Yerbury Primary School School Development Plan 2015-6

Underpinning this document is the following ethos statement:

'Yerbury is a richly diverse learning community which values the uniqueness of every child. We know that happy, interested and secure children learn best. We offer a caring and stimulating environment which allows children to become independent and grow. Staff, children, parents and carers work together in a culture of collaboration and mutual support. We foster the long term development and personal achievements of every child within our broad curriculum and in the immeasurable learning beyond it. We provide a challenging, relevant and creative school experience which nurtures a sense of social responsibility and inspires life-long learning'

Yearly overview:

2013-4 / 2014-5 / 2015-16
Main focus:
Quality of Teaching and Learning / The progress of FSM and More-able / Differentiation across the whole school (EYFS, KS1, KS2) and across all ability ranges / Developing the teaching and learning of SPAG across the school
Specific focus 1:
Curriculum / Developing T&L of PE / Embed New Curriculum and develop Assessment system / Embed new assessment and develop the understanding of ‘mastery’. Consider the assessment of foundation subjects
Specific focus 2:
Leadership / Understanding implications of New Curriculum and Assessment / Further develop distributed leadership across senior and middle leaders / Consolidate distributed leadership systems and practices, and further develop middle leadership potential
Specific focus 3:
Strategic Management / Developing ICT capacity / PP – continue to use PP funding to close gap / Further developing the effective use of additional adults in the classroom
Subsidiary focus / Outdoor learning / EYFS – (Year 1 of 2-year plan) Further develop overall provision, teaching and learning, and leadership / EYFS – (Year 2 of 2-year plan) with a focus on continuing to close the gap between boys and girls GLD, and further developing leadership
Main whole school focus: Developing the teaching and learning of SPAG across the school
Actions: / Lead person / people: / Outcomes/ Impact: / Resource implications: / Time frame & monitored by: / Evaluation:
All staff are aware of spelling, grammar and punctuation expectations for their year group, including raised expectations. / AHT / All teachers will be confident in planning for their year group / DHT – September 2015
Whole-School spelling policy developed to ensure progression through the school and weekly spelling focus in each class linked to the policy is implemented. / SPAG lead / There is clear progression through-out the school, and spelling is specifically taught. / Purchase SoW / AHT – July 2016
Teachers have mapped coverage of grammar curriculum for the year (embedding grammar objectives within genre units and English lessons). / CTs / Grammar is taught within context and as an integral part of writing – not stand- alone. / SPAG lead
SPAG lead undertakes targeted CPD. / SPAG lead
AHT / SPAG lead is confident to disseminate good practice / £300 / AHT – over the course of the year, the earlier , the better, but dependent on availability.
Teaching staff have in-house grammar CPD led by SPAG and English Lead. / SPAG lead
AHT / All staff are confident in teaching new grammar expectations / DHT – January 2016
Effectiveness of ‘Spelling Journals’ reviewed. / SPAG lead / SJ are used consistently if effective / AHT – Spring term
Regular spelling homework scheme considered, identified and initiated (if appropriate). / SPAG lead / The learning of spellings bridges home and school. / Potentially purchase new SoW / AHT – by July 2016
Year 2/ 6 staff are familiar with format of SPAG test format and are acutely aware of expectations, marking scheme etc. / AHT/ DHT / Teachers, as much as possible, are able to plan for the administration of the tests, and the teaching needed. / Purchase 3rd party practice paper
£200 / DHT/HT – by April 2016
Julia Marriott working with teachers on embedding spelling strategies in the classroom. / Dyslexia Specialist / Whole school spelling policy takes into account all children’s needs and links back to the classroom. / SENCO - ongoing
SENCO and Dyslexia Specialist working towards Dyslexia Friendly School Quality Mark. / Dyslexia Specialist & SENCO / Whole school spelling policy takes into account all children’s needs. / DHT – ongoing
End date: July 2017
Val Rutt providing small group work for children with needs related to EAL. / Literacy Specialist / All children’s needs are catered for. / AHT - ongoing
Note progression of aspects of SPAG in book look. / SPAG lead/ AHT / The implementation of the raised expectations are monitored. / AHT/ DHT - Termly
SPAG leader to deliver exemplar lessons where grammar is being taught in context + to monitor the teaching of SPAG across school. / SPAG lead AHT / All teachers feel confident in delivering SPAG and have seen excellent practice modelled. / AHT – Spring Term
Success Criteria: / Evidence: (by September 2016)
Yerbury has an informed and research whole school teaching of SPAG approach which still focuses on developing writers, not writing.
Yerbury end-of-year Y6 data shows that the children at Yerbury achieve higher than Islington and National average in SPAG, with FSM achieving at least above national FSM, or in line with National ‘other’.
