Towards Future Industries: Victoria’s Automotive Transition Plan

The Andrews Labor Government’s Towards Future Industries: Victoria’s Automotive Transition Plan will support workers, communities and businesses affected by the closure of large scale passenger car manufacturing in the state.

Under our $46.5 million plan, we will help Victorian workers, communities and businesses meet the challenges ahead and embrace a new future.

A $5 million Automotive Supply Chain Transition Program will help businesses get the expert advice they need to identify opportunities in other markets, and develop strategies to make the most of them. Skills and Jobs Centres being established across the Victorian TAFE network will assist retrenched workers through new training and employment opportunities.

Automotive supply chain workers in the south-east will benefit from a new $8.4 million South-East Automotive Transition skills program, while businesses employing retrenched workers will be eligible to receive a one-off payment of up to $7,000.

Communities hit the hardest by departing automotive companies will be supported to attract investment and create new jobs for local workers. The new $33 million Local Industry Fund for Transition will support communities in Melbourne’s North, South-East and West, and the Geelong Region.

The Plan builds on the Andrews Labor Government’s current flagship funding initiatives:

•$200 million Future Industries Fund, including the Future Industries Manufacturing Program

•$508 million Premier’s Jobs and Investment Fund

•$100 million Back to Work scheme

•$320 million investment in TAFEs

•$22 billion infrastructure investment program

•$500 million Regional Jobs and Infrastructure Fund.

Automotive Supply Chain Transition Program

The Andrews Labor Government is assisting automotive supply chain companies through this transition period to retain critical industry capability and skills that can contribute to Victoria’s continuing prosperity.

The new $5 million Automotive Supply Chain Transition Program provides eligible automotive businesses with access to specialist business services valued at up to $71,000 to assist them to identify, design and implement strategies to transition into new sectors and markets.

Who can apply

Applications are open to Victorian based automotive supply chain companies who derive at least 20 per cent of their revenue from supplying new car manufacturing by the three local car manufacturers (Ford, Holden and Toyota) and their supply chain.

Assistance available

Business Transition Plan

Eligible supply chain companies can receive support valued at $16,000 to work with an independent BusinessSpecialist to develop a Business Transition Plan. The Business Transition Plan will identify future opportunities and assistance required to implement business transition activities.

Business Transition Services

Following development of a Business Transition Plan, supply chain companies may receive support valued at up to $55,000 to work with Business Specialists on business transition activities identified in their plan, such as:

•new product development

•business matching

•assistance withmanagement skills

•sales and marketing strategies

•financial management

•market access activities.

Merger Advisory Services

Support valued at up to $10,000 may be provided where a business merger has been identified in the Business Transition Plan as the appropriate course of action to maximise retention of industry capability and jobs. This may include advice for activities such as business valuations, asset valuations and registers, due diligence, leasehold premise obligations and other strategic management concerns.

How to apply

All applications must be submitted via the Business Victoria website (business.vic.gov.au/asctp).


The Automotive Supply Chain Transition Program Guidelines provide details regarding eligibility and assessment criteria, required documentation and information on how to apply.

Contact us

For further information, including the ASCTP Guidelines, visit or call Business Victoria on 13 22 15.