7th CNHUPO Annual Congress & 3rd International Forum of Proteomics
Plenary Lecture Program
2011-4-15Time / Speaker and Title
Chair: He Fuchu
10:00-10:40 / Chen Zhu
Professor and Honorary Director, Shanghai Institute of Hematology, Rui-Jin Hospital affiliated to Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine; Minister of Health, China
Title: Systems Biomedicine: East Meets West
10:40-11:20 / John R. Yates
Professor of Chemical Physiology, Department of Chemical Physiology, Co-director of NHLBI Proteomics Center at UCLA, The Scripps Research Institute, USA
Title:Using Mass Spectrometry to Understand Protein Misfolding Diseases
11:20-12:00 / Zheng Shusen
Professor, General Surgery & Organ Transplantation, College of Medicine, Zhejiang University, China
Title:The Application of Proteomics Techniques in Liver Cancer Research
Chair: Duan Huilong
16:30-17:10 / He Fuchu
Professor, China State Key Laboratory of Proteomics; Beijing Proteome Research Center; Beijing Institute of Radiation Medicine, China
Title:Bioinformatics: the Daemon of Proteomics
17:10-17:50 / Rolf Apweiler
Senior Scientist, Joint Head of the Protein and Nucleotide Data (Panda) Group, EMBL-European Bioinformatics Institute (EBI), British
Title:Databases for Life Scientists: UniProt and Beyond
17:50-18:30 / Gilbert S. Omenn
Professor of Internal Medicine, Human Genetics, and Public Health and Director of the Center for Computational Medicine & Bioinformatics and the Proteomics Alliance for Cancer Research at the University of Michigan, USA
Title:Alternative Splice Variants as a New Class of Protein Cancer Biomarker Candidates in Plasma and Tissue—with links to the Human Plasma PeptideAtlas
Time / Speaker and Title
Chair: Gilbert S. Omenn
08:00-08:30 / Henry Rodriguez
Director, Office of Cancer Clinical Proteomics Research (OCCPR), National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health, USA
Title: A New Cancer Proteomics Pipeline: Connecting Genomics with Proteomics
08:30-09:00 / Christopher M Overall
Professor, Canada Research Chair in Metalloproteinase Biology, Department of Oral Biological & Medical Sciences Faculty of Dentistry; Associate Member, Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology; UBC Centre for Blood Research, University of British Columbia, Canada
Title:Traveling to the Ends of the Proteome World. Positional N-terminal and C-terminal Proteomics Deciphers Protein Terminal and Proteolytic Post-Translational Modifications in Complex Proteomes in Vivo
09:00-09:30 / Daniel W. Chan
Director, Clinical Chemistry Division and Co-Director, Pathology Core Lab; Director, Center for Biomarker Discovery, Johns Hopkins University, USA
Title:Clinical Proteomics: Strategies for Cancer Biomarker Discovery and Translation
Chair: Rolf Apweiler
16:30-17:00 / Qin Jun
Professor, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology, Baylor College of Medicine,USA
Director, Beijing Proteome Research Center, China
Title: Analysis of the Endogenous Regulatory Human Complexome
17:00-17:30 / Lokesh Joshi
Stokes Professor of GlycoSciences, National University of Ireland, Galway
Title:Importance of Glycomics in the Omics Era
17:30-18:00 / Amos Bairoch
Professor of Bioinformatics, Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics and University of Geneva, Swiss
Title:neXtProt, the New Human Protein Knowledge Resource, Current Status and Future Developments
Time / Speaker and Title
Chair: Ping Peipei
08:00-08:30 / Pothur Srinivas
Program Director, Division of Cardiovascular Sciences, National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, National Institutes of Health, USA
Title: Opportunities that Proteomics Provides for Understanding Cardiovascular Diseases
08:30-09:00 / Catherine E. Costello
Professor of Biochemistry, Biophysics and Chemistry at Boston University School of Medicine, USA
Title:Oxidative Modifications Associated with Systemic Metabolic Disorders as Early Predictors of Cardiovascular Disease
09:00-09:30 / Jennifer Van Eyk