Specific Focus 1: Embed new assessment and develop the understanding of ‘mastery’. Consider the assessment of foundation subjects
Actions: / Lead person / people: / Outcomes/ Impact: / Resource implications: / Time frame & monitored by: / Evaluation:
DHT to continue working in partnership with the Future Zone to finalise a comprehensive and well-informed assessment system for Yerbury. / DHT / Yerbury has a comprehensive and well-informed assessment system for Sept 2016. / FZ membership
(includes other benefits) / HT - ongoing
Autumn term training for teaching staff from DHT on Yerbury approach for assessment for 2015/6 and how to assess without levels. / DHT / Staff are clear about the approach through the year. / Inset Day September 2015
Termly approach to assessment to be taken, focussing deeply on one area of learning per term. This is also in line with the FZ to ensure we are moderating with other schools. / DHT / A depth of understanding is built and the process is manageable. / £1,500 / HT - termly
A partnership with a local school with similar demographic and similar results to Yerbury to be established during the year to ensure the assessment system works for high-achievers at Yerbury. / DHT / Yerbury can moderate with schools of a similar demographic who face similar challenges. / HT – Nov 2015
Teachers to set initial predictions, as far as possible. / DHT / High expectations are maintained. / HT – October 2015
Pupil progress review meetings to be adapted due to the new assessment system to ensure the progress of all children in Ma, Writing and Reading is being discussed. / DHT / Pupil progress remains a focus during this period of uncertainty. / HT – termly review by Nov ‘15
Subject leaders to research assessment within their subject, to inform whether/ how to assess all foundations subjects from September 2016. / SLs / SLT can make an informed decision regarding foundation subject assessment. / £600
2 x CPD / DHT/AHTs – Summer 1
Develop an understanding of ‘Mastery’, with a particular focus in maths. Maths subject leader to attend CPD and inform staff/ Gov discussion and whole school policy. / Maths SL / Whole school policy is informed. / £300 / AHT – Nov ‘15
Maths SL to research approaches and then lead staff training on ‘Mastery’. / Maths SL / Staff feel confident in differentiating for all pupils. / AHT – Spring ‘16
Lesson observations and in book looks to focus on ‘mastery’ in the summer term. / SLT / SLT are informed on what ‘Mastery’ looks like in practice. / HT – Summer ‘16
Success Criteria: / Evidence: (by September 2016)
For Yerbury to start September 2016 with a fully functioning skeleton of an assessment system to build on and be reviewed over 2016/7.
Specific Focus 2: Consolidate distributed leadership systems and practices, and further develop middle leadership potential
Actions: / Lead person / people: / Outcomes/ Impact: / Resource implications: / Time frame & monitored by: / Evaluation:
Refine the staffing structure after first year, and include phase leadership responsibility within DHT/AHT roles. / SLT / Responsibilities reflect new staff and procedures become embedded. / HT – Sept ‘15
Phase leadership ‘pathways’ to be put into place, including fortnightly phase leadership meetings. / SLT / Middle-leadership posts to be a possibility in the future. Staff development and retention. / HT - Sept ‘15
Continue to develop the skills of subject leaders through 1-2-1 meetings with line-managers who meet termly to discuss progress within area of responsibility. / SLT / SLs are held to account for time, progress and budget; develop understanding of leadership / HT - ongoing
Spring term optional programme for staff members to partake in (excluding NQTs) which will include workshops on (amongst others) observing lessons, managing difficult conversations, the difference between leadership and management. / DHT / Staff development and retention. / £2,000 / Starting in Jan ‘16
Research different models of middle leadership to inform future staffing structure. / HT / Ensuring that future leadership developments are right for Yerbury. / Autumn ‘15
For Subject Leaders to attend cluster group meetings and borough network meetings / AHT-KS2, AHT-EYFS/KS1 and DHT / Subject leaders stay abreast with new developments and make links with other SLs / On-going
All new staff to receive an induction, including CP and Safeguarding / DHT & NQT mentor / Staff are clear about policies and processes / September 2015
All NQTs to be allocated an NQT induction mentor and have appropriate training and support across the year / NQT mentor / 2 NQTs are supported and given best possible start at Yerbury / ~£2500 / DHT - termly
CPD is closely linked to areas for development and to aspirations highlighted in appraisals / DHT / Staff feel supported, they develop, and provision for the children improves / £10,000 / SLT & HT – termly, linked to class focuses and appraisals
Success Criteria: / Evidence: (by September 2016)
Yerbury has the systems in place to create a middle leadership tier for September 2016
Both NQTs achieve Qualified Teacher Status
Specific Focus 3: Further developing the effective use of additional adults in the classroom
