Asian Competition Forum 13th Annual Conference

11th & 12th December 2017, Hong Kong



V.11 16 Nov 2017

First Day – Morning

8:30 – 9:00 / Registration
9:00 – 9:15 / Welcome Speech and Opening Address
Mr. Brent Snyder, CEO Hong Kong Competition Commission
9:15-10:00 / Keynote Speech
Professor William KOVACIC, Global Competition Professor of Law and Policy, George Washington University Law School : ‘A Pro-competition, Anti-corruption Program for Public Procurement’
SESSION (A): Globalization in Reverse
10:00-11:00 / Chair: Professor Mark Williams
·  Professor Allan FELS, Professorial Fellow, The University of Melbourne: 'Globalization in reverse?';
·  Dr. Jonathan GALLOWAY, Senior Lecturer in Law, Newcastle University: ‘Regulatory Globalisation in reverse: when international enforcement waves crash against national characteristics’
·  Mr. Hassan QAQAYA, Senior Fellow, University of Melbourne: ‘What constitute unfair competition in a globalised and concentrated markets’
11:00-11:15 / Break
SESSION (B): Telecommunications and Multimedia
11:15 – 12:55 / Chair: Professor Allan FELS (TBC)
·  Mr. Kelvin KWOK, Assistant Professor at Law, University of Hong Kong and Barrister-at-Law, Des Voeux Chambers: 'Abuse of Dominance in the Hong Kong Television Sector: The TVB Case and its Implications for the New Competition Ordinance';
·  Dr. Dina KALLAY, Director, Competition & Intellectual Property, Ericsson: ‘When antitrust over-intervention renders anti-competitive results: One telecoms case study’;
·  Professor Liyang HOU, Professor and Assistant Dean, KoGuan Law School, Shanghai Jiao Tong University: 'When Competition Law Meets Telecom Regulation: the Chinese Context';
·  Professor Toshiaki TAKIGAWA, Kansai University: 'Competition-Law Application to Super Platforms with Strong Communicative Power: An Approach by the Japanese Competition Agency'
·  Ms. Stephanie WU, Partner, Hui Ye Law Firm: ‘Communications and Collusion - Should Competition Policy Evolve in the Digital Age?’
·  Mr. Knut FOURNIER, Hong Kong Competition Association: ‘Legalising the sharing economy: the link between consumer protection and smart regulation’
12:45 – 14:00 / Lunch

First Day – Afternoon Breakout

SESSION (C ): Bid-rigging
14:00-15:30 / Chair: Dr. Jonathan GALLOWAY (TBC)
·  Dr. Angus YOUNG, Senior Lecturer, Department of Accountancy & Law, Hong Kong Baptist University: 'Competition Law and Corruption in Hong Kong: Strange Bedfellows or Same Menace?';
·  Ms. Ploykaew PORANANOND, Chiang Mai University: ‘Combatting Corruption with Thailand Competition Law’;
·  Professor Dr. Ningrum SIRAIT, University of Sumatra Utara: ‘Competition and Corruption: Indonesia Experiences’
·  Ms. Winnie CHING, Competition Commission of Singapore: ‘The Interface Between Competition Law and Corruption in Singapore’
15:30-15:45 / Break
SESSION (D): Bid Rigging
15:45-17:30 / Chair: Professor Francisco MARCOS (TBC)
·  Dr. Steven VAN UYTSEL, Associate Professor, Kyushu University: 'Am I a Bid Rigger? How Bureaucrats Came within the Focus of Regulating Bid-Rigging in Japan';
·  Mr. Tam Thanh TRAN, Lecturer, Foreign Trade University and Mr. Giang Truong NGUYEN, Associate, EP Legal: ‘The Impact of Public Procurement Rules and The Administrative Practices of Public Procurers on Bid Rigging: The Case of Vietnam’;
·  Mr. KK SHARMA, KK Sharma Law Offices: ‘Competition and Corruption’
·  Mr. Jindrich KLOUB, Executive Director (Operations), Competition Commission (Hong Kong): ‘Bid-rigging under Hong Kong's competition ordinance’,’
SESSION (E) Transportation
14:00-15:30 / Chair: Mr. Hassan QAQAYA(TBC)
·  Mr. TRAN Viet Dung, Lecturer of Law, Ho Chi Minh University of Law: ‘Impacts of The Access to Airport Services and Other Air Supporting Services In Aviation’s Competition: A Case Study Of Vietnam’;
·  Dr. Wan Khatina NAWAWI, ‘Competition and communications—Interactions between competition law and sector regulations for the Malaysian aviation services market’;
·  Mr. Kentaro HIRAYAMA, Attorney at Law and Associate Professor, Tokyo University of Science: 'Protection or Pro-competition? - The Japan FTC's Report on LNG Trade’
15:30-15:45 / Break
SESSION (F) Mergers
15:45-17:30 / Chair: Mr. Knut FOURNIER (TBC)
·  Professor Deborah HEALEY, University of New South Wales: ‘Competition and nationalism in merger review: where does China fit?’;
·  Mr. Jeremy BERNARD, Partner, Gontier Bernard: ‘Merger Control and Protection of National Champions: The European Example’;
·  Mr. Alexandr SVETLICINII, Assistant Professor, University of Macau: ‘The Concepts of “Control” and “Single Economic Entity” Revisited: The Case Overseas Acquisitions of the Chinese State-Owned Enterprises in the European Union’

