[ ] 4/27/2014 #1056


"Living In The End Times"

1Peter 4:7-11 part 23

INTRODUCTION: Someone said: "I believe the health of a church is measured not by the number of people who attend or the size of the offering, but by how many people are involved in ministry." How healthy is this church. Have you served faithfully the Lord, the church and this community?



Christians should be motivated to live for the Lord in light of His return. We should be living expecting His glorious appearing. We are looking for new heavens and a new earth "in which dwelleth righteousness." (2 Pet. 3:13) In First John 3:3 we read, "every man that hath this hope in Him purifieth himself even as He is pure."

The Old and New Testaments predicts Christ's return and rule over all of creation. Jesus came the first time to earth to redeem fallen man from sin. He died to pay the penalty of man's sin.He rosefrom the grave and He is now seated at the Father's right hand. Peter wrote to these believers to remind them of Christ's return.


Peter exhorted them to be prepared and to watch for the Lord's return. Jesus said: "Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh." (Matthew 24:44)


The life of a Christian is to be lived differently from the world. We know Jesus is returning to judge the living and the dead. (1 Pet. 4:5) Peter encouraged these believers to live for the Lord.

"Wherefore, beloved, seeing that ye look for such things, be diligent that ye may be found of him in peace, without spot, and blameless." (2 Peter 3:14)

A. LIFE OF SELF CONTROL. The word "sober" in this verse does not mean to abstain from the use of alcoholic beverages. It means "to be of a sound mind, to exercise self-control." Christians are to remain calm in the end times, alert to the things taking place around them. Spiritual maturity results in Christians having the mind of Christ. Spiritual maturity is evident by the self control that the Christian has when he faces crisis in his life.

B. LIFE OF PRAYER.Jesus spent much time in prayer. It so impressed His disciples they asked Him to teach them to pray. Effective praying occurs when a person is under the control of the Spirit. These believers whom Peter wrote to were expecting things to end soon. They were to make prayer an essential part of their lives. They were to be serious in praying. Prayer is the greatest privilege and the greatest source of divine help in the life of a Christian.

C. LIFE OF LOVE.Suffering has a way of bringing people together. If you doubt that, visit the intensive care waiting room in any hospital. Believers have experienced great comfort from each other during times of suffering and persecution. Love is like a healing balm between believers. Christians are to have fervent love for one another. Fervent love means it stretches forth to the point of straining to express care and concern to others.

Peter wrote that "love shall cover the multitude of sins." This phrase does not mean we are to be blind to sin. It means we do not broadcast the sins and failures of another Christian in church or in the community. Love forgives and love helps to restore a brother or sister in the Lord. We are to overlook the many wrongs done to us and the short coming in others.

D. LIFE OF HOSPITALITY. Fervent love is seen in the attitude and action of a Christian being hospitable to people. The word "hospitality" means "love for strangers." In Peter's day, people did not have hotels to stay in during their travels. Preachers, missionaries, and other Christians depended upon the hospitality of Christians to care for their needs. Christians are to show hospitality without complaining.



The word "minister" means "to be a servant, attendant, to serve, wait upon, to wait at a table and offer food and drink to the guests." This is where we get the word deacon. Deacons are to be servants to the congregation. Every Christian is to be a servant within the body of Christ.

The word "manifold" means various colors. The gifts of God's grace are not all the same. They may differ uniquely in the life of two believers. Two people may have the gift of teaching, but they have different styles of communicating the same truths found in God's Word. Two men may have the gift of preaching. One may emphasize love and forgiveness and the other may emphasize God's wrath and judgment. They both are used by God to accomplish His will.

Peter taught that every Christian has at least one spiritual gift. Whatever that gift might be, it is to be used to minister to other people. The word "steward" means "one who rules a house" or "house manager." God will hold us responsible for the spiritual gift or gifts He has bestowed on us. Stewards are to be faithful. (1 Cor. 4:2) The church is weakened when members fail to use their God given gifts for the benefit of the entire congregation.

Illustration:Several women were visiting elderly Mrs. Diamond who was very ill. After a while, they rose to leave and told her, "Esther, we will keep you in our prayers." The ailing woman said: "Just wash the dishes in the kitchen, I can do my own praying."

B. GRACE TO MINISTER. (v. 10) "manifold grace of God"

Peter mentioned two categories of spiritual gifts. There are speaking gifts and serving gifts. Every believer is equipped and empowered to use his God given spiritual gift. Spiritual gifts are the result of God's grace and they are to be used in the strength God provides. (Rom. 12:6-16)

1. Speaking gifts. (v. 11) "If any man speak"

Speaking gifts are preaching, teaching, or some other form of communicating the Word of God. Those who communicate the Word of God must be careful that the things they say are in accordance to the Bible.

2. Serving gifts. (v. 11) "if any man minister"

Serving gifts include such ministries as administration, exercising helps, counseling, comforting, preparing of food, transportation, etc.

C. GLORY IN MINISTERING. (v. 11) "that God in all things may be glorified"

The work of the ministry is for the edifying of the body of Christ. (Eph. 4:12) The Lord is to receive the glory in everything spoken in His name and in every service rendered in His name. The church is to be a place filled with praise and glory to the Lord. (Eph. 3:21)

In World War II, a little French town had a statue of Jesus in their town square. When the bombing came, the statue was damaged and pieces were broken off. They stored the pieces, and after the war, they began to rebuild the statue. It had cracks now, but they appreciated it even more. But to their dismay, the only pieces they couldn’t find were the hands of Jesus. That troubled them because the hands had the nail prints and that was significant to them. They thought they would have to take the statue down, until one person placed a gold plaque at the bottom of the statue that read, “He has no hands but ours.”


We are living in the end times. Jesus warned of the danger of becoming careless in our Christian walk. Those who are unfaithful stewards of their gifts will suffer lost and be filled with regret. How can we stand before the Lord knowing of all His sufferings and service for us when we have done so little? (Matt. 24:48-51) Those who are faithful stewards of the gift of grace will be rewarded and blessed by the Lord. Matt. 24:44-47) Serve the Lord. You will bring glory to Him and be a blessing to people. You will be eternally thankful you did.