Actions: / Lead person / people: / Outcomes/ Impact: / Resource implications: / Time frame & monitored by: / Evaluation:
TA line manager to attend CPD on maximising impact of Teaching Assistants / AHT / SLT can make an informed decision on effective practice and research. / £300 / September 2015
Regular training for Teaching Assistants / AHT / TAs are kept up-to-date on skills/ knowledge needed. / Every 2 weeks - HT
Regular, formal observation feedback for Teaching Assistants as part of Class Focus week. / SLT / TAs feel valued and are able to develop professionally through feedback. Quality of provision is monitored. / Termly - HT
Implement an appraisal cycle for Teaching Assistants / AHT / SLT are aware of TA aspirations and can endeavour to cater for these. / Spring Term - HT
Audit Teaching Assistant Skills and develop pathways for TAs to continue development of skills/ acquire formal qualifications. / AHT / TAs and support staff are able to further support children to a high level. / £500 or more if specific need is identified which benefits the school / Summer Term -HT
Deliver CPD to teachers on current research on how to ensure that TAs are deployed effectively in classroom. / AHT / Support staff are very effectively deployed in the classroom. / Autumn ’15 -HT
A part of teachers’ appraisal target is focussed on TA deployment. / HT / On-going discussion and focus is given to effective deployment. / Autumn ’15 - HT
Feedback in lesson observations includes the deployment of additional adults by the teacher. / SLT / Support is in place to help teachers manage TAs effectively. / Termly - HT
Regular TA meetings. / AHT / TAs are given CPD and can discuss areas for development. / Start in Autumn – fortnightly
To consider further training for TAs so that they can deliver intervention schemes (eg. catch-up etc). / AHT / High quality intervention is available for children. / £1500
Success Criteria: / Evidence: (by September 2016)
Additional adult deployment is observed as a strength across the school in class focus weeks.
All support staff have an appraisal, are given individual feedback about their performance, and have their CPD needs met in line with school priorities.
Specific Focus 3: EYFS – (Year 2 of 2-year plan) with a focus on continuing to close the gap between boys and girls GLD, and further developing leadership
Actions: / Lead person / people: / Outcomes/ Impact: / Resource implications: / Time frame & monitored by: / Evaluation:
Teachers promote good progress and outcomes by all pupils, with a particular focus on narrowing the gap between boys and girls achieving the end-of-year expectation (GLD in Rec). / CTs
AHT / Research and provision development are focused on narrowing the gap. / £600 / HT
June 2016
Staff to contribute to and implement action plan arising from INSET in January 2016 on developing provision for boys. / CTs
AHT / The provision in EYFS continues/ secures its journey from Good to Outstanding. / £500 / HT
January 2015
All staff develop a sound understanding of how boys learn, how this differs to how girls learn, and how to adapt the every-day provision in order to maximise learning for boys. / CTs
AHT / Provision enables boys to achieve more in line with girls at the end of EYFS. / HT
July 2016
Above to be evident in observations, class focuses and profile books, as well as in continuous provision. / CTs
AHT / Monitoring enables EYFS leader to monitor progress. / HT - ongoing
Reception teachers to attend all 3 Cluster-meetings and school moderation meetings, be well prepared for them, and feed back any findings to ensure they continue to track children effectively, and to become confident in the new baseline assessment for September 2016. / CTs
AHT / Developing confidence in teachers and ensuring accurate tracking. / HT – by end of year
To further develop speaking and listening within the EYFS to ensure that children move into the next year being confident at expressing themselves and formulating full sentences verbally. / CTs
En lead / Further improving Sp&L which is aimed at addressing/ catering for the needs of both boys and FSM. / £300 / HT – July 2016
For all teachers to be part of the whole school SPAG training across the year / CTs / All teachers in the school are confident in understanding and delivering the raised expectations in SPAG. / HT – ongoing
Use of profile books as part of the EYFS assessment process to be reviewed / CTs
AHT / Profile books are manageable and useful / HT
January 2016 & June 2016
Continue to work with LBI EYFS service to further improvement provision in EYFS. / AHT
CTs / All children’s needs are met and the provision and environment are appealing, exciting and challenging for all / £500 / HT – July 2016
Further develop and refine the EYFS leadership role to develop future phase leadership role. / AHT / Staff development opportunities and retention in the future. / HT – July 2016
Support staff to have training in how learning through play is effective in N&R. / AHT / All staff, in particular support staff, are confident at ‘learning through play’. / HT – July 2016
Success Criteria: / Evidence: (by September 2016)
The gap between boys and girls achieving the GLD is reduced.
The gap between PP and NPP achieving the GLD is reduced.