Professor of Medicine, Biological Chemistry and Biomedical Engineering, Johns Hopkins University, USA
Title:Strategy for Biologically Relevant Biomarkers: Lessons from Myocardial Ischemia
Chair:Mark S. Baker
14:00-14:40 / Mathias Uhlen
Professor of Microbiology at the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Sweden
Title:Towards a Knowledge-based Human Protein Atlas
14:40-15:20 / Zhang Yukui
Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
Title:Novel separation and identification techniques for proteomic study - from qualitative to quantitative analysis
15:20-16:00 / Rao Zihe
Professor of Structural Biology, Tsinghua University, China
Title:Structure and Function of the Coronavirus Replication and Transcription Machinery
Time / Speaker and Title
Chair: Qin Jun
16:30-17:10 / Mark S. Baker
Profesor of Proteomics in the Dept. Chemistry & Biomolecular Sciences at Macquarie University, Australia
Title:Colorectal Cancer Membrane Interactomics and Metastasis
17:10-17:50 / ZhangXuemin
Professor, NationalCenter of Biomedical Analysis, China
Title:Unravelling the Roles of Cell Cycle Related Proteins in Inflammation andTumorigenesis
17:50-18:30 / Ping Peipei
Professor, University of California, Los Angeles, USA
Title: The COPa Library: A Proteome Knowledgbase for Cardiovascular Biology and Medicine
Parallel Sessions Program
2011-4-15 14:00-16:00第一世界厅The First World Hall
Symposium 1:Protein Degradation Pathways
Chairs:Lan Huang Mayor Thibault
Time / Speaker and Title
14:00-14:30 / Lan Huang
University of California, USA
Title:Exploring Structural Dynamics of the COP9 Signalosome Complex Using Proteomic Approaches
14:30-15:00 / MayorThibault
University of British Columbia, Canada
Title: Heat-shock Reveals Common Features in Misfolded Proteins and a New Hul5 Ubiquitin Ligase QC Pathway
15:00-15:20 / Li Xi
Shandong University School of Medicine, China
Title: CUL4B Ubiquitin Ligase Targets Peroxiredoxin III for Degradation
15:20-15:40 / Sun Huying
Beijing Institute of Genomics, China
Title: Study on the Cleavage Characteristic and Substrate Specificity of Human Cathepsin D
15:40-16:00 / Eric Dammer
Emory University, USA
Title: Polyubiquitin Linkage Profiles in Models of Proteolytic Stress Suggest Alzheimer Disease Etiology
2011-4-15 14:00-16:00
Symposium 2: Functional Proteomics
Chairs:Li Jianjun & Ye Qinong
Time / Speaker and Title
14:00-14:20 / Li Jianjun
National Research of Council of Canada, Canada
Title:Targeted Glycomics by Selected Reaction Monitoring for Highly Sensitive Glycan Compositional Analysis
14:20-14:40 / Cheng Zhongyi
The University of Chicago, USA
Title: Initial Characterization of the Histone Lysine Butyrylation Pathway
14:40-15:00 / Sun Xuesong
Jinan University, China
Title: Metalloproteomic Study on the Effects of Metal Ion Depletion on Streptococcus Pneumoniae
15:00-15:20 / Ye Qinong
Beijing Institute of Biotechnology, China
Title: Cross-talk between Connective Tissue Growth Factor and Estrogen Receptor Signaling Pathways
15:20-15:40 / Jiang Ying
Beijing Proteome Research Center, China
Title: The RefinedExpression Profiling of Liver Proteome
15:40-16:00 / Ming Dengming
Fudan University, China
Title: Inferring Protein Functional Sites: a SCOP-domain Based Dynamics Perturbation Analysis Method
2011-4-15 14:00-16:00
创意城厅Creative City
Symposium 3:Disease Proteomics
Chairs: He Qingyu & Zhao Xiaohang
Time / Speaker and Title
14:00-14:20 / He Qingyu
Jinan University, China
Title: Identification of Potential Drug Targets in Cancer Cells by Proteomics
14:20-14:40 / Ma Qiang
Southern Medical University, China
Title: The Role of Peroxiredoxin 4 in Tumor Prognosis of Colorectal Cancer
14:40-15:00 / Deng Zhiping
Zhejiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences, China
Title: Unraveling Environmental Signaling Pathways in Arabidopsis Using Two-Dimensional Difference Gel Electrophoresis and Tandem Mass Spectrometry
15:00-15:20 / Zhao Xiaohang
Cancer Institute & Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, China
