Student Services Directors’ Meeting – June 22, 2005
Wednesday – June 22nd, 2005 § 10:00 A.M. – 12 noon
Administration Building (1000) – Central Conference Room
PRESENT (Names of individuals attending 06/22/05 meeting are in bold):
Ken Burrus (Athletic/Intramural Programs), Cathy Chun (Diversity & Student Success),
Tony Costa (Professional/Technical Programs), Matt DeGooyer (International Program),
Paulette Graham (Parent/Child Center), Mariko Kakiuchi (CEO Program),
Kristi Kallander (Financial Aid), Jeff Omalanz-Hood (Diversity & Student Success),
Scott Saunders (Student Programs), Mary Segle (Women’s Athletic Commissioner),
Zakiya Stewart (Student Services), Yvonne Terrell-Powell (Academic Advising & Counseling), Kim Thompson (Special Services), Lori Yonemitsu (Student Services),
Robin Young (Enrollment Services)
I. CHECK-IN (One Item)
§Start of the quarter!!!!
(Handout: Topic Areas for Shoreline Springboard Sessions)
§Springboard—this will be the term utilized by the Student Services Division for orientation related activities.
Zakiya stated that the first modality of Shoreline Springboard (the Immersion/Simulation Model) is set to occur first. The other modalities (Sessions During the Academic Quarter; Challenge Test; Online; Handbook/Independent Study) will be “phased in.”
Zakiya noted that in the interim, the counselors are holding group sessions with students, assisting students with registration (referred to as advising)—very similar to the way in which sessions were done last summer. The Student Services Division continues to develop its piece in relation to Shoreline Springboard.
Cathy is looking at dates after Labor Day (& before the start of the fall quarter) for the launch of the Springboard’s Immersion/Simulation activity & anticipates that there is room to schedule twelve 1-hour sessions. Students will benefit from having individuals present information from across Student Services (& across the campus).
Jamie Ardeña, Holly Klingman, Jeff Omalanz-Hood & Esther Pineiro-Hall will be attending a workshop related to developing learning outcomes. They will be using Shoreline Springboard as their project, utilizing the results to benefit our students.
Cathy asked Directors to share the handout with staff in their areas in order for staff to identify a topic or topics of interest where he/she can be involved in developing &/or presenting materials in relation to the Shoreline Springboard sessions. Cathy noted that the topic or topics do not have to be “within one’s area.” Zakiya added that this is a good opportunity for members of the campus community to share or build on their expertise & that students could be involved in the development & presenting of sessions as well.
Mariko asked if there would be funding to pay Associate Faculty to facilitate some of the sessions. Cathy asked the group for names of persons who might be interested in one or more of the topics.
Cathy will be on vacation, returning to campus on July 20th. If there are questions about the Shoreline Springboard sessions, contact Jeff Omalanz-Hood. If there are other ideas for topics, let Cathy know.
Please return completed Shoreline Springboard topic areas form(s) to Jeff Omalanz-Hood by Friday, July 8th.
(Handout: Recruiting Report 2004-2005 – Draft)
§Jeff provided an overview of the Recruiting Report generated by the Office of Diversity & Student Success. The report contains the following:
I. Introduction
II. 2004 – 2005 Recruiting Events
Number of Events
Effectiveness of Recruiting Events
A. Events at High Schools
B. The National College Fair
C. High School Counselor and Career Staff Breakfast Conference
Inquiry Conversion and Application Yield
III. Improvements Needed
IV. 2005 – 2006 Recruiting Plan
Situation Analysis
A. Issues to Be Resolved
B. Possible Areas for Growth
1. Market Penetration
2. Market Development
Planning Assumptions
Enrollment Goals
Key Enrollment Strategies
RE Inquiry Conversion & Application Yield
Although our enrollment has decreased, the number of applications received has remained stable.
Tony acknowledged the team in the Office of Diversity & Student Success for their hard work (overall & on the Recruiting Report) & noted that the report supports the division’s ability to move forth with its plans. Tony also mentioned that our presence in the high schools is critical.
Jeff asked that whenever Shoreline Community College personnel attend events, to inform Colleen Perrault so that their office can track points of contact with prospective students.
Zakiya asked that Directors make copies (stamped with ‘DRAFT’) of the Recruiting Report for members of their staff & to get feedback to Jeff in relation to the report by July 13th.
(Handout: PUB Transition Planning Notes from June 3, 2005)
§Scott listed areas that need to be included when we look at a transition plan related to the remodeling of the PUB:
-Office Space, workroom, storage – Programming Council*
-Program Areas (events, etc.) – Mariko, Paulette, Robin, Yvonne*
-Study Areas/Lounge – Ken, Tony*
*Zakiya asked for those present to specify an area of interest from the list Scott identified. Scott felt that the members of the Programming Council should have ownership around office space, the workroom & storage. Zakiya asked that each pair or group generate a drawing (or a creative representation) that will show where the temporary location for that area would be & what it would look like. “Given what you’ve chosen, how will that best serve students?” An opportunity to view the drawings: the July 13th Student Services Directors’ meeting.
How do we want to provide services to students? How are we going to communicate this to the students while the PUB is down? We have to do this transition plan from the mindset of providing access to services for students—what are the implications for students in relation to the remodeling of the PUB?
What are we going to do in regarding large events?
Cathy noted that we might need to shift our thinking away from needing ‘X’ amount of square footage to temporarily house the services in the PUB & consider creating mobile units—taking the services into the campus community.
(Handout: Student Club Advisors 5222 – Draft)
§Scott shared draft of Policy 5222 (Student Club Advisors) that contains proposed revisions made on May 31, 2005. Of note: looking at parity in stipends; correlation with the faculty contract.
Zakiya asked Directors to share the draft with their staff & provide any feedback in relation to the draft, to Scott.
There were requests to discuss Shoreline Springboard, the Recruitment Plan & Policy 5222 in further detail at the August 10th Student Services Directors’ meeting.
§Moved to July 13th meeting – agenda item #3
a. Time with Jennifer
§Zakiya asked that Directors each spend 30 minutes with Jennifer Bacon, the incoming Director of Financial Aid before July 13th (if possible) by scheduling a date & time through Lori.
b. Directors’ Retreat
§Last year, there was a 1-day Student Services Directors’ Retreat. Zakiya would like to arrange for a retreat in either August or September (before the quarter begins) with a focus on:
Where are we?
What is happening in the President’s Leadership Team
New directions
~Meeting adjourned at 11:56 pm ~
Submitted by Lori Y. Yonemitsu
Draft: June 28, 2005
Final: July 1, 2005