Leach Public Library
Board Monthly Meeting
Thursday, January 15th, 2015
4:00 PM
Meeting Minutes
Present: Chris DeVries, Mary Ruth Franzen, Judy Oren, Mary Schradick
Absent: Simone Sandberg
Also Present: Greta Guck
Oren called the meeting to order at 4:01 p.m.
Additions to Agenda- No additions were made to the agenda.
Minutes of December Board Meeting- DeVries moved and Schradick seconded to approve the December minutes. The motion passed 4-0.
Friends of the Library report- Guck stated that the ASK requests approved by the FOTL at their December meeting have been purchased.
Physical Plant: Library Updates project- Guck stated that the plaster work would begin on Monday, January 16th.
Library Operations
Monthly Report- Guck gave the board members a copy of the December 2014 monthly report.
Monthly Bills- Guck gave the board members a copy of the December 2014 library expenditures and financial report. Franzen suggested that budget funds left over at the end of the year could be allocated to fund additional projects.
Library Programs- Guck updated the board about upcoming Children’s programs, including the Winter Reading Program, Wild About Books.
i. As Seen on Pinterest- Guck stated she would like to hold a few craft programs this spring, under the title “As Seen on Pinterest.” She would like to hold two sessions per craft, one in the afternoon and one in the evening.
Old Business: Logo/Website Redesign launch- Guck stated that the website and logo have been launched.
2015 Library Goals/Newsletter- No new information was presented.
New Business: ALA Midwinter Meeting: Guck stated that she would be attending on behalf of NDLA.
L3ND- Guck presented a new opportunity coming to the state for libraries and literacy organizations. It is a program that will be presented by the group Library Strategies [St. Paul, MN] and the Minnesota Literacy Council. It is funded by the Otto Bremer Foundation. Guck would like to form a team with herself, Melissa Bakken, and Rachel Kercher. She also needs a community member, and asked if any board members would be interested.
President Oren adjourned the meeting at 4:43 p.m.
Respectfully submitted, Greta Guck
** The next meeting will be Thursday, February 26th at 4 p.m. **