Title: More Active Glycolytic Pathway in Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma
15:20-15:40 / Zeng Guqing
Xiangya Hospital, Central South University, China
Title: Proteome Analysis of Human Bronchial Epithelial Carcinogenesis Using iTRAQ-labeling and Multidimensional Liquid Chromatography and Tandem Mass Spectrometry
15:40-16:00 / Liu Hong
FuWai Hospital and Cardiovascular Institute, Peking Union Medical College and Chinese Academy of Medical Science, China
Title:Proteomic Analysis of High-density Lipoprotein in Chinese Patients with Coronary Heart Disease using Two-Dimensional Difference Gel Electrophoresis
2011-4-15 14:00-16:00
Symposium 4:Post-Translational Modifications
Chairs: Wang Yinsheng & Zou Hanfa
Time / Speaker and Title
14:00-14:20 / Wang Yinsheng
University of California at Riverside, USA
Title:Chemical Biology for Functional Proteomics Studies
14:20-14:40 / He Junxian
The Chinese University of Hong Kong, China
Title: Comparative Proteomic and Phosphoproteomic Studies of Nitrogen Response in Arabidopsis
14:40-15:00 / Li Yan
Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, USA
Title: A Mass Spectrometry-based Glycomic Characterization of Glycoproteins in Prostate Cancer Tissue
15:00-15:20 / Zou Hanfa
Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
Title:Development of Technology and Methods for Large-Scale Analysis of Protein Post-translational Modifications
15:20-15:40 / Ying Wantao
Beijing Proteome Research Center, China
Title:Site-specific Quantification of Protein Core-fucosylation by Isotope Incorporation and SRM-MS
15:40-16:00 / Jiang Jianhai
Medical College of Fudan University,China
Title: Analysis of CD133 glycoprotein by biotin acylation lectin
2011-4-16 10:00-12:00
第一世界厅The First World Hall
Symposium 5:Technology: Quantification
Chairs: WangRong Zeng Rong
Time / Speaker and Title
10:00-10:30 / Wang Rong
Mount Sinai School of Medicine, USA
Title:MALDI-TOF/TOF-MS in Quantitative Proteomics
10:30-11:00 / Zeng Rong
Shanghai Institutes for Biological Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
Title:Multi-modulation between Protein Phosphorylation and Gene Transcription Revealed by Systems-wide Analysis
11:00-11:20 / Xie Hongwei
National University of Defense Technology, China
Title:LFQuant: A Fast Tool for Label Free Quantitative Mass Spectrometry Data Processing in Large Scale Proteomic Research
11:20-11:40 / Deng Chunhui
Fudan University, China
Title:Synthesis of Fe3O4@SiO2@PMMA Core–Shell–Shell Magnetic Microspheres for Highly Efficient Enrichment of Peptides and Proteins for MALDI-ToF MS Analysis
11:40-12:00 / George Wang
Sr. Director, AS, Fomulation and Quality, Genor BioPharma Co., Ltd, Members of Wison Group
Title:Protein Biologics Characterization Using HPLC-chip Liquid Chromatography Mass Spectrometry
2011-4-16 10:00-12:00
Symposium 6 : Proteomics Database, New Arithmetic and New Software
Chairs: Li Yixue & Xie Lu
Time / Speaker and Title
10:00-10:20 / Li Yixue
Shanghai Institute for Biological Sciences, CAS, China
Title:Evolution and Function of Protein Phosphorylation
10:20-10:40 / Lin Chenwei
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, USA
Title:Developing a High Throughput Mass Spectrometry-Based Pipeline for Biomarker Verification
10:40-11:00 / Zhang Jiyang
National University of Defense Technology, China
Title:Peak Detection and Calibration in High Accuracy MS Spectra
11:00-11:20 / Xie Lu
Shanghai Center for Bioinformation Technology, China
Title:Cellular Signal Recognition and Transduction Patterns Deciphered by Membrane Signaling Receptor Distribution and Intracellular Response Contexts Similarity
11:20-11:40 / Shao Wenguang
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology,China
Title:A Novel De-noising Method for Spectral Library in Peptide Identification from Tandem Mass Spectrometry
11:40-12:00 / Ye Mingliang
Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, China
