural synergy between the air station and ARE(H) provided a tailored solution. Sited on the North Eastern side of the LizardPeninsula with immediate access to the sea Porthkerris is thought to have been constructed during the early 1950’s. Also hosting the Search and Rescue (SAR) Diving School RNAS CULDROSE encouraged this facility to be used for military diver training. Both SAR Diving and Ships Diver continuation training were habitually conducted from this satellite station with Service Sub Aqua Diving as occasional users. This arrangement continued until the demise of ARE(H) during 1995. While Operation Capability (i.e. military diver training) ensured continued funding the deletion of Ships Diving (2005) and then SAR Diving (2006) questioned its existence. Presently used as for Tri Service A/T its future remains uncertain.
- The Facility: Access to Porthkerris is via a road across Porthkerris Farm/Porthkerris Divers (a commercial recreational diver centre). The site rests within a double gated linked wire fence. There is ample vehicle parking within the compound which includes a Helicopter Landing Site. Self catering accommodation allows for a maximum of 18 visitors with a kitchen, three showers, three toilets and three briefing or storage rooms. A telephone is also fitted with connection to the civilian network. There is also a charging room with an adjacent compressor room delivering compressed air to a maximum of 323 Bars. Access to the sea is via a lockable gate to a lower concrete platform. From there railed steps lead directly into the water. Launching a diving boat is either by using the launching/recovery service offered by Porthkerris Divers (i.e. via a tractor at a cost of about £20) or by launching at the public slipway at Falmouth and motoring across to Porthkerris (approximate distance 5NM). A chain mooring has been laid approximately 100m from Porthkerris steps to allow diving boats to remain on site. While accommodation is rudimentary the facility naturally lends itself to A/T diver training.
- Cost:Please note that these figures are estimates and simply represent a ‘snap shot’ of annual running costs. Naturally they are greatly dependant on occupancy, weather (i.e. cold winters) and present oil costs :
Oil (Heating):£1,000.00
Estate Maintenance:£000.00*
Compressor Maintenance/’Clean Air’ Certification:NIL
(Presently absorbed by Station Maintenance Engineering Section)
*Presently unable to provide definitive values.
Purposely excluded from these figures is ‘Road Maintenance’. While the MOD retains a ‘Right of Access’this depends on using the land owners road. While the MOD has historically offered funding, Porthkerris Farm (Mr. M. Anselmi) has been reluctant to accept. This issue remains contentious.
4. Future Use:As a uniquely positioned facility Porthkerris has, since the demise of SAR Diving and the associated loss of Operational Capability operated upon goodwill. After several years of minimal maintenance the buildings fabric requires attention however with appropriate funding its potential use, both operationally and as an A/T resource, may prove to be financially beneficial. Options that should be considered included:
A/T Centre:Clearly suited for diver training Porthkerris also lends itself to other ‘Water-borne Activities’. With approval from the landowner canoeing, sea kayaking and sea angling are possibilities however the principle role would probably remain sub aqua diving.
A/T Centre (with Falmouth Sail & Power Boat Centre): As part of the existing A/T estate Falmouth Sailing & Power Boat Centre operates from its own premises in the town. By positioning appropriate hulls and kit at Porthkerris the ability to offer expanded training and recreational sailing may evolve.
RNR Falmouth: Soon to open (Summer, 2013) HMS Fal will be initially sited with the Army/RAF Cadet facility (Bar Road, Falmouth) with the intention of eventually moving into Falmouth Docks. Positioned very near sheltered water boat handling and sail training will be core activities. While still developmental the possibility of further utilising Porthkerris by Reserve Forces should be investigated. Equally The Lister Report and the subsequent revision of ‘sea training’ within the RN may link into using Porthkerris.
St. Mawgan: While the RAF have officially depart from St. Mawgan (i.e. NewquayAirPort) the estate has been regenerated as a Joint Forces Facility for SERE (Survive, Escape, Resist, Extract) Training. Attracting considerable investment the ‘water training’ element is still developing. By exploiting the amenities offered by Porthkerris further Joint Force use may be possible.
Combined Cadet Force/Sea Cadet Corps: Administered by Jago Road (HMNB Portsmouth) and HMS RALEIGH respectively both youth organisations conduct sub aqua diver training. While each have a structured training organisation that uses Pier Sellers (HMS RALEIGH) Porthkerris may be considered as a suitable alternative dive site.