Restoration of representation of Cornwall Education Unions on Education and Families Overview and Scrutiny
I have been notified of your petition by the Chief Executive’s Department who administer this process and been advised that, as per the Council’s petition scheme, it did not meet any specific threshold and can therefore be treated as an ordinary petition. As a result I have discussed this matter with the Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Children, Education and Families Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Councillors Pollard and Clark respectively). In so doing I carried out research of the historical situation and was able to advise them of the previous decision made by the former Children, Young People and Family Services Policy Development and Scrutiny Committee in March 2008. At that time the Committee had a working group in place and part of its remit was to consider the representation of teachers on the Committee. This included a review of the practice at other Councils; the interaction that occurs with the unions; a history of teaching representation both on the Committee at the time and on previous Committees that had been in operation at the Council and the statutory obligations of the Committee in terms of educational representation on the Committee. As a result the Group recommended, and the full Committee approved the recommendation not to appoint to the posts of teacher representatives on the Committee.
As you will also no doubt be aware, the responsibilities of the current Committee are broad ranging, covering policy development and scrutiny of not only primary and secondary education and schools but also Children’s Services; Integrated Youth Service; Student Services; Family services; Health (Children’s); Social Care (Children’s) and Adult Education. Therefore, given this remit and the need to ensure appropriate and fair representation in all areas it is considered that the Committee’s previous decision stands. However, this should not preclude you from making any views you have known to Members and there are a variety of means for you to do so including submitting questions or statements to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee, the Cabinet or Council as you see appropriate; raising matters through the CASH and CAPH representatives on the Overview and Scrutiny Committee; raising issues with your local Councillor or through raising matters through the appropriate unions.
The Council is currently in the process of conducting a review of its governance arrangements as a result of the Localism Act 2011 and this also has a bearing on this decision as, in due course, its Members will need to take a decision on whether it continues with its existing governance arrangements of Cabinet/Scrutiny, returns to the Committee system or adopts prescribed arrangements. The latter would need to be approved by the Secretary of State. At this stage therefore, a further review of representation on the Committees would be inappropriate as the composition and structure of the future governance arrangements is unknown and may be subject to change.
I trust this is helpful.
Anita Searby
Democratic Services Manager and Scrutiny Officer
Democratic Services
Cornwall Council
Tel: 01872 322140
Room 300, County Hall, Treyew Road, Truro, TR1 3AY
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