/ Bureau of Air Quality
Registration Permit Application
Fuel Combustion Operations Instructions
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If you have any questions while filling out this application form, please contact the Bureau of Air Quality, Engineering Services Division by calling (803) 898-4123.

Submit one signed (in blue ink) hard copy to the following address:

Engineering Services Division Director

Bureau of Air Quality

2600 Bull Street

Columbia, South Carolina, 29201

If the facility is making modifications at the facility, information on all existing sources will need to be included in the application and will need to be resubmitted. All information requested on this form should be completely filled out. The applicant should also keep a copy of the completedregistration permit application – Fuel Combustion Operations package in their records on site for use by the facility's air permit contact when answering technical questions and to have available to Department Personnel upon request.

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DHEC 2958 (9/2014)

/ Bureau of Air Quality
Registration Permit Application
Fuel Combustion Operations
Page 1 of 2
SC Air Permit Number (8-digits only)
(Leave blank if one has never been assigned)
- / Application Date
Facility Name
(This should be the name used to identify the facility at the physical address listed below) / Facility Federal Tax Identification Number
(Established by the U.S. Internal Revenue Service to identify a business entity)
Physical Address: / County:
City: / State: SC / Zip Code:
Facility Coordinates(Facility coordinates should be based at the front door or main entrance of the facility.)
Latitude: / Longitude: / NAD27(North American Datum of 1927)
NAD83 (North American Datum of 1983)
Primary Products / Services(List the primary product and/or service)
Primary SIC Code(Standard Industrial Classification Codes) / Primary NAICS Code(North American Industry Classification System)
Other Products / Services(List any other products and/or services)
Other SIC Code(s): / Other NAICS Code(s):
(Person at the facility who can answer technical questions about the facility and permit application.)
Title/Position: / First Name: / Last Name:
Mailing Address:
City: / State: / Zip Code:
E-mail Address: / Phone No.: / Cell No.:
Title/Position: / First Name: / Last Name:
Mailing Address:
City: / State: / Zip Code:
E-mail Address: / Phone No.: / Cell No.:
I certify we meet the criteria established for this Registration Permit for Fuel Combustion Operations and agree to the conditions and terms of this Registration Permit for Fuel Combustion Operations. I certify, to the best of my knowledge and belief, that no applicable standards and/or regulations will be contravened or violated. I certify that any application form, report, or compliance certification submitted in this permit application is true, accurate, and complete based on information and belief formed after reasonable inquiry. I understand that any statements and/or descriptions, which are found to be incorrect, may result in the immediate revocation of any permit issued for this application.
Signature of Owneror Operator / Date
The Bureau of Air Quality (BAQ) will determine if a facility meets the criteria to qualify for coverage under this permit.
Does the facility only have the following sources: boilers, emergency generators, non-emergency generators, storage tanks, ethylene oxide sterilizer (if located at a hospital), and sources exempt as outlined in S.C. Regulation 61-62.1, Section II(B)? / YesNo
Is the maximum size for any single boiler burning fuels other than natural gas and propane 30 million BTU/hr heat input capacity or less? / YesNo
Is the combination of all boilers on site, regardless of the fuels burned, less than 100 million BTU/hr total heat input capacity? / YesNo
For boilers, are they equipped with Low NOX burners? / Yes (include copy of manufacture data showing emission’s information for NOX)
Not Applicable
For boilers, have the burners been replaced since June 25, 2004? / Yes (include copy of DHEC form 2935)
Not Applicable
Are the generators certified by the manufacturer to meet EPA’s non-road diesel engine emission standards/tiers? If yes, include documentation with this application showing the generators meet the EPA non-road emission standards/tiers. / YesNo
Do the non-emergency generators operate 500 hours per year or less? / YesNo
For generators, are they equipped with a method to record the actual hours of use such as an hour meter? / YesNo
Not Applicable / If yes, please indicate how they record the actual hours of use.
Do the fuel combustion sources only burn natural gas, propane, virgin No. 2 fuel oil, virgin diesel, or Biodiesel that meets ASTM D6751? / YesNo
Is the sulfur content for all fuels burned equal to or less than 0.05% by weight? / YesNo
Has the facility received an exemption to burn any fuel other than natural gas, propane, virgin No. 2 fuel oil, virgin diesel, or Biodiesel that meets ASTM D6751? / YesNo
Not Applicable / If yes, when was the exemption granted?
Were the emissions calculated using AP-42, manufacture data, or other method? / AP-42
Manufacture Data (attach copy)
Other Method (include additional explanation with sample calculations)
Is the facility wide potential to emit less than 100 tons per year for each of the following pollutants: PM, PM10, PM2.5, SO2, NOX, CO, and VOC? / YesNo
Is the facility wide potential to emit less than 10 tons per year for any single hazardous air pollutant (HAP) and less than 25 tons per year for all combined HAPs? / YesNo

DHEC 2958 (9/2014)

/ Bureau of Air Quality
Registration Permit Application
Fuel Combustion Operations –Equipment List
Page 1 of 1
Action / Equipment / Rated Capacity / Units / Description** / Fuels Burned/Stored / Dates
Other / Boiler
Emergency Generator
Non-emergency Generator*
Storage Tank
Ethylene Oxide Sterilizer
Other / MMBTU/hr
Other / Natural Gas
No. 2 Fuel Oil
Diesel Fuel
Other / Manufacture Date:
Installation Date

*Peak Shaving Generators are considered Non-emergency generators

**Should be a brief description of the type of source (examples: fire tube boiler, four-stroke spark ignited engine (Rich Burn), etc.)

DHEC 2958 (9/2014)