Second Day – Morning

8:30 – 9:00 / Registration
9:00-9:20 / Professor Mark Williams, Executive Director ACF
Information on post-graduate courses in Competition law and policy
SESSION (G): Bid Rigging – a Global Issue
9:20-10:45 / Chair: Mr. Hassan QAQAYA (TBC)
·  Prof. Alison JONES, King’s College London: ‘Developing A Pro-Competition Procurement Policy: Detecting, Deterring and Sanctioning Bid Rigging And Corruption In Public Procurement Markets’;
·  Ms. Yan Yu, RBB Economics: ‘Bid rigging: an economic perspective’
·  Mr. Hiroshi YAMADA, Japan Fair Trade Commission: ‘XXX’
·  Professor Michele CARPAGNANO, University of Trento and Partner Dentons Europe, Italy: ‘Bid rigging in the EU’
10:45– 11:00 / Break
SESSION (H): Due Process
11:00 – 12:30 / Chair: Dr. Dina KALLAY(TBC)
·  Professor Francisco MARCOS, IE Law School, Madrid: ‘Disagreements in competition: dissenting opinions in competition authorities’
·  Dr. Luu Huong LY, Deputy Head of Labour Law & Social Securities Division, Vietnam’s Ministry of Justice: ‘Vietnam: Towards a more effective competition law regime?
·  Mr. Timothy T. HUGHES, Counsel for SE Asia and Middle East, Federal Trade Commission: ‘Procedural Fairness as an Antidote to Corruption and Discriminatory Application of Competition Laws’
·  Mr. Philip MONAGHAN, Partner, O’Melveny & Myers LLP: ‘Privilege against self-incrimination in competition investigations: HK, EU, US’
12:30 – 14:00 / Lunch

Second Day – Afternoon

SESSION (I):Competitive Neutrality
14:00 – 15:30 / Chair: Mr. Timothy T. HUGHES (TBC)
·  Ms. Angayar Kanni RAMAIAH, University Technology MARA (Malaysia): 'Competition Neutrality in Malaysia: Challenges and Policy Options’;
·  Mr. David FRUITMAN, Regional Competition Counsel, Senior Consultant DFDL (Cambodia): ‘Lower Mekong Round-up’
·  Associate Professor Burton ONG, National University of Singapore: ‘Competition Law and National Competitiveness: A View from Singapore’
15:30 – 15:45 / Break
SESSION (J): Nationalism
15:45 – 17:20 / Chair: Professor Deborah Healey (TBC)
·  Ms. Kanoknai THAWONPHANIT, Lecturer, Thammasat University: ‘Fear of False Positive as Nationalism in Disguise: The Major Challenge to Thai Competition Law’;
·  Ms. Wendy NG, University of Melbourne: ‘China, Nationalism, Competition’;
·  Ms. Sita ZIMPEL, Principal Advisor, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH and Mr. Pierre HORNA, Legal Affairs Officer, United Nations Conference on Trade and Development: ‘Cross-border Competition Cooperation and Nationalism in the ASEAN Region’;
17:20 – 17:30 / Closing Address
Prof. Mark Williams
Executive Director, ACF