Title:Elucidation of Kinase Substrate Relationship by Proteomics Approaches
2011-4-16 10:00-12:00
创意城厅Creative City
Symposium 7 : Disease Proteomics
Chairs: Xiao Zhiqiang & Tao Tao
Time / Speaker and Title
10:00-10:20 / Xiao Zhiqiang
Xiangya Hospital, Central South University,China
Title:Targeted Proteomic Analysis of 14-3-3 σ in Human NasopharyngealCarcinoma
10:20-10:40 / Huang Canhua
Sichuan University, China
Title: Functional Proteomics Screening for Novel Drug Targets
10:40-11:00 / Qiu Jie
Qilu Hospital of Shandong University,China
Title: Profilin-1 Contributes to Vascular Remolding during Hypertension Development in Spontanous Hypertensive Rats Revealed by Proteomic Study
11:00-11:20 / Tao Tao
XiamenUniversity School of Life Sciences, China
Title:Phosphorylation of Serine 158 in Proteasome Beta1 Subunit Regulates Its Conversion from Proteasomal Assembly to Direct Degradation of Non-ubiquitylated p27kip1
11:20-11:40 / Wei Xuyong
First Affiliated Hospital, Zhejiang University School of Medicine,China
Title: Identification of Two Portal Vein Tumor Thrombosis Associated Proteins in Hepatocellular Carcinoma: Protein Disulfide-isomerase A6 and Apolipoprotein A-Ⅰ
11:40-12:00 / Song Peiming
Zhejiang University, China
Title:Application of MRM-based Targeted Proteomics to Colorectal Cancer Research
2011-4-16 10:00-12:00
Symposium 8: Proteomics Model System, Plant, Animal and Microbiology
Chairs: Lai Ren Pan Yinghong
Time / Speaker and Title
10:00-10:20 / Lai Ren
Kunming Institute of Zoology, CAS, China
Title:Skin Defensive Proteomics of the Tree Frog
10:20-10:40 / Feng Mao
Institute of Apicultural Research, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Science, China
Title:Proteomic Analysis of Honeybee (Apis mellifera L.) Pupae Head Development
10:40-11:00 / Dai Shaojun
Northeast Forestry University, China
Title:Salt-responsive Mechanisms in the Plant Root Revealed by Proteomic Analyses
11:00-11:20 / Pan Yinghong
Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, China
Title:Synthesis and chromatographic purification of epitope peptides and tryptic peptides of several stripe rust resistance associated proteins in wheat
11:20-11:40 / Zhong Boxiong
Zhejiang University, China
Title:Expression Profiling and Regulation of Genes Related to Silkworm Posterior Silk Gland Development and Fibroin Synthesis
11:40-12:00 / Fang Yu
Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, China
Title:Comparative Proteomic Analysis of Drone embryogenesis between High Royal Jelly Producing Bees and Italian Bees (Apis mellifera L.)
2011-4-16 14:00-16:00
Symposium 9: Functional Proteomics
Chairs: Cheng XiaodongSu Bing
Time / Speaker and Title
14:00-14:20 / Cheng Xiaodong
University of Texas Medical Branch, USA
Title:Dissecting Oncogenic RAS-mediated Tumorigenesis by Functional Proteomics
14:20-14:40 / Li Lei
UT MD Anderson Cancer Center,USA
Title:INO80 Chromatin Remodeling Promotes the Removal of UV Lesions by the Excision Repair Pathway
14:40-15:00 / Liu Siqi
Beijing Institute of Genomics, Chinese Academy of Science, China
Title: Quantitative Proteomics towards the Protein Family Members in Cancer Cell Lines using MRM
15:00-15:20 / Su Bing
Yale University, USA
Title:Functions of the TORC2 Complex
15:20-15:40 / Li Jianke
Institute of Apicultural Research, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Science, China
Title:Antennae Proteome Comparison of Sexual Mature Drone and Forager Honeybees
15:40-16:00 / Wang Tong
Jinan University, China
Title: Functional and Quantitative Proteomic Analysis of Mitochondria of Lung Cancer A549 Cells in EMT
2011-4-16 14:00-16:00
创意城厅Creative City
Symposium 10: Role of Proteomics in Translational Medicine
Chair: Wei Qingyi & Tian Yaping
Time / Speaker and Title
14:00-14:20 / Wei Qingyi
The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, USA
Title:Cell Cycle-related Protein Expression Predicts DNA Repair Phenotype in Peripheral Lymphocytes-an Approach of Reverse-phase Protein Lysate Microarray Assay for Cancer Risk Assessment
14:20-14:40 / Cao Hong
Southern Medical University, China
Title:Polyphosphate Kinase-1 is Involved In Invading Human Brain Microvascular Endothelial Cells by Regulating TnaA in Meningitic Escherichia Coli K1
14:40-15:00 / Liu Shilian
School of Medicine, Shandong University, China
Title:The Role and Mechanism Research of DBP in MS based on Proteomics
15:00-15:20 / Tian Yaping
301 hospital, China
Title:The Studies on HBV Infection Induced Specific Serum Peptidome Profiling by MALDI-TOF-MS Analysis
15:20-15:40 / Fu Zhixuan
Zhejiang University, China
Title:Secretome Cancer Validation of Biomarkers in with MRM-based Target Proteomics
15:40-16:00 / Li Jintao
Third Military Medical University, China
Title:Cyclophilin A Protected the Host Cell Against Rotavirus Infection
2011-4-16 14:00-16:00
Symposium11 : Young Investigator Award Competition
Chairs: Xu Ping Liu Siqi
Time / Speaker and Title
14:00-14:10 / Zhang Ju
Beijing Institute of Genomics, Chinese Academy of Science, China
Title: Involvement of BAG2 in c-Myc Suppression Induced Cell Senescence
14:10-14:20 / Nie Aiying
Fudan University, China
Title:In Vivo Termini Amino Acid Labeling for Quantitative Proteomics
14:20-14:30 / Yang Dong
Beijing Proteome Research Center, China
Title:Regular Patterns for the Selective Expression of Genome Characterized by Protein Domain Architecture
14:30-14:40 / Wang Fangjun
Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Science, China
Title:Hippocampus Proteins Quantification and Interaction Analysis of Transgenic Mouse Encoded with Double Mutant form of Amyloid Precursor Protein 695
14:40-14:50 / Zi Jin
Beijing Institute of Genomics, Chinese Academy of Science, China
Title:Dynamic Responses of the Rice Embryo Proteomes to Embryogenesis: the Proteomic Analysis to the Embryogenesis-Dependent Globulins
Time / Speaker and Title
14:50-15:00 / Jin Guangzhi
Fudan University, Shanghai, China
Title:Identification of a New Set of Immunohistochemical Biomarkers for Classification of Dysplastic Nodules and Small Hepatocellular Carcinoma
15:00-15:10 / Yang Bing
National Institute of Biological Sciences, China
Title:An Integrated High-throughput Workflow for Identification of Crosslinked Peptides from Complex Samples
15:10-15:20 / Tong Wei
Beijing Proteome Research Center, China
Title:Preparation of a Multi-layer Open Tubular Capillary Column Based Immobilized Enzyme Reactor and Its Application in Digestion of Proteins
15:20-15:30 / Chen Zhen
Beijing Institute of Genomics, Chinese Academy of Science, China
Title:Studying on the Thermal-stress Responsive Proteomes in Thermoanaerobacter Tengcongensis with iTRAQ Approach
15:30-15:40 / Yuan Huiming
Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Science, China
Title:An Integrated Device with Combination of Protein Denaturation, Reduction, Desalting and on-column Digestion for High Throughput Pretreatment of Proteins
15:40-15:50 / Ding Chen
Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas, USA
Title:Application of qConCAT on Measuring Stoichiometry of Protein Complex and Quantification of Mouse Lipid Droplet Proteins
15:50-16:00 / Li Xianyu
Beijing Proteome Research Center, China
Title:Core Fucosylated Glycoproteome Profiling of Secretory Proteins from Human Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cells
2011-4-17 10:00-12:00
第一世界厅The First World Hall
Symposium 12 : Technology: Seperation and Protein Array
Chairs: Yang Pengyuan TaoShengce
Time / Speaker and Title
10:00-10:20 / Tao Shengce
Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China
Title:Protein Microarrays for Systems Biology and Systems Biomedicine
10:20-10:40 / Xu Danke
Nanjing University, China
Title:Development of Multiplexed Microarray Binding Assay for Agonists and Antagonists of the Estrogen Receptor
10:40-11:00 / Hu Zhiyuan
Beijing Proteome Research Center, China
Title: Novel Liver Injury Biomarkers and Label-free Protein Chips
11:00-11:20 / Yang Pengyuan
Fudan University, China
Title: Comprehensive Transcriptome and Proteome of Metastatic versus Non-metastatic HBV-traceable HCCs Reveals a Pro- invasive micro-environment
11:20-11:40 / Zhang Yangjun
Beijing Proteome Research Center, China
Title:Application of Multi-layer Open Tubular Capillary Columns Coated with Zirconium Phosphonate into the Enrichment of Phosphopeptides and Their Identification by Mass Spectrometry
11:40-12:00 / Swart Remco
Dionex Corporation Amsterdam, Netherlands
Title:Utilizing Nano UHPLC to Maximize Peptide and Protein Identification Results
2011-4-17 10:00-12:00
Symposium 13: Chemical Proteomics and Drug Discovery
Chairs: Li Min & Wang Fuyi
Time / Speaker and Title
10:00-10:20 / Li Min
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, USA
Title:Drugs, Ion Channels and Proteome – When Chemical Diversity Meets the Less Explored Protein Classes
10:20-10:40 / Chan Pui Hei
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, China
Title: 1H-NMR Metabonomics Analysis of Danggui Buxue Tang effects in HEK293T kidney Cell Lines
10:40-11:00 / He Gu
Sichuan University, China
Title:Preparation of a Series of Novel Peptide-PEG-drug Conjugates for Small-molecule Bioactive Compound Target Profiling
11:00-11:20 / Wang Fuyi
Institute of Chemistry, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
Title:Investigation on Interactions of Metal-based Anticancer Agents with Serum Proteins by Mass Spectrometry
11:20-11:40 / Hu Lianghai
Biochem Dept, Purdue Univ
Title:Drug Target Discovery in Vitro and in Living Systems by Soluble Nanopolymer-based Proteomics
11:40-12:00 / Sun Bin
Jinan University, China
Title:Identification of Targets of Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitor Genistein by Chemical Proteomics
2011-4-17 10:00-12:00
创意城厅Creative City
Symposium 14: Disease Proteomics
Chairs: Peng Xuanxian & He Kun
Time / Speaker and Title
10:00-10:20 / Peng Xuanxian
Sun Yat-sen University, China
Title:Differential Regulation of OmpC and OmpF by OmpR/EnvZ and CpxA/CpxR in Response to Nalidixic Acid and Chlortetracycline in E. coli
10:20-10:40 / Jin Hong
Fudan University, China
Title:Comparative Proteomic Analysis of Drug Trichosanthin Addition to BeWo Cell Line
10:40-11:00 / Wei Kaihua
Beijing Proteome Research Center, China
Title: A Strategy for Peptidomic Marker Candidate Verification Using Peptide Antibodies and MALDI-TOF-MS
11:00-11:20 / Chen Ping
Hunan Normal University, Changsha, China
Title: Quantitative Proteome Analysis of Cell Surface Proteins Involved in Astrocytic Differentiation of Neural Stem Cells by SILAC Labeling Coupled with LC-MS/MS
11:20-11:40 / Hong Wenxu
Shenzhen Centre for Disease Control and Prevention, China
Title: Altered Interactions between eEF1As and SET in Trichloroethylene-treated Human L-02 Liver Cells
11:40-12:00 / Li Liping
Jinan University, China
Title:Effect of RNAi Targeting CLIC1 on the Physiological Function of Lung Adenocarcinoma Cells
2011-4-17 10:00-12:00
Symposium 15: Post-Translational Modifications
Chairs: Andi(Weiguo) Tao Shiaw-Lin (Billy) Wu
Time / Speaker and Title
10:00-10:20 / Andi(Weiguo) Tao
Purdue University, IN, USA
Title:Novel Proteomic Tools to Study Molecular Signaling
10:20-10:40 / Zhao Shimin
Fudan University, China
Title:Acetylation Regulates Gluconeogenesis by Promoting PEPCK1 Degradation via Recruiting the UBR5 Ubiquitin Ligase
10:40-11:00 / Xu Ping
Beijing Proteome Research Center, China
Title:Systematical Optimization of Gel-LC-MS/MS Platform for Shotgun Proteomics Analysis of Liver Proteome
11:00-11:20 / Shiaw-Lin (Billy) Wu
Northeastern University, USA
Title:Characterization of IgG Subclass with Fc Glycosylation in Infectious and Autoimmune Diseases using LC-MS with Proteomic Approach
11:20-11:40 / Li Zheng
Northwest University, China
Title: High-throughput Screening, Isolation and Analysis for Mannose-binding Proteins
11:40-12:00 / Tan Minjia
The University of Chicago, Chicago, USA
Title:Identification and Verification of Lysine Succinylation as a Novel in-vivo Protein Post-Translational Modification